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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

Good point these guys raise in their podcast: "If the Liberals death spiral, Poilievre doesn't need to be good" ...
This also presumes it's not going to take a metric shit-ton of stuff for enough voters to unlike Team Red Ottawa enough to dump them, based on how much people have put up with so far.
Good point these guys raise in their podcast: "If the Liberals death spiral, Poilievre doesn't need to be good" ...
This also presumes it's not going to take a metric shit-ton of stuff for enough voters to unlike Team Red Ottawa enough to dump them, based on how much people have put up with so far.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte
In about six months or so I expect the Conservative Leader to be stabbed in the back by his own party . Either that he'll do himself in choked to death by his own foot.
The party has an unfortunate history of both.
The Liberals on the hand have history of unstriving loyalty to their leader even when they shouldn't .
And it really is true, Canadians don't vote Leaders in . They vote them out .
So apparently what's about to happen is that we are going to vote in one political nonentity to replace another political nonentity .
There's a reason I get excited about Canadian federal politics.....ahh , what was it again ?
In about six months or so I expect the Conservative Leader to be stabbed in the back by his own party . Either that he'll do himself in choked to death by his own foot.
The party has an unfortunate history of both.
The Liberals on the hand have history of unstriving loyalty to their leader even when they shouldn't .
And it really is true, Canadians don't vote Leaders in . They vote them out .
So apparently what's about to happen is that we are going to vote in one political nonentity to replace another political nonentity .
There's a reason I get excited about Canadian federal politics.....ahh , what was it again ?
Not sure if you watched the opening of the convention or not but the CPC is riding a wave right now and PP (and his wife) seem to be generating more excitement than any other leader before him. This would be good if an election were imminent.

Two years is a definite possibility for an election.

I only see a potential back stab if polls start dropping again or certain segments of the party are not satisfied with what they perceive. Shooting down the motion to defund the cbc won’t be a popular move for some. More things like that could add up over two years.

For now though the CPC has good morale and momentum.
That's the delegates protecting Radio-Canada en français, not Poilievre protecting the CBC.
That wasn’t what I was implying.

A group of Alberta delegates clearly was making a motion that would be popular and could care less about SRC. This could be seen as pandering to QC.

The point I was making is that if over two years, motions and such by certain groups get shot down or what not then it could as some people have pointed out lead to some backstabbing. And some groups will try and push the enveloppe. Another was a motion to limit PPs powers in nominations and riding associations. That was also voted down.

I personally don’t see it (backstabbing or coups) any time soon though if at all. But 2 years is still a while to go.
That wasn’t what I was implying.

A group of Alberta delegates clearly was making a motion that would be popular and could care less about SRC. This could be seen as pandering to QC.

The point I was making is that if over two years, motions and such by certain groups get shot down or what not then it could as some people have pointed out lead to some backstabbing. And some groups will try and push the enveloppe. Another was a motion to limit PPs powers in nominations and riding associations. That was also voted down.

I personally don’t see it (backstabbing or coups) any time soon though if at all. But 2 years is still a while to go.
I give it six months before at least the planning about any serious coup planning. I suspect that their are already people talking about it .
Nature of the beast.
The CPC have thrown up a few unimpressive SoCon flags that will be a bit of a headwind for them. Poilievre now faces the tricky task of keeping enough of his party’s factions content enough through potentially a two year wait until they can go to the polls. He’s clearly making overtures to Québec, and knows he can afford to take a minor hit in the prairies to do so. Similarly he needs more oomph in urban ridings in Ontario and BC. If he can keep his party gripped and disciplined, he’s in a good position for the foreseeable future. We’ll see if the larger assembly of party power brokers will have the necessary patience to let this play out.
Good article written from someone outside looking in....


Parliament who have handed the most magnificent propaganda victory to the Kremlin. In a war which Putin pretended to start in order to “de-Nazify” Ukraine, how much help has Canada given by your entire Parliament standing to applaud an actual Nazi?

What makes this worse is that this all comes after a period in which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been perfectly happy to call decent, ordinary Canadians Nazis. To use measures like the de-banking of his critics in moves that have horrified most of the other democracies in the West. When a bank in my country of birth — Britain — was recently found to have de-banked a politician (Nigel Farage) for what turned out to be political reasons not only did the head of the bank resign, but politicians in Britain from across the political system condemned the bank. Such moves are unlikely to be taken by another bank in Britain again. But in Canada it seems to be perfectly acceptable, because at any time the Canadian prime minister and deputy prime minister can claim that their critics are homophobes, xenophobes, racists, Nazis, misogynists and all of the rest.

The world — especially America — has looked on in horror as the Canadian government has tried to curtail speech in the country, and looked on with ever-more horror as Canadians seem willing to go along with this. It seems to be the view of the Canadian authorities that they are capable of deciding at the merest glance who is and is not allowed to speak, what is and is not acceptable speech, what any Canadians can and cannot read and who is and who is not a “Nazi.” These being the same authorities who apparently cannot even perform the most basic Google searches on their guests.

... under the Trudeau LPC this country is a disgrace.
Good article written from someone outside looking in....


Parliament who have handed the most magnificent propaganda victory to the Kremlin. In a war which Putin pretended to start in order to “de-Nazify” Ukraine, how much help has Canada given by your entire Parliament standing to applaud an actual Nazi?

What makes this worse is that this all comes after a period in which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been perfectly happy to call decent, ordinary Canadians Nazis. To use measures like the de-banking of his critics in moves that have horrified most of the other democracies in the West. When a bank in my country of birth — Britain — was recently found to have de-banked a politician (Nigel Farage) for what turned out to be political reasons not only did the head of the bank resign, but politicians in Britain from across the political system condemned the bank. Such moves are unlikely to be taken by another bank in Britain again. But in Canada it seems to be perfectly acceptable, because at any time the Canadian prime minister and deputy prime minister can claim that their critics are homophobes, xenophobes, racists, Nazis, misogynists and all of the rest.

The world — especially America — has looked on in horror as the Canadian government has tried to curtail speech in the country, and looked on with ever-more horror as Canadians seem willing to go along with this. It seems to be the view of the Canadian authorities that they are capable of deciding at the merest glance who is and is not allowed to speak, what is and is not acceptable speech, what any Canadians can and cannot read and who is and who is not a “Nazi.” These being the same authorities who apparently cannot even perform the most basic Google searches on their guests.

... under the Trudeau LPC this country is a disgrace.
The best (worst?) observation:

"But a country which used to be regarded as dull but decent now looks indecent and lead by dullards."
Oh, this should be fun to watch ;)

Trudeau must drop his grocery tax threat​

Here’s political irony to ponder while you’re in line at the grocery store waiting to pay your ever-increasing bill.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he’s thinking about making groceries cheaper by imposing a new tax.

Brace yourself because there’s more irony.

The House of Commons already passed legislation that would make food less expensive. In fact, the House passed the legislation twice. But unelected senators are stalling the bill and the prime minister isn’t pushing it.

Here's what’s happening:

“We will take further action and we are not ruling anything out, including tax measures,” Trudeau said.

What do you think Trudeau means when he threatens “tax measures”?

Trudeau means he may give into New Democratic Leader Jagmeet Singh’s demands and put “in place an excess profit tax” on grocery stores.
Going after greedy rich guys – to paraphrase Singh – may seem appealing, but what do the experts say?

“The last thing we want to do is put on a tax that people then just pass along to the consumers.”

No, that wasn’t free-market economist Milton Friedman. That was Trudeau, last year, when CBC asked if he would consider the NDP’s grocery tax.

What changed?

The economic realities Trudeau first described haven’t changed. If the feds impose a new tax on companies that sell food, those new costs will be passed on to people lined up at checkouts.

What changed is that Trudeau’s sliding in the polls and grasping at bad policies.

Meanwhile, an actual opportunity to make food more affordable is ready and waiting.

A day after Trudeau threatened a grocery tax, the Parliamentary Budget Officer released a report about expanding the carbon tax exemption on farm fuels. That would save Canadians about $1 billion through 2030.

Trudeau means he may give into New Democratic Leader Jagmeet Singh’s demands and put “in place an excess profit tax” on grocery stores.

You can make a profit, but not too much of a profit, because that would mean you're a greedy executive.

At this rate all PP and the Cons need to do is absolutely nothing until 2025 and they'll get the majority.
Oh, this should be fun to watch ;)

Trudeau must drop his grocery tax threat​

Here’s political irony to ponder while you’re in line at the grocery store waiting to pay your ever-increasing bill.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he’s thinking about making groceries cheaper by imposing a new tax.

Brace yourself because there’s more irony.

The House of Commons already passed legislation that would make food less expensive. In fact, the House passed the legislation twice. But unelected senators are stalling the bill and the prime minister isn’t pushing it.

Here's what’s happening:

“We will take further action and we are not ruling anything out, including tax measures,” Trudeau said.

What do you think Trudeau means when he threatens “tax measures”?

Trudeau means he may give into New Democratic Leader Jagmeet Singh’s demands and put “in place an excess profit tax” on grocery stores.
Going after greedy rich guys – to paraphrase Singh – may seem appealing, but what do the experts say?

“The last thing we want to do is put on a tax that people then just pass along to the consumers.”

No, that wasn’t free-market economist Milton Friedman. That was Trudeau, last year, when CBC asked if he would consider the NDP’s grocery tax.

What changed?

The economic realities Trudeau first described haven’t changed. If the feds impose a new tax on companies that sell food, those new costs will be passed on to people lined up at checkouts.

What changed is that Trudeau’s sliding in the polls and grasping at bad policies.

Meanwhile, an actual opportunity to make food more affordable is ready and waiting.

A day after Trudeau threatened a grocery tax, the Parliamentary Budget Officer released a report about expanding the carbon tax exemption on farm fuels. That would save Canadians about $1 billion through 2030.


:ROFLMAO: or 😭 or :mad:

'tis a puzzlement.

This is starting feel like Jagmeet's government.

Picking fights with India.

Adopting NDP business models.

“The last thing we want to do is put on a tax that people then just pass along to the consumers.”

No, that wasn’t free-market economist Milton Friedman. That was Trudeau, last year, when CBC asked if he would consider the NDP’s grocery tax.

What changed?

The economic realities Trudeau first described haven’t changed. If the feds impose a new tax on companies that sell food, those new costs will be passed on to people lined up at checkouts.

What changed is that Trudeau’s sliding in the polls and grasping at bad policies.

Is that fear I smell?
I wonder how much of this can be pinned on the Trudeau government, in office since 2015 ...

Jonah Davids: New statistics tell a troubling story: Canada’s mental health crisis is only getting worse​

Since 2012, the number of Canadians with major depressive disorder has increased by 62 percent

In September, Statistics Canada released the results of their 2022 Mental Health and Access to Care Survey, and it shows that far more Canadians are depressed and anxious today than they were a decade ago.

The survey, which is conducted every ten years, involves thousands of Canadians reporting their mental health symptoms in depth. Statistics Canada then uses those symptoms to determine whether individuals meet the diagnostic criteria for mental disorders.

Since 2012, the number of Canadians with major depressive disorder has increased by 62 percent. Today one in 13 Canadians, 7.6 percent of the population, qualify for the diagnosis. The number of Canadians with anxiety disorders has doubled, with one in 14 (7.1 percent) now suffering from social anxiety disorder. Rates of bipolar disorder rose and substance use disorder fell by 0.6 percent each, with the fall in substance abuse driven by declining alcoholism.

Graphic credit: Janice Nelson.

While mental illness is much higher among the general population today than it was a decade ago, the rates among young Canadians, particularly young women, are staggering. One in four Canadian women between the ages of 15 and 24 qualify for social anxiety disorder, and nearly one in five qualify for major depressive disorder. This is a big increase from a decade ago when those numbers were about half of what they are now.

Young Canadian men are half as likely to have a mood disorder as young women but are more likely to be addicted to alcohol, cannabis, or drugs, with one in 10 qualifying for a substance use disorder. They are also three times as likely to die by suicide though young women are far more likely to attempt.

The surge in mental health issues among Canadians in the past decade is the result of several factors. Canada’s stagnant economy and the rising cost of living play a significant role. In a recent poll from Mental Health Research Canada, 39 percent of Canadians said that economic issues were impacting their mental health with debt, inflation, rent or mortgage payments, and food costs driving up anxiety and depression. Worse still, the poll showed that 41 percent of Canadians facing financial challenges had thought about killing themselves in the past year.

This was in my inbox today. I think it probably is reflective of the entire English speaking world and possibly a lot more.


I do think it seriously understates the situation though. Typically only 55% of the Voting Age Population actually vote.

So now you are looking at

45% don't vote
50% of the 55% are Independent
25% of the 55% are Democrats
25% of the 55% are Republicans


45% don't vote
28% Independents
14% Democrats
14% Republicans


14% Left Wing Loonies
14% Right Wing Loonies
72% DILLIGAS (Pass the beer)
I wonder how much of this can be pinned on the Trudeau government, in office since 2015 ...
Not directly, but their ascent to power and their policy initiatives have been accompanied by a lot of alarmist messaging (from many sources) intended to shape opinions to favour the party and its policies.