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Military Culture

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Excellent rebuttal Centurion!

Most of your points are valid and I can relate.

I agree; an interesting discussion; more please,  :salute:
Since we're sharing experience and lessons learned, here's my expereince: 14 years Army (RCD) with three years in Tac Hel (Cat A-1 Observer) followed by 14 years Air Force (Air Traffic Control). I served as an Officer and NCO.

Here's what I learned: Both Army and Air Force are extremely competant and pride themselves on their professionalism...and with good reason. Both organisations do more with less, bi7ch about it over a beer at the Mess, and carry on the next day.

I also learned that leadership by sarcasm has been proven over and over to fail.

Get a grip.


Centurian1985.... those are good things to know for recruits to the CF wanting to know the difference between Army and Air Force. Thanks.
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