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Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

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"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it." Erwin Rommel.

Chief (Purple in the face after watching the young seaman completely messing up his task): "OH MY GOD Ordinary Seaman! You are a &#@%ing sausage!"
OS: "Yes chief."
OS: "No chief."
Chief: "Because you are a bunch of useless meat wrapped in dead skin that's why!"

What makes war a game is that it has winners and loosers.
What makes war a war is that there are always more loosers than winners.

This summer in Gagetown:

"This isn't random c*ckery, it's just a way to move to a new location for some highly effective training"
  - from a brand new MCpl before making us do the airborne shuffle 3km in the middle of a FTX n order to have a leapord crawling race accross a patch of gravel

"The regulations state I must allow you to have a camera, but I'm against it.... that's how the Somolia affair happened"
"That's funny WO I could have sworn it had more to do with undisciplined troops beating some teenager to death"
  - a very ballsy OCdt to our course WO during the out clearance week

"So Sgt how was our drill for the grad parade"
"Outstanding for a group of junior officers"
"So in other words shit"

"Welcome to the club"
- our ass hole Captain upon our passing CAP with the above mentioned WO making faces at him behind his back
Darth_Hamel said:
"Welcome to the club"
- our ass hole Captain upon our passing CAP with the above mentioned WO making faces at him behind his back
excuse me? A WO making faces at the back of an officer where Candidates could see?
paracowboy said:
excuse me? A WO making faces at the back of an officer where Candidates could see?
No WO that I know would do that.  Unprofessional in my professional opinion.
von Garvin said:
No WO that I know would do that.  Unprofessional in my professional opinion.
oh, it happens. Usually by some dinosaur who subscribes to that "Ossifers vs NCM" mentality. Not the fun teasing between professionals, but the bitter insecurity of some.

I just want to clarify that it's not cool.
Wow.  That sounds like a "career firing alright, career STOPS!" situation.  Acts like that contribute to a break down of discipline at all levels.
redleafjumper said:
Wow.  That sounds like a "career firing alright, career STOPS!" situation.  Acts like that contribute to a break down of discipline at all levels.

I couldn't agree more, that course is a perfect example of what happens to a unit when the office fails to listen to his senior NCO's, and the NCO's respond by smearing you to the troops. I a word chaos.
I forget where I heard this one...

If you don't do your part, the enemy will let you see your own heart, and then blow your a$$ backwards.
I've got a new one for all you leaders out there! When all the big wigs get together and talk about something or organise, plan, sort, its a;
"Practical Exercise Not Involving Soldiers". Or, for ease of memory, PENIS.

And as a Captain said to me this week, "Mate, never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes...Then what do you care? Your a mile away and you've got his shoes!"
paracowboy said:
oh, it happens. Usually by some dinosaur who subscribes to that "Ossifers vs NCM" mentality. Not the fun teasing between professionals, but the bitter insecurity of some.

I'm a dinosaur and I find that unacceptable.
Haggis said:
I'm a dinosaur and I find that unacceptable.

Oddly enough, we had a discussion today about the term "dinosaur": our elite panel of judges (a bunch of dumb-ass Army guys) decided that "dinosaur" had more to do with attitude than age. As in: a 20 year old who still thinks that the "good old days" were the best (yeah, right) is more of a dinosaur than a 50 year old who thinks "outside of the box" (I am really starting to hate that expression, but it serves it's purpose for this discussion).

I suppose the intended meaning is that the dinosaurs didn't evolve, so they died out. Too bad the "dinosaurs" in the military don't die out at a faster rate. I mean, sure we'd miss all the cool Cold War and Cyprus stories  :warstory:, but I think we'd make out OK.  >:D

The death of a man is a tragedy, the death of a million men is a statistic.                                                                           

-Joseph Stalin-(

Yes my signature is the same 8))
WO to basic platoon, with a thick French accent:

"It 'as come to hour attentions dat sum of you's do not like being called "Shitpumps". Hit is a new armys, so we won't call you "shitpumps" hanymore. From now one, we will calls you "muffins". Just so's you knows, when we call you "muffins", we really mean "shitpumps". H-ok, "muffins" ?"
Hale said:
And as a Captain said to me this week, "Mate, never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes...Then what do you care? Your a mile away and you've got his shoes!"

Hale I must say that is the only thing that made any sence to me today... or tomorrow... or the day after....  ;D
before the hollydays, the RSM told us to be "carefull about those meat heads watching over the base"
As we were enemy force for a phase III Inf.  course in G'town, our section was dug in and waiting for the enemy (Ocdts) to advance when we heard the loudest fart we ever heard.  As most of us were trying to staunch our laughter our section commander yelled out .....
Well needless to say we were not hard to find after that.
For your browsing pleasure, a few more quotes have been posted at The Regimental Rogue: http://regimentalrogue.com/quotes/quotes.htm