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Logistics Officer - Sea [Merged]

I am an AHOD right now and am more than willing to assist here. If you have any amplifying questions then let me know.

Coursing takes place at CFB Borden, generally starting around 1 June and wrapping up early December (with a break in the middle for about 6 weeks where you return to your home unit). During the time in Borden the courses are split up into Logistics Officer Course Common, Logistics Officer Course Sea, and the Supply and Finance specialty courses. The exact length of the courses has changed since I was there 3 years ago, but it takes roughly 6-7 months to complete those courses.

After completing these courses, Sea Logistics Officers reach their Occupational Functional Point and are employed in either Esquimalt or Halifax. Depending on the backlog to get an AHOD this can be up to 18 months. The wait time is getting better as we are now doubling up AHODs on the ships. The AHOD is one year long and finishes with the ALGA board (HOD Qualification) after which one could either remain on the coast or get posted inland. This could mean going to Borden to teach, Ottawa to work in Naval Staff, ADM (ABCDEF...) or in the Joint world or any other spot a Naval Logistician is needed.

Depending on succession planning you may or may not get selected for a HOD tour a few years later.

WRT promotions... first year as a commissioned officer will be as A/SLt, then 2 years as a SLt and then promoted to Lt(N). There is no requirement beyond time in rank and completing the coursing in order to get promoted.
I heard a rumour that some of the surplus junior LogOs might be posted to the NAVRES HMCS units as AdminOs.
ModlrMike said:
I heard a rumour that some of the surplus junior LogOs might be posted to the NAVRES HMCS units as AdminOs.

As far as I know those will mostly be post-AHOD Lt(N)s, but I could be wrong.
Makes sense to me. It would be refreshing to have a full time LogO as my AdminO.
LogOLife said:
I am an AHOD right now and am more than willing to assist here. If you have any amplifying questions then let me know.

Coursing takes place at CFB Borden, generally starting around 1 June and wrapping up early December (with a break in the middle for about 6 weeks where you return to your home unit). During the time in Borden the courses are split up into Logistics Officer Course Common, Logistics Officer Course Sea, and the Supply and Finance specialty courses. The exact length of the courses has changed since I was there 3 years ago, but it takes roughly 6-7 months to complete those courses.

After completing these courses, Sea Logistics Officers reach their Occupational Functional Point and are employed in either Esquimalt or Halifax. Depending on the backlog to get an AHOD this can be up to 18 months. The wait time is getting better as we are now doubling up AHODs on the ships. The AHOD is one year long and finishes with the ALGA board (HOD Qualification) after which one could either remain on the coast or get posted inland. This could mean going to Borden to teach, Ottawa to work in Naval Staff, ADM (ABCDEF...) or in the Joint world or any other spot a Naval Logistician is needed.

Depending on succession planning you may or may not get selected for a HOD tour a few years later.

WRT promotions... first year as a commissioned officer will be as A/SLt, then 2 years as a SLt and then promoted to Lt(N). There is no requirement beyond time in rank and completing the coursing in order to get promoted.

Thanks so much! Exactly what I was looking for. 3 years to Lt(N), that is great. I am not sure if I will make it for June 19 but for June 20 for sure. I am a NCM (Based in Esquimalt) with 8 years in. Have been trying UTPNCM with no luck. We will see what happens this year. If unsuccessful, I have LWOP coming up to finish my Economics degree and I will graduate in December 18. I will look at different options at that point. Even if I have to wait till June 20, that will give me lots of time to work on a MBA as well as CPA courses. That is the direction I want to go. If you have suggestions, please let me know :)
ModlrMike said:
Makes sense to me. It would be refreshing to have a full time LogO as my AdminO.

Hey now what are saying? NWOs can't hack it in the job?  :threat:
ModlrMike said:
More like they shouldn't have to.

Oh, well, in that case, I'm quite looking forward to meeting my LogO replacement. :nod:
Lumber said:
Hey now what are saying? NWOs can't hack it in the job?  :threat:

Do NAVRES units still have NWOs doing the Admin function, when there's...wait a minute...an entire trade dedicated to stuff like that?  ???
Dimsum said:
Do NAVRES units still have NWOs doing the Admin function, when there's...wait a minute...an entire trade dedicated to stuff like that?  ???

Perhaps given that the CO and XO and Class-A, someone at NAVRES thought they needed to employ those with superior leadership skills...  ;)
Another interesting option for Naval Logistics Officers (preferably post-AHOD) is to become an Ammunition Technical Officer.  It can be a real blast!
I tried to find information concerning Log O(Air Force) , but I couldn't. Are there folks who graduated recently ?
As I learnt from this topic there are 3 steps in Log O (Air Force) training. I need to know the details how it was.

Sent from my LG-H812 using Tapatalk

LogOLife said:
I am an AHOD right now and am more than willing to assist here. If you have any amplifying questions then let me know.

Coursing takes place at CFB Borden, generally starting around 1 June and wrapping up early December (with a break in the middle for about 6 weeks where you return to your home unit). During the time in Borden the courses are split up into Logistics Officer Course Common, Logistics Officer Course Sea, and the Supply and Finance specialty courses. The exact length of the courses has changed since I was there 3 years ago, but it takes roughly 6-7 months to complete those courses.

After completing these courses, Sea Logistics Officers reach their Occupational Functional Point and are employed in either Esquimalt or Halifax. Depending on the backlog to get an AHOD this can be up to 18 months. The wait time is getting better as we are now doubling up AHODs on the ships. The AHOD is one year long and finishes with the ALGA board (HOD Qualification) after which one could either remain on the coast or get posted inland. This could mean going to Borden to teach, Ottawa to work in Naval Staff, ADM (ABCDEF...) or in the Joint world or any other spot a Naval Logistician is needed.

Depending on succession planning you may or may not get selected for a HOD tour a few years later.

WRT promotions... first year as a commissioned officer will be as A/SLt, then 2 years as a SLt and then promoted to Lt(N). There is no requirement beyond time in rank and completing the coursing in order to get promoted.

Do you know how long the LogO courses for Army PRes are?  ex. June 1st-?
secondchance said:
I tried to find information concerning Log O(Air Force) , but I couldn't. Are there folks who graduated recently ?
As I learnt from this topic there are 3 steps in Log O (Air Force) training. I need to know the details how it was.

Sent from my LG-H812 using Tapatalk

If I recall correctly, they are:

1)  Phase 1:  Sleep Deprivation - How to get by on only 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.

2)  Phase 2:  Dress and Deportment - How to look cool in a leather "flight" jacket that you're not allowed to wear while flying

3)  Phase 3:  Hotel Selection - Why four stars are insufficient for operational requirements
Pusser said:
If I recall correctly, they are:

1)  Phase 1:  Sleep Deprivation - How to get by on only 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.

2)  Phase 2:  Dress and Deportment - How to look cool in a leather "flight" jacket that you're not allowed to wear while flying

3)  Phase 3:  Hotel Selection - Why four stars are insufficient for operational requirements
Don't forget that no chocolate mint on the hotel pillow is a basis for a grievance!
Pusser said:
If I recall correctly, they are:

1)  Phase 1:  Sleep Deprivation - How to get by on only 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.

That does sound challenging.  :orly:

2)  Phase 2:  Dress and Deportment - How to look cool in a leather "flight" jacket that you're not allowed to wear while flying

LogO could wear the RCAF Leather jacket on flights, they wouldn't be in a crew position.  8)  Bring on the PAX LCF!

3)  Phase 3:  Hotel Selection - Why four stars are insufficient for operational requirements

Ya!  See? Some people get it. 

FSTO said:
Don't forget that no chocolate mint on the hotel pillow is a basis for a grievance!

A grievance is so much paperwork and effort and...stuff...though.  It's much simplier to just go with a good 'ol fashion temper tantrum...


Hey! So I recently got accepted into the Logistics Officer(Air) trade through the UTP-NCM program and I was wondering if anyone out there is familiar with how you choose a field/specialty to work in? I understand that there are many places LogO's can be employed including Finance, HR, Supply, Air Movements, Food, Transport etc. Do new LogO's get to choose where they would like to focus their attention or is it just a general pool that you get placed in different positions throughout your career in different specialties?
You're right. If you follow the Air stream, as a LogO, you'll travel allot. Be ready to allow for tight quarters. If you're getting prepared for your course, brush up on your use of Chrome.  :rofl:
jsilver18 said:
Hey! So I recently got accepted into the Logistics Officer(Air) trade through the UTP-NCM program and I was wondering if anyone out there is familiar with how you choose a field/specialty to work in? I understand that there are many places LogO's can be employed including Finance, HR, Supply, Air Movements, Food, Transport etc. Do new LogO's get to choose where they would like to focus their attention or is it just a general pool that you get placed in different positions throughout your career in different specialties?

If I recall correctly, my army and air force colleagues selected their specialty course during Logistics Officer Course (Common) while in Borden. You will have your pick of Finance, HR, Supply (and maybe one more that I am forgetting before my first coffee). Movements and Foods are further sub-specialities that you can take after completing your initial specialty. I don't recall anything about Transport to be honest.
A question about LogO training, employability, promotions and EPZs.

As I had it explained, a LogO reaches OFP after their elemental LOC. So, for an Army officer, after LOC(L) they reach OFP. Is this correct? The conflict of information comes from this: Staff at CFLTC are saying that upon completing LOC(L), LogOs are employable, and promotable. The home unit is stating that promotion only occurs after the specialty course. Can anyone shed light on who is correct? No one has been provided information WRT specialty courses at this time though it seems not everyone will be loaded onto their specialty during this run of courses and will have to do it later.

No critique of the system either way, just trying to get some information with something backing it. It would seem to me that if someone reaches OFP they are then capable of being promoted (assuming they have entered their EPZ)


Edit: I'm not on DWAN at the moment... so DPGR is hard to reach