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Man bitten at his p**** by snake in toilet


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At least it wasn't on a plane. ;D


Toilet snake attack: urban legend comes true?

Mon May 11, 4:56 PM

TAIPEI (Reuters) - A Taiwanese man became a sitting target for a snake, which bit his penis as sat on the toilet at his rural home, local media reported on Monday.

"As soon as he sat down, he suddenly felt a knife-like pain and reacted instinctively by standing up," the China Times said. "When he looked down, he saw the big snake."

The 51-year-old man, from Nantou County, was under medical care with minor injuries, a director at Puli Christian Hospital said.

"As soon as he has passed the risk of infection, he can go," the director, who declined to be named, said. "A snake's mouth isn't always clean."

Local television images showed the black and yellow reptile, reportedly a species of rat snake, being uncoiled and plucked slowly from the toilet bowl.

Snakes regularly enter rural homes in Taiwan and other sub-tropical regions of Asia.

(Reporting by Ralph Jennings; Editing by Nick Macfie and Miral Fahmy)
I'm sorry, but there's no such thing as a 'minor injury' when a snake bites you on the dick.
Brihard said:
I'm sorry, but there's no such thing as a 'minor injury' when a snake bites you on the dick.
Agreed wholeheartedly and with an uncomfortable feeling in my own private region. The poor bloke. I'd call it something more serious then a "minor injury", if nothing else, imagine the stress and anguish the poor chap felt in the micro seconds after he realised that he had a snake hanging off his bits? You wouldnt be able to get over it.
Oh, the one eyed trouser snake meets his match...........  Ha!

He's one lucky man, and was fortunate enough not to live here, as he would have died. Most snakes are naughty here, and the deadliest in the world reside here too.

Hey Hales, you should tell everyone about that snake which fell into your LAV (yes on the move) from a tree last June at Shoalwater, and the commotion that caused. The poor creature wsa trapped somewhere in theat LAV for days, until we were ready to head back to Brisbane, he was found and escaped to live (and bite) another day.

Cheers big ears,


I remember that for sure  :nod:
Your post reminded me of buddy of mine, built like an NFL linesman and absolutely fearless…mostly. Unfortunately he had a pathological fear of snakes. My most vivid memory of him is on exercise at Ft. Irwin, standing on top of a M-113, clad in boots, helmet and BVD’s screaming like an eight year old girl. He had discovered a baby rattler sunning itself on the open ramp!
Funny, but he was lucky not only that it was not deadly but also that the snake did not decide to lock on.  I imagine if it struck to the berry sack and thought it was a mouse and not let go.....  Then it becomes what is worse then getting a part caught in a zipper.  Looking at it and wondering how to get it out of the Zipper.
helpup said:
I imagine if it struck to the berry sack and thought it was a mouse and not let go.....  caught in a zipper.  Looking at it and wondering how to get it out of the Zipper.

I saw that on TV! I hope he didn't try, or ask a friend, to suck the venom out.