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Last Gasp for Forsake the troops

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My gosh.. about time he was told what people think of his "opinions". He was exactly what I imgained as well.. What I wouldn't have given to have been working for Fox on that day.
Great reading from this site about our friend.
I love that guy. (The one telling Crook how much of a dumbass he is, I mean.) I wish I could record it and play it over and over and over.
Frederik G said:
I love that guy. (The one telling Crook how much of a dumbass he is, I mean.) I wish I could record it and play it over and over and over.
Umm..you can, just save the file... ;D
The first commentator was almost as moronic as Crook... he sounded like a broken record.  I almost had sympathy for Crook, till the second commentator exposed just how truly intellectually deficient he is.  And I guess he's not dead.. 

I don't think that Crooke moron could've come of looking worse than he did. His arguements(moronic as they may be) were just decimated. Good for Foxnews.

By the way, it is just me or does he look strangely similar to Howard Huges?
The first commentator lost his own dignity when he called this moron...well, a moron.  But overall, it was embarrassing to watch - and delicious at the same time.  The little boy, wearing the only suit his mommy bought him from Sears for high school graduation, looked inbred on top of it all....
I thought he looked a lot like Balki from Perfect Strangers


Michael Dorosh said:
looked inbred on top of it all....

Thats very, very true, not to mention he looked like he was wearing eye liner/shadow and white make-up. That man, if you could call IT such a thing, is despicable. IMHO you should never put down the troops fighting the war, just the government that put them there.

Sheerin said:
I thought he looked a lot like Balki from Perfect Strangers


In comparison, "Balki" is a greek god. Seriously.
Belky looked like he got more sun than this guy. I don't think this moron will show his face on TV anymore; and now that this video is going to be circulating military message boards, I don't think he will be going outside as much (little) as he did before.
IO think that's the best way to deal with people like that...just make them look stupd and thus trivialize them to the point where they;

A: do something stupid and get locked up or killed. :skull:

B: slink away, never to be heard from again! :-[

Now Crook really ios "dead!" :D

Slim :salute:
Sheerin said:
The first commentator was almost as moronic as Crook... he sounded like a broken record.   I almost had sympathy for Crook



Not slinging any shyte or flaming here, but I bet you'd feel different if you were fighting over there, or worse, if it was your son or brother who was killed.

Even though Hannity is right winged (and was letting his emotions run over on live TV) , he is right, broken record or not, stating the US military gave the US citizens freedom, and the price of young men's lives is fact. We can't deny that. We, including us Canadians should not take our freedom for granted, after all over 100,000 Canadians gave their lives in the last century alone, defending what Hannity has simply stated, albeit to this to this waste of skin, Crooks.

I think the majority of us feel the same way towards this idiot as both Hannity and Coombes (left wing and more reserved). Their program is a left/right view of current affairs, and it has great ratings. If I am home and up, due to the time change (its piped in live here in Australia, I watch Fox when I can.
Sheerin said:
I thought he looked a lot like Balki from Perfect Strangers


Now that I will agree on  ;D.
Truly a thing of beauty to watch... heh heh...

i felt no pity for crook... got what he deserved... the personal attacks just made the interveiwer look weak. but regardless... Crooks entire basis for his argument was destroyed in that interveiw.

and good on fox for doing it....

even though normally their news is at best lacking....
What a scumbag that guy is! That site (kind of ashamed I went there) is total hatred.  I don't understand people like that.
I still have the sneaking suspicion that this guy doesn't actually care about the US military or their personell, and that he's actually doing this to get his 15 minutes of fame.  He seems like a misguided individual who doesn't have much in his life and as such concocted this entire website as a giant "HEY LOOK AT ME" message.

Of course he could just be incredibly stupid.

Oh man oh man.. I wish that guy got conscripted! Then people will express of few of their oppinions (while leaving a bruise or two ::))

Yea, I agree with the fact that the first interviewer was kind of weak. He repeated the same thing over and over and over and over and over... <<<much like that sentence<<<

Crook looked like an idiot.. so all in all I say it was a good interview  ;)
for some reason the video wont work for me. it is just a blank screen.  i still don't know who this guy is but i can tell by how everyone feels he is not very well liked.
from his own stupid website
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