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Medals parades - why not make them public?


Army.ca Veteran
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At a reserve unit, medals parades are almost invariably held in the evening or on a weekend.
Thus, it always seemed natural to me that families and friends could and would attend.

Furthermore, it caught me offguard when I learned a local medals parade would be held 0800 hrs on a weekday (i.e. making it inconvenient to attend for any family who work or go to school) instead of combining it with happy hour, or whatever (and, yes - I have to admit it's a moot point for me now since my father died over a year after I returned home from Roto 0, and now my mother's in hospital - I had hoped that they could have been present to see me get gonged, but I guess there's some good reason why it's been over 14 months - can't expect insignificant things like medals parades to happen in a timely fashion, can we ... ?)

However, this newspaper article heartened me - at least somebody from a subsequent Roto got to invite their families:

Sat, April 16, 2005
Medals given out for Afghan tour

A GROUP of 1,200 Canadian military personnel received special medals yesterday to honour their service in Afghanistan. Such medal parades usually take place during a mission but the soldiers and civilian workers, who are based at CFB Valcartier, got to share the event with their families at home.

The medals are being awarded now because they were created only after the military personnel returned from Afghanistan.

Each member of what was called Operation Athena received one of two medals -- the Campaign Star for the soldiers and the General Service Medal for civilians.

The medals honour service in a dangerous region.
Didn't know they weren't open...

I think that is more of a Chain of Command issue then a regulations one....
Most medals parades are held in theatre so it's a bit difficult for your loved ones to be there... ;)

I can't comment on you Eastern types (Ralph Klein would say creeps and bums) but out West we try to do things right when there is appropriate occasions to do so.   The awarding of the SWASM to 3 PPCLI happen in Edmonton as well as the awarding of their Commander in Chief Unit Commendation and US Bronze Stars.   There was considerable media coverage and all the famlies were there.

On Athena Roto 2, there was discussion about keeping the GCS medals until we were back home in Edmonton.   They would be then presented at a large parade which would have also been the final "stand down" of Roto 2.   There really wasn't alot of support from the soldiers to do this and most prefered the traditional approach of receiving your medal with the guys you spent six months with in theatre.
One day when I get my VC - then I'll want a formal parade, until them - mail it.

Gunner - incoming...
"happen in Edmonton as well as the awarding of their Commander in Chief Unit Commendation and US Bronze Stars.  There was considerable media coverage and all the famlies were there."

The Commander in Chief Commendations were actually handed out during the dress rehersal.  A different Senior Officer did each rank.  LCol Stogram gave me mine.  My wife said "What's that?" when I walked in the door.

Followed by "You didn't invite your wife and son?"

Me "Well dear, we thought it was only a practice parade..."

I got my CD at a regimental parade - more properly, the dress rehearsal the morning of.  The CO apparently thought it would be "stressful" for me to march up and receive it in front of an audience, have my picture taken, etc.  Fat lot he knew.  I managed to call my dad and have him rush down with camera in hand for the rehearsal; had I not done that, there would be no visual record of the touching moment when I marched up in grubby combats and received my 12 year attendance award.  The civvie janitors did seem suitably impressed; glad they did the presentation during their coffee break or there would have been no audience at all.  ::)
The medals, maybe, the Commendations were at one of the practices.  Whether or not that practice was at the Butterdome, Liza and I don't recall.  Though she has an excuse, she wasn't there. ;D

Mike - that stinks.  No excuse for them to do that to you, or anyone else.

Commendations were at the Butterdome during the dress rehearsal.

Have never considered medals parades, etc, for large groups, as a spectator sport.  Wife has only seen one of mine presented, usually they were at Regimental parades either in theatre, men's Christmas dinner, etc.  Have never considered it an issue.

Michael Dorosh said:
I got my CD at a regimental parade - more properly, the dress rehearsal the morning of.   The CO apparently thought it would be "stressful" for me to march up and receive it in front of an audience, have my picture taken, etc.   Fat lot he knew.   I managed to call my dad and have him rush down with camera in hand for the rehearsal; had I not done that, there would be no visual record of the touching moment when I marched up in grubby combats and received my 12 year attendance award.   The civvie janitors did seem suitably impressed; glad they did the presentation during their coffee break or there would have been no audience at all.   ::)

Funny sounds like how I received mine.    My friend presented it to me.   He was at the top of the balcony of our armouries going to the mess, on Tuesday our admin night.   He called me over, I thought he wanted me to come up for a pint, and tossed me my CD.   Apparently, the regiment felt that the coming Friday (parade night) which we had some sort of shindig, would be too much for he and I (he also got his cd that night) so they gave him both, and asked for him to pass mine on when I came in.

Many weeks later, after feeling guilty I guess, on a formal parade, we were called up and "presented" our medal.

Oh well,

Maybe it will be different for the parade when I get presented my V.C, unless Kevin will also toss mine to me when He gets his...


Well, I'm sorry to say I'm not surprised by the apalling lack of comprehension demonstrated by several posts here - it sounds as if CFAO 18-16 isn't that widely or well understood (i.e. "... In general, members of formed units should receive the medal, clasp or bar at a parade or other occasion where the greatest
exposure can be achieved. ...")

And, given the initial desire by the then CLS to have a medals pde on Parliament Hill or at the Corel Centre ... one might wonder whether it's a sad commentary on human nature (i.e. "... I got mine in the mail, so ... screw everybody else!")

It's also sad to hear how unquestioningly it has unfortunate practice to present gongs at rehearsals (hmmm ... not sure where that's recommended in CFAO's ...).

Oh, well ... at least I have to salute the Canadian general who stated "Let me know if anybody tries to present your medal incorrectly - I'll personally come down and rip their hearts out."  He understands, even if middle management doesn't.  :salute:
I would like to offer a retraction on some of my comments after thinking it over.

  Tour medals have typically been presented on theatre, and I HATED our UNFICYP medass parade nothing like wearing CF's in 45+ heat (watching boot polish melt and puddle under your boots) The rest of our PL (three of us had to go one the parade) got them by the CO and UNFICYP commander at our Platoon house - in a much more sedate and yet it appeared to have a better meaning.

For tour medals after fact I let some personal feelings get in the way.  I know my old OC wanted to present them on an evening with everyones friends and famil around - but the Pl voted to get them at work, looking back on it I think he had the right idea (egad).  Either way I think it is important to get them with the troops you served with.

Despite the ambivalence toward the CD, it is 12 years of undetected crime and you should have the right to get it in a fitting ceremony not tossed to you or parcalled out on a pre-parade rehersal or inspection.  That said when I get mine (next year sometime) it will be for 20years of detected crime with some interspaced period of good behavior soI think if I can arrange it to be done on the QT all the better, besides you know what they say about Cpl's with CD's... [or Capt w/o...)


Tess I'll make sure the Queen gives you yours first  ;)

I got my CD at a 3 ASG coffe break at the A4 annex.  The thing is, i have never served as a member of 3 ASG.  Because of my remuster i was on the gagetown BTL but was at 403 sqn. I then went to winnipeg and attached posted to CFANS.  My CD showed up whie i was away.  I showed back up in gagetown, got my CD from an officer who didnt even know who i was, in front of people i didn't know and didn't know me ( i didnt even belong to the BTL at this point as it was 3 days after my COS date to 415 sqn) and left the base the following day !
I had tried to upload the the four I have, but I can't get the posting pic part of this site correct.  Say the post size is too big


You can't post anything larger than 125 KB.  You may have to resize the pictures or post pictures 1 by 1.
If you have Photoshop CS just go to "File" "Save for web" and when the new pop up box appears go to the bottom right corner where it has the Pic size in "pixels" change it to the required size and, presto your done.
{edit} i can even post pics for you on a tutorial if you like  :) [/edit]
the 48th regulator said:
ok here I go;

UNPROFOR Medal parade;

hehe Cheers Blakey!
Always glag to be of assistance   ;D

[edit] P.S. In the second pic your arm is a little bent , that isnt the proper way to "lay" at attention...Sort yourself out troop!  ;D[/edit]