That's not a bad idea, the M4 tube and buffer could work, the question is would it make enough under normal use to charge the batteries to justify weight and complexity? Possible a solar cell on the gun might also work.KevinB said:All the Powered Rail stuff so far arcs out when wet...
Not good for Mil usage.
It's coming, but not in 5-10 years IMHO.
At that point you can use the weapon's cycling action to generate electricity...
KevinB said:Payload issues from the rumors I heard.
Colin P said:I think the army would be in for quite a shock against even a vaguely near peer armed with Grads. Been following quite few threads on this and the level of destruction of AFV's and support vehicles is quite high, much less the causalities who reports say most are killed by artillery.
daftandbarmy said:Meanwhile, in the Ukraine...
Dimsum said:
daftandbarmy said:Meanwhile, in the Ukraine...
GnyHwy said:Thanks!!! Now I can't stop wringing my hands.
Thucydides said:While rocket artillery is impressive as hell, it is a bit difficult to see how it fits in as a "light" support weapon...
Thucydides said:While rocket artillery is impressive as hell, it is a bit difficult to see how it fits in as a "light" support weapon...
daftandbarmy said:Sadly, I think this is what our potential opposition views as 'light support weapons'.