Jarnhamar said:How did you lose your leave?
So for example, Bob and Jim both get 25 days a year. Bob uses all his leave before end of Feb so he's happy. Jim puts in a leave pass to use 3 weeks of annual so he can go to Alberta to visit family but is instead told we don't need you to work right now so you are still on leave but you can't visit your family now and need to stay within 250km of your home but wait, Jim is told a couple days later don't leave your room unless going for a walk or you need to get essential items. Meanwhile, Bob is also off sitting in his room but at least he didn't need to use his vacation to do that.
People can say life isn't fair all they want and they'd be right but it doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't mean people are wrong or selfish because they speak up. The CDS could issue an order allowing mbr's to accumulate those days or direct units to grant CTO or Special when this is over for the amount of days the member had available to be used within a certain time period. If they wanted to piss people off this is one way to do it.