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Marine Corps probe video showing troops "urinating on dead Taliban"

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Not the same issue, but they have another S$%#storm brewing....

RDJP said:
Not the same issue, but they have another S$%#storm brewing....


I don't agree with PETA or their mandate but I think their complaint is justified in this case.  That video is pretty brutal.  >:(
PMedMoe said:
I don't agree with PETA or their mandate but I think their complaint is justified in this case.  That video is pretty brutal.  >:(

I've got a pretty strong stomach, but that....well....yeah.  :-\
It doesn't look like it was done for kicks, but rather just a poor execution of killing the sheep....that guy sucked. I have seen it done with one blow, then slit the throat to bleed out.....not sure if the guy knew what he was doing....
GAP said:
It doesn't look like it was done for kicks, but rather just a poor execution of killing the sheep....that guy sucked. I have seen it done with one blow, then slit the throat to bleed out.....not sure if the guy knew what he was doing....

Seriously?  What, they were just happy to have the first fresh meat they've seen in six months?  :facepalm:
I think PETA should open a office in Panjuai. Hold protests in the market to stop the abuse of animals there.

I've seen cows killed with sledgehammers as the "traditional way" here in Canada.

They should have killed it with a knife to the throat. I agree with GAP. Most likely some Urban people who had no fucking clue how to kill an animal.
dogger1936 said:
I think PETA should open a office in Panjuai. Hold protests in the market to stop the abuse of animals there.

I've seen cows killed with sledgehammers as the "traditional way" here in Canada.

They should have killed it with a knife to the throat. I agree with GAP. Most likely some Urban people who had no ******* clue how to kill an animal.

1. They don't really look like the "urban" type to me, if you mean civilian, and
2. You really think none of them thought to use a knife and make it a quick death?  Or didn't have the knowledge to use a knife?  Couldn't find the vital points, so instead beat it to death because that's the only way they could figure out how to get the job done?

What's the cheering for?  Points for technique?
I'm torn between shocked, disgusted and disappointed amongst others negative descriptors. I can't even read any more of this shit.
RDJP said:
Seriously?  What, they were just happy to have the first fresh meat they've seen in six months?  :facepalm:

They were probably punishing the sheep for cheating on them with Charlie Company... the little tramp
recceguy said:
I'm torn between shocked, disgusted and disappointed amongst others negative descriptors. I can't even read any more of this crap.

Please realize my post was in jest to dogger1936's comment, not the situation itself.  :-\

While I do get the difference between a sheep and a human, there's no difference between the fact that we see troops in both videos (alleged, as I'm not sure they actually identified them 100% as troops in the sheep video) engaged in conduct unbecoming to their position and status.

Very unfortunate situations, both of them. 
RDJP said:
Please realize my post was in jest to dogger1936's comment, not the situation itself.  :-\

While I do get the difference between a sheep and a human, there's no difference between the fact that we see troops in both videos (alleged, as I'm not sure they actually identified them 100% as troops in the sheep video) engaged in conduct unbecoming to their position and status.

Very unfortunate situations, both of them.

I'm not talking about comments here.

Between tossing puppies off cliffs, pissing on dead enemies and beating a defenseless sheep to death, I have to wonder where the Corps priorities lie today.

The whole topic disgusts me.

These are not the same kind of soldiers that raised their flag over Iwo Jima, IMHO.
Grimaldus said:
God, corps, country

We'll, I'm sure Number 1 (and Number 2 and 3) is impressed right now with the actions of those few troops' seen in the videos below ...

Grimaldus said:
God, corps, country

I am pissed and serious about this. Please don't try be flippant.

Even a vengeful god wouldn't condone this shit.

Defenceless, dumb animals have a right to be protected........and I'm not talking about the perpetrators.
I don't think it has to do with Corps priorities, as much as it has to do with what society lets people get away with nowadays. 
RDJP said:
I don't think it has to do with Corps priorities, as much as it has to do with what society lets people get away with nowadays.

Obviously, society is not OK with this ... else this thread (and others') wouldn't exist as this shit would just be "normal". It's not.