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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

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Did a search with no results even remotely similar to my situation. I was homeschooled from grades 9-12 (looking back I wish I had gone to regular public school), now I understand that normally that should be enough for me to get in, however I was in an alternative homeschooling program called Wondertree which was basically an open learning program funded by the BC federal government and community funding in part. Basically you got an allowance each year to spend on supplies and what not and it was up to your parents to decide what to do with it. My question is this, with having been in such an odd system of academics, will I need to upgrade to be elligible for a position in the CF or can I simply study for the CFAT on my own and still make it in?

Appreciate any help anyone can give, thanks.
Do you have any documentation to say that you "graduated"??

If you do then there should be no problems.

Lomi said:
Did a search with no results even remotely similar to my situation. I was homeschooled from grades 9-12 (looking back I wish I had gone to regular public school), now I understand that normally that should be enough for me to get in, however I was in an alternative homeschooling program called Wondertree which was basically an open learning program funded by the BC federal government and community funding in part. Basically you got an allowance each year to spend on supplies and what not and it was up to your parents to decide what to do with it. My question is this, with having been in such an odd system of academics, will I need to upgrade to be elligible for a position in the CF or can I simply study for the CFAT on my own and still make it in?

Appreciate any help anyone can give, thanks.

While official proof that you have graduated HS will be sufficient for most trades, if you apply for highly technical trades your home schooling may not meet the higher academic standards.  Go talk to a recruiter and make sure you have a diploma and transcript.
I am very interested in joining the Canadian Forces. I started working before i had a chance to finish Highschool. I am one Credit shy of my high school deploma and i was wondering if that would be a major factor in my enrollment.

Thank you for your time.

I'm really not sure. But I can tell you that I had a friend (like ten or twelve years ago) who joined the reserves while he was in high school. He has since joined the reg force, but he never did graduate high school. Talk to a recruiter. They will know for sure.
You must have a minimum of grade 10 to join.

For most occupations Gr 10 is sufficeint but other occupations may require a HS diploma and/or certain courses.  Go to the local CFRC/D to discuss your particular situation.
Well, just to boost your spirits I have a buddy at RMC who was home-schooled and is currently on his way to becoming a MAR-E officer. Last time I spoke to him he said that as long as you have proof of graduation and or the OAC/Current Curriculum standard equivalency there is no stopping you to join the CF. I will add however that you may have to write a test to determine your competency at the Grade 12 level in case you don't have this proof. Once again further info should be available at your local CFRC. Cheers! :cdn:
or cut out all the hassle and go do an equivalency test at your local college.
That helped me.
Ok so basically I'm a little rusty with highschool. I completed my grade 11 a couple years back and now I'm trying to get back in to finish grade 12. So the new school is telling me they want me to do grade 10 over again, it will take 3 months. I was wondering if I could get into the enlistment process while I'm at school.
To apply you have at least have grade 10. During the other grades you can apply. I applied for Reg force during grade 12 and then after I graduated I went to the recruiting center and updated my file to include that.
If you want to get your file started, then you can start your papers and interview, physical test, as long as you have a paper signed by your school stating that you are currently doing grade 10 and that from the looks of things you will pass. THIS IS what they let me do anyways but you would have to check it out with your recurting officer.
I ask myself the question, after talking to some kids on the bus, why many have the idea that they must finish High School before joining the Reserves?  When I was in High School if joined the Reserves and was able to get two summers worth of employment in before going to University.  That was a nice nest egg towards my University Tuition and Fees.  It looks like many are getting the wrong messages while in school as to when they can join the Reserves, probably equating it to the same rules as joining the Regular Force.
Yes mainly people have asked me why I am trying to get into the Reserves when I am still in high school. Many of my friends did not even know that there was such thing as the Reserves till you were out of school. I myself would not have know but I've always had a fascination with it and right before I turned 16 I saw a sign saying that they were hiring people for the army so I got my dad to pull into the building and we went inside and talked to a recruiter who happened to be there and he told be that you could join while in high school, so we got the papers done up and sent them in just after my birthday ( mind you in a week it will have been one year and I am still not in ) But I think the reason why a lot of people don't join while they are still in school is because they are not aware of it I lived in truro for 16 years and I thought that the armories were a museum intell I saw the hiring sign. :o
Hi everyone.
Iam wanting to join the Navy and goto RMC but my marks from both grade 12 and my first and only year of college are really bad, think mid 60's.  I lost sight of what I wanted and did some really stupid things, nothing illigal but my marks suffered. I am currently in the midst of redoing most of my grade 12 through academic upgrading and am getting 80's and higher, do I need to tell my recruiter about my bad academic history or is it what iam doing now that matters?

BTW Iam wanting to do either MARS or Naval Combat Systems.

From what I was told when I was home doing recruiting for RMC, upgrading is not looked. kincanucks, can you confirm this, or am I way off base?
ambex said:
......, do I need to tell my recruiter about my bad academic history or is it what iam doing now that matters?
Well, I suppose you don't have to tell your Recruiter, as you High School and College Transcripts will tell him all he needs to know.  ;D
RMC will look at all three grades and averaged them out and make their decision based on that.  For example:  60 + 60 + 80 = 200/3 = 67% rather simplistic way of looking at it but I with you the very best of luck getting in with that average.  Perhaps you should shoot for nineties.
Thanks for the responses.
So kincanucks what your saying is that even though iam redoing some classes my old marks will still be looked at by the recruiter? If so I dont know what I can do to get a high enough overall then. Is it possible that they would send me to Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu for the prep year if my average did not cut it?