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Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op) [Merged]


Army.ca Veteran
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Just a Question for the expeirenced group. how much do you like your job, how much time is spent in the field, what do you actually do.( drive trucks cars vans buses etc) I am thinking of transfering over but I would like some first hand Knowledge. if it is even going to be a decent job. Seems the Airforce cant get their story straight on how long my course is going to be so I want to leave and find a better job.
That is quite a jump from Avn Tech to MSE Op....

I am not a trucker, but work with a bunch of them.  If it was me I would stay as a Avn Tech over MSE Op,  even if it did mean that I had to be in the Air Force :)

Avn Tech is a feeder for Flt Engr (091) right?  That is would be a good job I reckon.



AVN Tech is a feeder for Flight Engineer as well as AES Op - Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator.

I roomed with a MSE Op once. He had just remustered from that trade as a Corporal. From what I can remember, he told me you meet a lot of people as a MSE Op. Although he said the job itself is quite boring (Hence why he remustered).

MSE Op's basically drive every vehicle the CF operates (except for the armoured guys and their tanks and LAV's). Buses, cars, trucks... If it has wheels, you'll be driving it. That means anything from driving a bunch of recruits from the airport to recruit school, to driving around the CDS.

Taxi Driver + Bus Driver + Truck Driver = MSE Op.

This is just conjecture but I thought I'd chime in anyway. A lot of people I've worked with seem to have remustered out of MSE Op. From the informal discussions I've had with them it seems that they did not mind the job but it's not something they wanted to do for their entire careers. I would suggest just paying a visit to the vehicle hangar at whatever base you're posted to and talking to some of them. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to give you their opinion.
depending on what you want to do if and when you retire i'd stay in the 'tech' field.  I got out because it was time for a change, I liked the driving and touring but not something i wanted to do all my life, granted friends of mine are still in and liked their career but the higher you go the less time you see rubber on road.  Granted there are alot more driving jobs on civi street than aircraft tech jobs...
The reason I am looking at other options is that I am on the new Pilot course for Avn tech and as it seems right now who knows what our quals will be when we leave here. they are not even finished writing the course and are slowing us down so they can keep up. and what materiel they do have is something to be desired. It is a cut and paste job from the old course and it is a very poor cut and paste job. this is not to say it won't be an excellent course in a few years but not right now. I really have little if no faith in the airforce as a teaching institution from what i have seen, as they seem to teach well away from what others are doing in the aviation world. it would have been more feasable for them to have sent us to civie school and get us Dot approved then bring us back and train us on wpns systems and such, then post us to our units. It is another case of a very few people holding the reins and putting their personalle opinons, wants and egos before the actual training needs and skills that are required. yes most of the instructors feel the same way and that is a very sad state of affairs.
at this point in time I am looking at mse op, ammo tech, or veh tech, as possible trades to go into.
CTD said:
at this point in time I am looking at mse op, ammo tech, or veh tech, as possible trades to go into.

Army trades? (yea, yea, I know MSEop is AF too). Are you sure you're Air Force? I couldn't imagine a true-blue shaming himself with the green!

Anyway, I wouldn't be so quick to abandon ship. Maybe your journeyman course will be in much better shape than your 3s. And I don't think this is the last course you'll ever be on. My opinion, for what it's worth, is to try giving the actual operational side of your trade a chance. Who knows, you might like it :)
this is my fives level along with OJT. it has alot of problems one real big problem being log books that we will have to get filled out. no one knows how they are to be done and what exactly they should have in them as to tasks to be carried out.  As the saying goes the grass isnt any greener on the other side, for our course any ways we will have a very hard time getting our quals as no one knows yet what exactlt that entails. I have worked civie side on Aircraft and enjoyed it very much. but this whole new system has not only myself worried about the new direction but also the instructors as to wear we will be in the next 3-4 years. Idealy it will take us six months after this course to attain Journay man status. but because of lack of training aids and or no firm direction as to what exactly we are doing most of our instructers figure it is going to be years for us to reach that goal. Yes being on a pilot course is going to be hard but when the course has no firm direction but a vision you have to wonder. getting a course of this magnatide and scope off the ground in 18 months as they have said they have is next to impossible. it is obvious that they at least needed another full year of self evaluation and prep time before this course should have ran. And we all know the pressures that the knowledgable higherups have but some times you need to say "NO" it will not happen and your not going to get your next ring for at least another year. this course has so much riding on it that for them to start it in haste is like saying hers a rope and a tree tie this end around your neck and the other around that branch and keep ruunig to the end of the rope. eventually your going to snap your neck. it has happend to us a few times on the course where they have ceased training in the middle of it because a lack of qualified instructers on an aircraft. This course yes will have growing pains but it should never be seen or felt by the airmen and women who are on the course directly as we have seen and have to deal with it.
As a current MSE OP I would say to you stay with the Tech trades! I enjoy my trade and I am doing well enough in it to progress however job satisfaction is what counts. You don't always get cushy jobs. If posted to a field unit expect to see a lot of field time...trenches, long nights and lots of infantry stuff which still to this day boggles my mind. Lots of tours though which can be good and bad. Lots of people think that they will be driving buses and tractor trailers when the join this trade. I have been doing this for 7 yrs and only have some heavy equipment experience and the rest is normal SMP vehicles and one armoured vehicle thats all. Hang in there I am sure it will look better for you shortly!
I have experience from the Res side of being a Trucker. As mentioned above, field work is either driving (AWESOME) or trench duty (The Infantry of the CSS basically). I took the trade cause I love to drive. Peeps in trade are great. But the trade itself can be boring if theres nobody/supplies to drive. Basically the words "Concurrent Activity" mean crap work around the garage when doing nothing else.
I am doing the opposite of ya. Going from Trucker to Tech trade. I need more of a challenge.
If ya like a challenge..dont go MSEOP.
I have recently been promoted to MCpl and was nominated for my 6A course this summer in Borden. A message came back saying that I had to have two years at the rank of MCpl before I can complete the 6A course.

My understanding was that if you had your 5's and PLQ completed then promoted to MCpl you could complete your 6A. Once completed, you would have to wait two years in rank to be promoted to Sgt.

Has anyone else come across this before or is this something new?


try moving this to the combat service support section you might get better exposure
I have recently been promoted to MCpl and was nominated for my 6A course this summer in Borden. A message came back saying that I had to have two years at the rank of MCpl before I can complete the 6A course.

My understanding was that if you had your 5's and PLQ completed then promoted to MCpl you could complete your 6A. Once completed, then you would have to wait two years in rank to be promoted to Sgt.

Has anyone else come across this before, is this something new or has someone misunderstood the prerequisites ?


Very simple if you ask the right person up the chain:  You are probably not merit listed for Mcpl yet, therefore do not qualify for this training.
Has the QL5 have changed it's objective now? Not just harbouring and hide drills anymore? It's more of urban ops..and items along the peace maker mind? Is this to my understanding? Correct me if I am wrong... but I am hoping someone here from CFSEL can reply to this post... or someone that has been on the QL5 since this fall..

MSE Ops Lead The Way..

Service Second to None.  :army:

I am currently instructing on the QL5 course.  The course objective is to teach you to be a section commander.  This is achieved by showing you how to effectively perform the duties of a dispatcher and also how to research regulations to correctly make decisions.  The second portion of it is to teach you how to be a section commander in a field environment.  You learn the responsibilities of a section commander for DP's and how to site a section in location. 

Whatever you are taught on your course can be taken back to your unit and with some modifications, be adapted to whatever situation or scenario you are placed in.  Your unit or command will dictate any extra training or changes in procedures that will be instituted to adapt to these situations.

Hope this helps.  Should you have any further questions, please ask.

Well I do have to say is thank you so much for your time and help.

Thanks again,
So any one here up on MOSART and happy with the way its headed??

I'm directing this at the people of the MSE department.

would like to see what people think.

I was at the brief at HMCS Scotian and I don't like what I see.  It has the potential to be instated with in my career.  Most MS and a above wont even have to worry about it.
