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Legal Pot for Canada (and the taxes from it)

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Army.ca Veteran
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PuckChaser said:
We're taxing the new legal weed. Sounds like a great place to find $5B to bring us up to a respectable budget.

Not that much I think. The intention is to make it affordable so people won't turn to the black market. Hell you have to be 19 for a drink but 18 to get high.
Chief Stoker said:
Not that much I think. The intention is to make it affordable so people won't turn to the black market. Hell you have to be 19 for a drink but 18 to get high.

The age is not set in the legislation - age will be set by each province and territory separately
PPCLI Guy said:
The age is not set in the legislation - age will be set by each province and territory separately

Interesting, hopefully not less than 19 then.
Chief Stoker said:
Interesting, hopefully not less than 19 then.

If it is tied or matched to the Provincial Liquor Legislations on age limits, then you may see some provinces legislating for 18 years of age.
I would have liked to see the federal legislation set a minimum age from which provinces could establish their own older thresholds.
MCG said:
I would have liked to see the federal legislation set a minimum age from which provinces could establish their own older thresholds.

There have been medical studies that could justify that, if the Government would find such legislation necessary.  I, however, feel that the Liberal Government will ignore medical research and go for the "votes" instead.
PPCLI Guy said:
The age is not set in the legislation - age will be set by each province and territory separately

Not completely true.  The federal government set a minimum age of 18, so there is age in the legislation, just the room for each province to set a higher limit as they see fit.

I see this as allowing provinces to set the age as it does for alcohol, which I suspect will allow them to sell in their respective liquor distribution systems; but time will tell.

Overall, good first start, I look forward to seeing the amendments at committee!
MCG said:
I would have liked to see the federal legislation set a minimum age from which provinces could establish their own older thresholds.

The legislation does state a minimum age of 18, and allowing for the provinces to have higher thresholds.
Part of the argument for legalization is to remove the criminal element from the equation.  There will always be criminal involvement, as long as 13 year old kids want to get high, so you're not really removing them, just changing their target demographic.
Does this mean drug testing for the military is going away, as the drug stays in your system from 10 to 90 days depending on frequency unlike alcohol.
Chief Stoker said:
Does this mean drug testing for the military is going away, as the drug stays in your system from 10 to 90 days depending on frequency unlike alcohol.

I don't think so. I think there's scope in the NDA to proscribe marijuana, under the "not prescribed by a qualified medical provider" perspective.

I'm also not convinced that the "it's legal" or even the alcohol is legal argument is entirely valid, given how little we still know about the drug.
ModlrMike said:
I don't think so. I think there's scope in the NDA to proscribe marijuana, under the "not prescribed by a qualified medical provider" perspective.

Interesting I have heard more than one conversation at work saying they will be using when the new laws come into affect.
Chief Stoker said:
Interesting I have heard more than one conversation at work saying they will be using when the new laws come into affect.

Interesting.  If they use the "alcohol is legal" argument, they seem to then be forgetting that alcohol is not tolerated in the work place.  Alcohol use while not in the work place is tolerated.  The same concept should then be applied by these folks.....Should it not?
George Wallace said:
Interesting.  If they use the "alcohol is legal" argument, they seem to then be forgetting that alcohol is not tolerated in the work place.  Alcohol use while not in the work place is tolerated.  The same concept should then be applied by these folks.....Should it not?

When I say they will use, then I would assume at home just like having a drink. What about on ship alongside in a foreign port? There's all kinds of questions to be answered in regards to the military being allowed to use.
Chief Stoker said:
What about on ship alongside in a foreign port?

In some countries, Japan for example, that could result in a long jail term.
You just know that there's going to be someone who forgets that possession is still illegal in many countries.
George Wallace said:
Interesting.  If they use the "alcohol is legal" argument, they seem to then be forgetting that alcohol is not tolerated in the work place.  Alcohol use while not in the work place is tolerated.  The same concept should then be applied by these folks.....Should it not?

The using "alcohol is legal" argument is a red herring and distracts and diverts attention away from the discussion about marijuana and legalization.

I'm waiting for what they're going to set as legal limits for intoxication - there are a couple states in the US that actually have legislated blood levels that define intoxication for driving,flying, etc.  Can't wait to see the looks on faces when they're pulled over for driving stoned.

All the jibber-jabber aside....I think we as a society will rue the day this comes about.... :(
medicineman said:
I'm waiting for what they're going to set as legal limits for intoxication - there are a couple states in the US that actually have legislated blood levels that define intoxication for driving,flying, etc.  Can't wait to see the looks on faces when they're pulled over for driving stoned.

you may be interested in this: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-impaired-driving-changes-1.4069889

From the article:
Three new drug-related offences will be also be created for drivers who have consumed drugs within two hours of driving. A driver who is found to have two nanograms but less than five nanograms of THC per millilitre of blood could face a maximum fine of up to $1,000 (THC is the primary psychoactive found in cannabis). A driver who has a blood level of more than five nanograms of THC, or has been drinking alcohol and smoking pot at the same time, will face a fine and the possibility of jail time. In more serious cases, a drug-impaired driver could face up to 10 years if convicted.
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