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MMMM......Wendy's Chili. Yum Yum!


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If you never had a reason not to eat fast food before, I got a good one for you:


Officials: Diner finds finger in chili
Thursday, March 24, 2005 Posted: 1348 GMT (2148 HKT)

SAN FRANCISCO, California (Reuters) -- A diner at a Wendy's fast food restaurant in San Jose, California, found a human finger in a bowl of chili prepared by the chain, local officials said Wednesday.

"This individual apparently did take a spoonful, did have a finger in their mouth and then, you know, spit it out and recognized it," said Ben Gale, director of the department of environmental health for Santa Clara County. "Then they had some kind of emotional reaction and vomited."

Local officials launched an investigation after the incident Tuesday night and the medical examiner determined Wednesday that the object was a human finger.

Officials are trying to determine whether the finger came in the raw materials Wendy's used to prepare the chili, Gale said.

Wendy's International Inc. corporate office did not immediately return a call for comment. Wendy's is the third-largest hamburger chain.

Normally there Chili is pretty good. That's it I'm sticking to Druxy's for the foreseeable future ::)
Timmy Ho's breadbowl chili is the way to go.

You'd think the person who lost their finger might have, you know, noticed? More than that, you'd think the person's supervisor might have put his own non-severed finger to his head, scratched and possibly gone bobbing for digits?

Here's a thought.......Maybe it's just the fingers in the chili.......Anyone notice any gristle like substance in the meat for their patties? Spicy Chicken? All other kinds of meat taste like chicken somehow, so whynot people?

Maybe the reason the supervisor DIDNT catch the finger is because he BECAME the chili......

I'm having fun today!!!! This is what I get for having an office in an armoury with no windows.
Now we know what they did with Dave Thomas' after he died...

A mate of mine from the US told me that Chris Chelios has a Chili restaurant chain in the states that's supposed to serve some wicked chili...would love to try it one day...

But I agree...Timmy Ho's is the way to go...
Can't agree. Every time you ask them when the chili was made, they'll say "Fresh today" with a big smile. Any connoisseur of fine chili will tell you it has to cook and age for at least three days before it's ready for human consumpsion ;D
Heyyou guys that are sticking to Timmy's chili, well you might want to remember that Wendy's owns Timmies... makes you think, eh?

Of course this is just a freak accident, but one has to wonder how a human finger got into the food chain?  My guess is it happened at the beef plant, where a worker, obviously being careless, sliced off a digit. One would think that the beef s/he was working on would be destroyed rather than being shipped, even if they found the finger as the worker most likely bled into the meat....

I think vegetarianism is calling me again.

But i love beef....

Kincanucks, I think CNN is reasonably reputable news source. I'm inclined to think its true.
Big Foot said:
Kincanucks, I think CNN is reasonably reputable news source. I'm inclined to think its true.

Aren't you suppose to be studying?
No, Big Foot, he's right. CNN.com has a bogus website "spoof" website that has been spotted before.

It is actually very well done, for pranks, because it all links back to actual news articles if you click on say, "World".

But you may notice that Asia and Europe come before US on the left hand side, where as on the real site, US is before "World".

It is a very good replica. The last time I saw it, I almost believed the "Canada Arrests President for War Crimes" when he came to Halifax, the site was done so well. A quick search revealed otherwise.  ;D
It didn't take long for this story to pop up on snopes.com 


Did you have to post that today!?  Just as I finish eating my wendys :P
What I don't like is that it wasn't from an employee of that particular outlet. It came from farther back somewhere, so maybe lots of fingers got shipped around to lots of Wendy's outlets, all over the continent  :P
I wholeheartedly agree that the best chili is homemade chili...but if forced into a corner I will take Tim Horton's...
To begin with, all these chilis have beans. Real chili doesn't. Real chili is nothing but a spicey meat sauce. Same as our North American Chinese food, try find it in China. Won't happen. ;)
recceguy said:
To begin with, all these chilis have beans. Real chili doesn't. Real chili is nothing but a spicey meat sauce. Same as our North American Chinese food, try find it in China. Won't happen. ;)

THANKYOU!!! For the last three years I have been trying to convince people over here that proper chili does not have beans in. No one has taken me seriously! Lately I have started going insane, thinking I have been delusional and the whole "no bean" thing was all in my mind.

It is a great relief to hear someone else say this. From the sounds of it it looks like you're a bit of a chili expert, so your word is good enough for me, and you're a mod... Perfect!

I'm going to bring all of my doubting friends and show them this thread!
Thankyou recceguy, you've eased my mind.


P.s. Contrary to popular belief chili doesn't have have severed fingers in... I mean, what was that person thinking when they made the chili. They didn't just add beans, but fingers as well.  :o ;)

Woman behind Wendy's chili claim arrested

Updated: 6:31 a.m. ET April 22, 2005LAS VEGAS -
The woman who claimed she found a finger in her bowl of Wendy's chili last month has been arrested, the latest twist in a bizarre case about how the 1 1/2-inch finger tip ended up in a bowl of fast food.

Anna Ayala was taken into custody late Thursday at her Las Vegas home, police said.
Authorities would not provide details until a news conference Friday in San Jose, Calif. â ” the city where Ayala claimed she bit down on the finger in a mouthful of her steamy stew.

Ayala's 18-year-old son, Guadalupe Reyes, said he had gone to the store around 9 p.m. when he got a phone call from a friend who was back at the Las Vegas home.
â Å“We rushed back and she was already gone,â ? Reyes said.
Reyes said he had no other details and was waiting to hear from his mother.
Ohio-based Wendy's International Inc. did not immediately return a call Friday.

Ayala's claim that she found the finger tip, complete with a well-manicured nail, on March 22 initially drew sympathy. But when police and health officials failed to find any missing digits among the workers involved in the restaurant's supply chain, suspicion fell on Ayala, and her story has become a late-night punch line.
Ayala hired a lawyer and filed a claim against the Wendy's franchise owner, Fresno-based JEM Management. But after police searched her home in Las Vegas and continued to question her family, she dropped the lawsuit threat, saying the whole situation was just too stressful.
â Å“Lies, lies, lies, that's all I am hearing,â ? Ayala said after police started questioning her. â Å“They should look at Wendy's. What are they hiding? Why are we being victimized again and again?â ?

As it turns out, Ayala has a litigious history. She has filed claims against several corporations, including a former employer and General Motors, though it is unclear from court records whether she received any money. She said she got $30,000 from El Pollo Loco after her 13-year-old daughter got sick at one of the chain's Las Vegas-area restaurants. El Pollo Loco officials say she did not get a d
Earlier Thursday, Wendy's International Inc. announced it had ended its internal investigation, saying it could find no credible link between the finger and the restaurant chain.

Sales have dropped at franchises in Northern California, forcing layoffs and reduced hours, the company said. Wendy's also has hired private investigators, set up a hot line for tips and offered a $100,000 reward for anyone who provides information leading to the finger's original owner.