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Latest Fashion Fad for Women ??????

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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What is with this latest fad in women's fashions?  The tunic top?  Why do so many women wear these tunics that make them look like they are pregnant?  I watched a bit of E-Talk Daily where two of the ugliest women on TV were wearing these tops that made them both look like they were wearing maternity wear.........and they were commenting on how Jay Lo looked pregnant....... ::)

It is almost as bad as 300 lb women wearing spandex.
George Wallace said:
I watched a bit of E-Talk Daily
George, I'm shocked !!!!
I have to agree with you, those tunic-tops aren't the most becoming (they do, however, hide a multitude of sins).

Some tunic tops are okay:


I find it's the smock tops that make women look pregnant:


I hated maternity clothes even when I was pregnant!!  All those stupid baby patterns.  As one comedienne said, "I'm having a baby, not becoming one!"

I have a couple tunic tops. I like 'em.

They are damn comfortable.

I'm with Vern on this one.


I'm a little disappointed to learn though that going for "cool and comfortable" on hot days, isn't regarded as looking "hot" by George.  :-[

decisions .... decisions ...  >:D
Vern... you are a hottie.
Even if you were in a jute sack, you'd still be a hottie witch
geo said:
Vern... you are a hottie.
Even if you were in a jute sack, you'd still be a hottie witch

I didn't mean it that way!!

LOL. I meant it in the way that "No wonder we women are always wondering what to wear and changing our outfits!!"

It's all men's fault!!  >:D

"Do I look good in this outfit ... or do I look am I cool and comfortable."   ;D

And, being the man ... do you know what today's correct answer to the question is??!!??  >:D
Oh Georgey,

And here I thought you were talking about some sort of military fad that these gals were wearing....



and men get the last word too... "yes dear"
the 48th regulator said:
Oh Georgey,

And here I thought you were talking about some sort of military fad that these gals were wearing....



I did at first too Tess. I had no idea that those shirts I own were called "tunic tops" until Moe posted the pics.  :D

George is lamenting the downfall of eyecandy to look at whilst roaming the streets and malls these days ... because those shirts are all over the place!!  ;D
Looking hot or comfortable? I'll vote for looking hot. Sadly the tunic top looks does not look good on many women.
kratz said:
Looking hot or comfortable? I'll vote for looking hot. Sadly the tunic top looks does not look good on many women.

So, if your significant other had on a tunic top and said

"How do I look?"

Your answer would be ... "not too hot -- change into something less comfortable."

NOT the right answer, but boy would I enjoy being there when you gave it!!  ;D
I've said not too hot and maintained a low profile many times.  ;D

Honesty keeps the redunant questions from being  asked too often.
kratz said:
I've said not too hot and maintained a low profile many times.  ;D

Honesty keeps the redunant questions from being  asked too often.

Yeah, and I imagine that "keeping the low profile" bit is also conducive to that pot missing your head!!  >:D
After saying the tunic is not hot, consider ducking pots, rolling pins ect as taking my training home and keeping skills sharp.  ;) ;D
If you dont like it.....smoke it !!!

CDN Aviator said:
If you dont like it.....smoke it !!!


OMG!! That IS AN UGLY tunic top. Not hot ... and NOT pretty at all.

Even I wouldn't wear it, and I don't even think I'd have to ask the "how do I look" question -- already knowing it's answer full well !!
PMedMoe said:
Some tunic tops are okay:


I find it's the smock tops that make women look pregnant:


I hated maternity clothes even when I was pregnant!!  All those stupid baby patterns.  As one comedienne said, "I'm having a baby, not becoming one!"

Exactly.  Good taste or bad taste comes into play.  What looks good on one person, looks like crap on another.  Some people still don't know these basic fashion facts.  Heck!  I can't wear a lot of clothes that look stylish on others.  I don't have the same body. 

As for E Talk Daily, I was not at all impressed with the two, "T&T" (Tanya Kim and whoever).  In fact they looked gross.  They both looked like they were pregnant and were having not only a bad hair day, but a bad makeup day.  Grossssss.