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Mail and care packages sent to BMQ / BMOQ

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Sig_Des said:
Of course, on my basic, we had to pay a price for every letter, package, or postcard. Generally push-ups, and the number of them dependant on who it was from, the size, and if it was perfumed  ;D

LMAO! Never have a journalism student for a girlfriend whilst in Basic, as my ex found out. I think it was something like 10 push ups per page, and I wrote a lot.
Push ups? really? I read about that in past forums, so when I got to talk to my bf on the phone I asked him about it. Maybe he's got a good platoon commander (or w/e you call them) cuz he doesnt have to do pushups. I was happy about that cuz he had a lot of letters going to him that week, lol.
Aw...gee...I'm sure somebody here could have a little chat with his instructors to assist him...just so he won't be feeling leftout and all that  ;D
Hes gonna come back changed, everyones right about that. People told me I looked taller walked faster and I definitely came out with more confidence. As far as being a neat freak, I'm still a slob I just know how to turn it on if someones looking. (I hate kit and quarters)
There was definitely a physical difference when I got back..

and I ate soo much faster.

I personally found myself being a little course-sick for a while....You know, when you're used to having 40-something other people do everything with you..

And it was VERY strange not having my rifle with me.
Just a question.

Im a Girlfriend going to basic , leaving my Boyfriend behind. Any help / tips for my Bf to not be incredibly worried? And anything I can do or my family can do to help the both of us out when I am gone? Do note , he is in the Military as well and has the idea of what its like ( not sure if thats good or bad lol ).

Thanks ,

Maintain the lines of communication and learn to communicate efficiently.  He knows what goes on during course, so don't give him reason to worry.  Cell phones are allowed now, though the reception can be crap; buy some phone cards for just-in-case-icles.  Write him a letter once and a while, make him write you back.  When you get your weekends, you'll be able to visit a cyber café and may be able to do a cam-chat.
Definitely send him letters. I wish my bf would send me letters more, but I know he's doing the best he can since he's so busy. I was very surprised how he wants me to keep sending him so many letters. I thought at first I was sending too many, but he kept saying he wanted more. I'm writing one everyday now, lol. But it makes me glad to know he wants to here from me all the time.
I was curious, How long are soldiers sent to Afghanistan for? I've heard 3 months and 6 months. Does anyone know which is right? Or do the soldiers get to choose?
To my knowledge the standard Tour Date is 6 Months, though it does happen where people go over for more or less time. depending on circumstances...
Dee said:
I was curious, How long are soldiers sent to Afghanistan for? I've heard 3 months and 6 months. Does anyone know which is right? Or do the soldiers get to choose?

Dee, as Cpl T said, tour lengths vary (for a lot of reasons) but generally the individual does not have a lot of choice in these sort of matters. The right to choose kind of evaporates when members choose to sign on.  That said, there are always people who avoid tours, (career courses, etc) but they are not always for a good reason (medical, compassionate, malingering, etc)
Hey Dee....keep those letters going to him definitely and try to stay positive. Mentioning a problem that happens will make him brood and then try to make an emergency call....and you'll think hmm that wasn't all that big a deal so why did he call? When in the field or on an isolated posting our minds tend to magnify little mole hills into mountains.
I would say if he is having trouble with mail and the course staff can't help him get him to ask the Padre. Padre Botha and Padre Pardy there are really nice folks and I'm sure would be only too happy to oblige.
My experience is that males are not great letter writers on the whole. I often get complaints from wives and girlfriends that their significant others don't write...or write that often.

Not to be an old stick in the mud (even though I am a Padre lol) porn in the mail is not a very wise idea to anyone these days...with mixed gender platoons etc one person's porn or erotica is another person's harassment complaint. Better just to send him nice photos of your smiling face and those of his friends. Nothing to come back and bite either of you.

A friend of mine's son just graduated his Basic in Feb and finishing his TQ3 on Aug 26th in Gagetown. (that's where all the Field Engineer training happens) He also had to do SQ before that but he got some time after basic.
I hope everything works out for you two......me and my wife celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary on Monday...it is possible!! ;D :cdn:

Just to amplify the responses on tour length, the standard "tour" is six months.  Some people come for nine months, but that is the exception rather than the rule.  Some folks come over on "TAVs" which can last from days to weeks to a couple of months.  Others come as replacements and can thus have a tour lasting from five to one months.  If your boyfriend is in a regiment then the tour also has a huge amount of pre-deployment training.  This can take up to six months, so your life will be in a vortex for about a year.  Once you get the warning order normal life ceases until re-deployment.

You don't really get the choice.  Your boyfriend has a few steps to go through before going on tour.  Once he finishes Basic he'll take his "trades" training which can take several more months.  When he deploys after that will depend on his trade and what unit he goes to.  He might go on deployment pretty much straight from training or he might wait a few years.  Just be careful what you wish for, you might get it...



p.s. Your boyfriend may swear a bit more now.  Sorry.
p.p.s. Your hometown newspaper can make a nice thing to send.  When you're on course or on tour you go into a bit of a news blackhole.  Reminders of home are good things.
Hello to all.  I was wondering if I could get a few ideas of things to send to my guy, now in Afghanistan (just got there).  I already  have a list of personal things I will be sending him, but I would like some ideas of things wanted, needed, things that go over well, special treats, etc.  Would love some feed back from people there, people who have been there, and people who send such packages, as well as anyone who has an idea.
Thanks for your time!
Littlebug, this was recently posted in another thread:
Yrys said:
There is a web site that sent prepacked care boxes to Americans soldiers.
If you look at the list of items in those, you could have a good idea,
as if you look into what soldiers are listing in their wish list...




As well, if you search through some of the older topics on the Home Front board, others have given specific ideas too.
Jolly Rancher candy
Beef Jerky
sunflower seeds
current issues of news & sports magazines
good coffee (already ground in sealed bags)
flavored creamer
a gift certificate to Brigade Quartermaster, Ranger Joe's or that sort of place (always a big hit)
lots of real mail from home. E-mail is nice, but nothing takes the place of actual letters you can hold in your hand.


disposible cameras
gummy bears and other sweet things
those new packages that you can put in a water bottle
If you have children- we made up a pillow case with the kids pictures on it.
lots of letters
Navymich, thank you for the link.  I was not aware of that post, but it was also not quite what I was looking for.

Booked_Spice and Red 6, thank you for your suggetions, some I thought of, some I didn't.

I think I'm just a nervous girlfriend, I want to help him yet I don't want to screw it up, if that makes any sense!
I totally understand. I am preparing my 1st care package right now and as much as I have read all the links I am still not sure what I will send. I guess I just want to make sure he loves it is all.

Just send what you think he will like, and I am sure he'll be impressed.
They can get most things in KAF that you can get at home (including tv's hehe) but if your boyfriend or husband is outside the wire alot, the mail does get to them for the most part so it's always good to send canned goods (spam and tuna were hubbies favorite), crystal light single serve, candy, cookies, cereal, anything that wont spoil that will be a nice change from rations. I also included some toys and small junk that doesnt take up much room but is good for a laugh.
I think the best thing I sent though was the ipod filled with songs and pictures. He didnt get the chance to get one before he left so it was a nice birthday surprise for him.

Have fun with it, though. Draw pictures (I am the queen of stick people), cut and paste, wrap everything in carebear paper (haha that went over well for me hehe), whatever you know will make him have a smile or even a good laugh.  >:D