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MPAC October 19th/ 2009


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So I am currently in my application for MP and I was told the next MPAC was October 19th. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was correct or if you will be on it!

Let me know!

** If you don't stand behind the troops, feel free to stand in front them**

I am also waiting for the next Mpac. The person handling my file just told me that the next date for MPAC would be in october but no date up yet. 

So ??? ...  will have to wait!!!
Nice! Do you live in Ontario? If so we will probably being doing it together. I am not sure if ever province has one or not. I can't really find much info on the MPAC but I was told to go in knowing nothing and just go with the flow. So that is exactly what I am doing, haha!
Anyway if you hear anything let me know and I will definatly post when I get my dates.


** If you don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them**
:nod: Yup I'll keep you posted if I hear something.

No I from Quebec. The last MPAC was in Quebec but no idea if there is more then one mpac at the sametime ???...

and for getting ready, I'm reviewing most of my law notes. But like you mention, I'm going mostly blind too!  :)

I am going through the application process for NCM MP Reg force as well. Got my Interview\eCFAT\Medical completed and waiting for MPAC. Also, got a call from CFRC requesting an MTO driver history report and 3 Reference letters. During my interview, I was specifically told that the next MPAC would be October the 15th. I guess we all have to wait and see what the final word is.
hey all!
I thought i would refresh this post and ask around to find out if there is a set date for mpac. I handed my application to CFRC toronto on june 17th for military police. I went through my aptitude test. Medical. And the interview went very well. But the captain did not mention the date for MPAC. That was about july 7th. Since then my file came back from ottawa and according to CFRC i should be getting a phone call soon. I spoke to them last monday. Any one has any solid answer about next date?   
No, Mpac this summer was in Qc city.
For this one, we will know when they call.
No call for me so far!
Ya I am still waiting too!
They can be in Ottawa, Borden or Quebec City or so I have heard.
Still no answer for anyone?
We all waiting huh? I left a msg for the CFRC in toronto to give me call back. If i findout anything ill be sure to post it here. Ill see u all in the next mpac. 
I've just completed all my application process except MPAC a few weeks ago. I was told that I'd know early November if I'm selected for December.

I presume you will know anytime soon.

From CFRC Toronto, the next MPAC is the 19th of October. You'll be contacted in the next couple of weeks if your on it.
Hey Guys!
So I talked to the CFRC Toronto today and the lady I spoke to said some medicals can take up to 14 weeks right now before being processed. So who knows! If anyone finds out, let us know! Anyone know how often they run MPAC's in a year?hopefully more often then not!

Right now I have 3 dates for MPAC, 19 Oct, Start of Dec and end of Feb. MPOAC start of Dec.

If all your waiting for is RMO's blessing we MAY be able to send you on MPAC. This will depend if there is anything in your med file that is a concern.

KEY WORD IS "MAY"!!!!!!!

Remeber that part!!!!!
thank you FDO.......
I spoke to CFRC today and they confirmed october 19 also. Now i have a question! I have to be in B.C from september 30 to october 7.  Incase they cant reach me , do they leave a message for me ? Do i have to confirm it with them or will they give my place to someone else? I will have my cell phone on me & thats the main contact #.  Thanks in advance.
Give them your cell or an email address and make sure you tell them your going to be out of town so they don't call and when there is no answer move on to the next one.
Good Afternoon all,

It's nice to know I'm not the only one filled with anticipation about possibly being invited to MPAC. Just this week I happened to be in the vicinity of my nearest recruitment center (okay, maybe I purposely stopped by), and was told that those invited for assessment would receive a call within the next week and a half. The only thing I was warned about was the possibility of receiving short notice (as short as 72hrs). Should that be the case, I look forward to calling in sick at my current job.

Great post. Please update if anyone receives confirmation.
Thanks FDO! I completed my medical September 3rd and I did not have to get any sheets filled out by my doctor. Apparently I am healthy! I have a question and I don't know if you will be able to answer it or not. I heard that is an applicant isn't in basic by the end of October they do not send anymore classes until the new year. I was just wondering if it was a rumour or if you had any knowledge on that. If not, thanks for the MPAC information.

Ciao :camo:
Wen you finish MPAC/MPOAC the MP's put you on the BMQ. It is usually the next available course. If they want to hold off until you finish BMQ just before your MP course they will do that. However, like I said they send us the dates your doing BMQ. We will contact you and tell you when to come in for enrolment. If you are unsuccessful they will tell you that too. At that time you can either walk away or come back in to the CFRD and pick a new trade.