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Message from Mike


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Directing Staff
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Mike says he's having a good time in Florida on a well deserved vacation with his family.  He even sent us a picture with a personal message:
No one -- no matter how far away --  is safe from the cadre of comedians at this site,  are they?

;D :rofl:
OK you made me do it...
Arrrr! Capt MM Mike of the Caribbean.......Raise the Jolly Roger.....away the anchor....
Lol, you are all too funny...

Putting in a days work with the lot of you...would be an occupational hazard to my sides...which would split before the day was over...
keep it up, lmao

Maybe we could get him Sienfeld's puffy shirt.....
Although he tried to explain the to the Sherrif that he only owned the website, they still hauled him in due tot he actions of those that were left behind....


"But officer, my wife said she just had to have an allagator handbag.  How was I supposed to know taking a live baby one home in a glad bag was illegal?"
After robbing a Taco Stand, the gang's Head Cheese was captured in a Cheese Shop with incriminating Nacho Cheese still on his shirt.
Speaking of "big cheeses".......he's back, now your all gonna get it.
I got everyone a souvenir... free bans all around! ;)

Seriously, we had a great time... Now I just have to catch up on the 750 email the piled up while I was offline. :(  Here's "real" photo.
You'll have to crop out that guy in the Maroon t-shirt and beige shorts to the right of the photo scratching his ***.  ;D