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Military sterotypes?

That looks like it ties (clamps?) in well with the "rum, sodomy, and the lash" thing that somebody didn't post about.
Loachman said:
That looks like it ties (clamps?) in well with the "rum, sodomy, and the lash" thing that somebody didn't post about.

Awh.....you just want something to hold'm still!!  ;D
I thought that was what rubber boots were for? :camo:
Jed said:
I thought that was what rubber boots were for? :camo:

I'll bow to experience (as long as I don't have to put my feet into boots).......but, doesn't that limit movement?  ;D
GAP said:
I'll bow to experience (as long as I don't have to put my feet into boots).......but, doesn't that limit movement?  ;D

I'm here to tell you that boots - especially the tall type - in no way limit movement. Do not.  8)

And, for Journeyman's sake - neither do stocks, nor bonds.  ;D
I remember a young lady naval cadet (still at RMC) asking me about being assaulted by lesbians in one of HMC Ships (she was under the impression that it was commonplace).  I assured her that life on board was not like that - no matter how much I might wish it  ;D

OK, so I left out the part about me wishing it.  I was in a mentorship role after all.  Still, we're all entitled to our private fantasies...
I don't get why younger female recruits are so concerned with getting "harassed" by lesbians.  If I were a female and just wanted to do my job without being bothered and hit on....I'd be far more concerned when it's time to go out into the field or on tour with a bunch of combat arms guys who haven't seen a female in weeks/months.

RCDcpl said:
...I'd be far more concerned when it's time to go out into the field or on tour with a bunch of combat arms guys who haven't seen a female in weeks/months.

Also nothing that she'd need to be concerned with.
GAP said:
I'll bow to experience (as long as I don't have to put my feet into boots).......but, doesn't that limit movement?  ;D

I'd be careful where you bow..... otherwise nobody will be needing any boots.
ArmyVern said:
Also nothing that she'd need to be concerned with.

True..but from my experience I've seen some of the ladies out there who just want to say read in peace and can't because everyone and their mother is trying to chat her up.

Wasn't referring to harassment so much as potentially being annoyed.
I happened to read a shocking statistic (about sexual assault numbers) in an article on the CBC website (something about US army and marines are exhausted from two too long wars).  I'm sure Canada looks after its soldiers so that things like that don't happen.
In the CF, the worst that can happen is potentially being annoyed. 

We're a kinder, gentler army.  :nod:
curious george said:
I geuss that backs up PMedMoe who said, "And most of us aren't rough'."

Guess that depends on your definition of rough.

This one could apply to several of us:  informal - ill or physically upset: he felt rough after an evening of heavy drinking    :blotto:


PMedMoe said:
Guess that depends on your definition of rough.

This one could apply to several of us:  informal - ill or physically upset: he felt rough after an evening of heavy drinking    :blotto:


Now that I do know happens :nod:

Well, the original user who posted the question hasn't been on in a while, but hopefully some newbie (such as myself) might wander around, have a read, and find this useful...

It's been my personal experience that there are stereo-types surrounding practically any profession one might choose. I'm lucky in that no one in my family reacted with a, "Why the hell do you want to do THAT?!?!" (at least to my face) when I told them of my career aspirations. However, there are a few relatives who feel that the definition of 'success' reflects directly upon how many figures make up one's salary, how big a house one has, how pretentious a car one drives, brand names, the richer and snootier the company one keeps, the better, etc., etc.  They would probably prefer I had 'x' amount of letters at the end of my name, working in some fancy white collar profession. Unfortunately for them, I'm a relatively down-to-earth gal who loves sports, swearing, getting dirty, "Keith's" and living life to the fullest.  I consider myself well-rounded in that I can appreciate all aspects of my personal and professional surroundings, as well as that of others, regardless of what they're doing.

Bottom line, you'll never make EVERYone happy.  There are those who feel it's their place to decide what is best for you and to be critical of whatever you do that doesn't fit into their 'idea' of who you are/should be.  So don't listen to those who only want to keep you in their box. Do what makes you happy and do whatever you have to do to get there.  Everything else will work itself out once those around you see how content and happy you are....and ignore the stereotypes...
I've encountered a few military stereotypes recently.

I find that, once civilans find out you have a military background, they automatically assume that you are ethical, competent, trustworthy, self-disciplined, personally courageous, physically strong, a protector of the weak, are a natural born leader and a strong team player, as well as unfailingly reliable and movingly patriotic.

My biggest challenge is living up to that stereotype.  :nod:
daftandbarmy said:
I've encountered a few military stereotypes recently.

I find that, once civilans find out you have a military background, they automatically assume that you are ethical, competent, trustworthy, self-disciplined, personally courageous, physically strong, a protector of the weak, are a natural born leader and a strong team player, as well as unfailingly reliable and movingly patriotic.

My biggest challenge is living up to that stereotype.  :nod:

Absolutely awesome! Yes, it sometimes seems much easier to remember the negative stereotypes associated with things, rather than the positive. Thank you for that spin!