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LeoC2s for Armoured Reserve


Army.ca Veteran
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So, the Reg Armoured is getting MGS and LeoC2s are most likely be going to scrapyard.

Why not give Armoured Reserve something cool to do?

Give some Armoured regiments a tank tasking. At least keep some tank capability in our military. It certainly would help with retention as it would be cool to drive around in a tank rather than a cougar.

Am I talking out of my ***, or does this make some sense?
Im baffled at the thought of scrapping Leos. Our forces are strapped for cash as it is, so why not keep em around for training purposes if anything?!
not to start stuff but why should the reserves get a better tank than the reg force?
Originally posted by patty:
[qb] not to start stuff but why should the reserves get a better tank than the reg force? [/qb]
Because there‘s no way to transport the Leo‘s out of the country.
Originally posted by Sh0rtbUs:
[qb] Im baffled at the thought of scrapping Leos. Our forces are strapped for cash as it is, so why not keep em around for training purposes if anything?! [/qb]
You answered your own question. Keeping the Leopards would be expensive as they would have to be fully maintained. What use would they be for training purposes if they are being removed from the order of battle entirely?
I just find it a waste. If anything try and sell them.
and all the armoured reserve units are being retooled into recce...
Why not give Armoured Reserve something cool to do? [/QB]
Operating a tank is almost impossible unless thats all you do...They have to be maintained 24/7.

The reserves could not spend the time fixing the things. Also, in the regs, a crew signs for and is responsible for their own agonywagons. That is part of the responsability of D and M.

The reserves could not do the amount of maint required to keep the tanks operational. And there are not enough reg force people with them to do the required maint.

The tanks would just wind up sitting around broken all the time.
How does US armoured reserve units handle tank maintenance?
Good point Slim.

The reserves just don‘t have the man power to maintain the panzers. Not only must they be maintained they also must be driven and fired on a regular basis or the seals begin to dry up and crack. Other gremlins appear also...hydrolic leaks,recuperator leaks, torsion bars aren‘t exercised. Starting the thing becomes a problem as well. The batteries begin to self discharge without a regular running up.

Even in a tank squadron without taskings must run up the tanks a few days a week, do hydrolic warm ups, stab runs, zero pressure checks... etc.

The cost of having one panzer in a reserve squadron would be a drain on resources that are few and precious as is. Why have it basically rotting in a hanger for the troops to work on it once a week. I worked on my tank EVERYDAY...and still found things to fix or improve upon...even after 2 months in garrison.

Being in a tank crew and being responsible enough to constantly pick at it and improving it in all aspects is just a bit over the edge of what a reserve unit could provide on a daily basis.

You can tell the crews that took care of thier tanks in base and who didn‘t...they didn‘t break down as often. If they did it was something that wasn‘t preventable with routine maintainence.

I have had reservists in my panzers over the years...they were well trained and motivated to work(at least the one‘s I have met) on the tanks. The problem lied in the tanks newences...the inherent problems with every tank...such as:

one tank I had threw the track on every hard right turn..the hull was warped..

another was very touchy at high speeds 80kph or more (no govenor)

another was equiped with a German shift tower...all the reservists that were attached weren‘t familiar with that type of shift control

The list goes on from there.

While it sounds like a good idea to the people out there who haven‘t been in a tank crew before...from the zipperheads that do, sounds like a bad judgement call if it comes to pass..which it won‘t.

The Liberals have made thier descision....

Too bad it‘s not the right one. :rolleyes:

Please don‘t tell me that I‘m getting the last word in on this subject....

There must be someone out there who has a diferent perspective.

Originally posted by Franko:
[qb] Please don‘t tell me that I‘m getting the last word in on this subject....

There must be someone out there who has a diferent perspective.

Regards [/qb]
Nope!.....You laid it out good enough for government work...... :D

Originally posted by Bzzliteyr:
[qb] But Frank.. when were you on tanks?
Bzz [/qb]
Here we go... :skull:


Good old Franko was a tanker (just posted to TSS) when I knew him at the school.
...and you were still trying to lift the sledgehammer to pound track, fresh out of Battle School :D

Yungin‘s... :rolleyes:

How does the US keep all the Abrams, Brads, and AmTracks it has in prepositioned stocks and on their RoRo ships fuctional and maintained?
Originally posted by Marauder:
[qb] How does the US keep all the Abrams, Brads, and AmTracks it has in prepositioned stocks and on their RoRo ships fuctional and maintained? [/qb]
I would imagine that they would have skeleton crews to do periodic maintainance on the vehicles at sea. I also believe that once they drive off at a destination, there is several weeks when the crews that are flown in work overtime to ensure that everything is mechanically sound before heading off into battle.

I think that the res could maintain the Leo's for the following reasons.

1. We have from my unit 30+ pers on callout supporting the reg force at various places, if they can afford them, we could maintain with those pers the Leo's.

2. We have in the past signed for kit, that is not a issue.

3.We could have them driven to keep the systems up from the per we have maintaing them, and when we use them, as we do for the Cougars.

4. We would need however maore $ to do so, it would be less than a reg force unit as the res's operate on a smaller $ than the regs for the same task/work.

5. The army would have to keep the maintainers up to date for the breakdowns as they happen as with the regs did.

The will is not there, and for the res to hold tanks when the regs don't would be a total mindset change, this ain't gonna happen.

It would be easer to pull teeth, that for the res to have a system that overmatches the reg force, hell would have frozen over and most pers in the armoured corps would have to be put in a some form or restrant for fear of going off the deep end :crybaby:.
But I may be wrong, heheheheheh

Leo's would be no cheaper to keep if they were cascaded down to the Res than they are in the Regs.  Parts will still cost the same.  The Reserves don't have the skills and knowledge to maintain them properly and to the fullest.  A Full Time Reservist is no cheaper than a Reg Force soldier.  Facilities would have to be built to house the tanks.  Facilities would have to be built to Train and Maintain the crews and vehicles. 

The BIGGEST reason that the Reserves will not get Tanks is the fact that tanks are heavy and travel on TRACKS.  Tracks tear up roads.  No City, Town or Village in the country would be able to deal with the damage caused by tanks for a prolonged period of time.

And what does "GW? LOL" mean? 

George Wallace said:
-Leo's would be no cheaper to keep if they were cascaded down to the Res than they are in the Regs.  

Never said they would. ???

-Parts will still cost the same.  
See above

-The Reserves don't have the skills and knowledge to maintain them properly and to the fullest.  

BS... Where did the you learn, were the (regular force) born with this knowledge? We would start the same way you did.

-A Full Time Reservist is no cheaper than a Reg Force soldier.  

Wrong! The DND had stated it is cheaper to maintain a res force than a reg force unit, or are they not telling the army and Canadain people the truth. ???

-Facilities would have to be built to house the tanks.  

Why can't we use the same facilities? Did they (goverement) sell the K lines when they sent the Leo's out west?

-Facilities would have to be built to Train and Maintain the crews and vehicles.  
see above

-The BIGGEST reason that the Reserves will not get Tanks is the fact that tanks are heavy and travel on TRACKS.   Tracks tear up roads.   No City, Town or Village in the country would be able to deal with the damage caused by tanks for a prolonged period of time.

We would as regs have done, use them in the training area's, what makes you think we would drive them in our town's and cities?   Did u?

-And what does "GW? LOL" mean?  

It worked , heheheheh, just pullin your chain .......
