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looking for a printable artillery cap badge


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I did not want to post this in the wrong forum, so I picked this one.

Looking for a hi res artillery cap badge, not the  actual cap badge but one of coloured pictures, used as stickers etc. Has to be of good enough quality to be printed 18 x 24 inches.

I searched Google and could not find one suitable.
since I a  not arty, I did not want to use the wrong image.
Being used as part of a guest book for a retirement dinner

email it please

thanks everyone in advance
I find the Governor General's website an excellent resource to find approved cap badges.  Search under Heraldry.
The free option would be to find someone in J-7 that already has one, or can get one made. I may be able to help. If I get something I'll PM you. Or better yet, PM me so I don't forget.  :nod:

Another option that may cost unless you know someone would be to get a graphic artist to recreate it. Could provide very cool results.
Don't know if this helps but did a little Googling around and found this Wikipedia page which has a picture of the cap badge. Click on the badge and the image of the badge is a bit bigger.  Don't know if it helps or it's what your looking for but here's the link


Good Luck

As stated above, the GG's website.

dapaterson said:
As stated above, the GG's website.


Does look good on page, but very small file i.e. seems no resolution. It likely won't (pardon pun) blow up nicely. A few of us have wrestled with this recently trying to get images that blow up and retain detail for large (2'x3' prints). Not possible without graphic artists or very expensive cameras and photos. 

Editted to add: You could take a pic with your camera/phone and get a digital image from Walmart. Then play with it with some online image filters.
Click on the image and it expands.  The GG site has pretty good qualify imagery.
tried the image from the GG site. it did not work well beyond the screen size. but I ended up using it as it came down to a time crunch. will have to source a better print for next retirement dinner
thanks everyone
FormerHorseGuard said:
tried the image from the GG site. it did not work well beyond the screen size. but I ended up using it as it came down to a time crunch. will have to source a better print for next retirement dinner
thanks everyone

Ideally see if you can get it as a vector graphic; that way it will look just as good scaled up.  Sometimes the admin staff have something for putting on CO's letter head and whatnot.  svg and eps files are probably the most common versions, but there are a few others.

If someone is going to make one up, some of the free vector software can trace jpgs and get pretty good results that you can clean up and make a final version off.  High contrast images like crests usually turn out pretty good.
I realize it's too late, but for future or anyone else, here is a png file, 2MB. This was replicated by a graphic artist. Should blow up fairly well to the size you mention above. You could also use a projector and make it as big as you want.

For anyone interested in this type of thing, recreating old graphics. Muckle on to a young (or old) person with graphic arts skills and their results will likely surprise you (in a good way).



  • Arty Crest PNG.png
    Arty Crest PNG.png
    2.1 MB · Views: 197