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My story

uncle-midget-boyd said:
Non, mon ami. Je croire que c'est du.
See?  Not even my masters have mastered it ;)

I think, however, since I am saying "le" as the french equivalent for "it", then "de le" would be correct, no?  As opposed to "le" being the french equivalent for "the", in which case "du" would be called for.  Am I correct?  And I realise that participles HAVE been dangled!
(EDIT: though this does NOT make me a master, I do have a current profile in French: CBB.  I rock!  Actually, I don't rock, I just paint rocks...)

Mortarman Rockpainter said:
I think, however, since I am saying "le" as the french equivalent for "it", then "de le" would be correct, no?  As opposed to "le" being the french equivalent for "the", in which case "du" would be called for.  Am I correct?  And I realise that participles HAVE been dangled!
(EDIT: though this does NOT make me a master, I do have a current profile in French: CBB.  I rock!  Actually, I don't rock, I just paint rocks...)

Its going to take me a while to unf**k what you just said......standby  ;D
Ich bin nicht eine Sprache Spezialist, nur eine einfache Flieger
CDN Aviator said:
No, i am correct

Bah, you're probably right, I was just going off this rule ici: http://french.about.com/library/pronunciation/bl-contractions.htm
de + le = du

BTW "croire" is not right

Je pense que?

I think, however, since I am saying "le" as the french equivalent for "it", then "de le" would be correct, no?  As opposed to "le" being the french equivalent for "the", in which case "du" would be called for.  Am I correct?  And I realise that participles HAVE been dangled!
(EDIT: though this does NOT make me a master, I do have a current profile in French: CBB.  I rock!  Actually, I don't rock, I just paint rocks...)

I'm going to go with CDN Aviator on that one... and step down, as my word smarts on both english and francais can be put to shame by both of you two ;D
CDN Aviator said:
Ich bin nicht eine  kein Sprachespezialist, nur eine einfache Flieger Pilot.;D
"Nicht ein" can sometimes be used, but only to emphasise something.  For example, you could say "don't say anything else", but to really hammer home the point, "Not one more word" sounds a bit more emphatic.
"Sprache Spezialist" is good, but remember that in German, they add those words into one brand new word.  My favourite: "Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungsschild".  (Speed Limit Sign).
Use "Ein" not "eine" when you talk of yourself, unless you are female, in which case you would be "Fliegerin" or "Pilotin".  (Though I crossed out "Flieger", you could use it, but "Pilot" is more "korrekt", if you will.

This German lesson brought to you by the City of Belleville for sending me to Germany for a year as an exchange student, and by Her Majesty, Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, for sending me to The University of Western Ontario to study German (and Philosophy)


But i am not a pilot......i was trying for  "airman"

My German is pretty bad. Thats kind of sad for someone born there isn't it ?

Then "Flieger" may not be correct either... Luftwaffemann?  I'm not sure.  Where's Ironduke?  What do you call a member of the airforce?  Luftwaffetruppe? 

So i talked with CFRC on Tuesday to find out the status of my application, they said I needed to come in as some information was missing from my application (transcripts, and ID information). I went in today and got it settled, turns out they were looking at an old file of mine from a previous application that I didn't pursue and had forgotten about. They had the new application but hadn't started it yet, and in there were all the missing documents, so they re-opened my original file and I have my CFAT scheduled for December 11 @ 12:00pm at CFRC Toronto. I also changed that application as I've decided to go Reg Force rather than Reserve.  :) :cdn:
I woke up this morning getting ready for the CFAT, my ride calls me and tells me they can't pick me up, something came up. At this point, I won't make it to CFRC on time for the test, so I make some calles and arrange another ride. i get there on time and start the test when told to, I'm almost done the test, and my computer shuts off. They re-booked me for January 10th, so hopefully that one goes without incident. Things happen for a reason.
They do it on computers??    :o  Wow, I remember using a pencil..... ;)
PMedMoe said:
They do it on computers??    :o  Wow, I remember using a pencil..... ;)

Hell - E.R. Campbell remembers using a hammer and chisel on a stone tablet.
PMedMoe said:
They do it on computers??    :o  Wow, I remember using a pencil..... ;)

I had a Quill Pen and papyrus! Why the heck do they keep changing things on us?? ;D
I did mine on paper, but I was not at a CFRC, was at a Res Detachment :D
rustysoap said:
I woke up this morning getting ready for the CFAT, my ride calls me and tells me they can't pick me up, something came up. At this point, I won't make it to CFRC on time for the test, so I make some calles and arrange another ride. i get there on time and start the test when told to, I'm almost done the test, and my computer shuts off. They re-booked me for January 10th, so hopefully that one goes without incident. Things happen for a reason.

Hey I was just wondering how your test went???
Hey guys,

So, i had re-booked my CFAT for January 10th, but I had a family emergency in Panama and was out of the country at that time. I had called CFRC to cancel the test date and told them I'd call when I got back to re-schedule. When I got back, I had made a promise to my grandmother that I would not join the military as long as she was alive, so I called CFRC and told them I was still in limbo as to whether I wanted to go through with my application. I kept my promise to my grandmother and a few weeks ago I decided that I STILL want to pursue a career in the military, and scheduled my CFAT for August 26, 2008 @ 8am...today, in about 2 hours. So I'm getting ready to go to CFRC - North York to do my CFAT. Hopefully my computer doesn't shut off on me this time around. Wish me luck.  :)
rustysoap said:
Hey guys,

So, i had re-booked my CFAT for January 10th, but I had a family emergency in Panama and was out of the country at that time. I had called CFRC to cancel the test date and told them I'd call when I got back to re-schedule. When I got back, I had made a promise to my grandmother that I would not join the military as long as she was alive, so I called CFRC and told them I was still in limbo as to whether I wanted to go through with my application. I kept my promise to my grandmother and a few weeks ago I decided that I STILL want to pursue a career in the military, and scheduled my CFAT for August 26, 2008 @ 8am...today, in about 2 hours. So I'm getting ready to go to CFRC - North York to do my CFAT. Hopefully my computer doesn't shut off on me this time around. Wish me luck.  :)

Its a little too late to wish you luck but I hope everything went well with your CFAT.  :)
Yep, passed the CFAT. The recruiter told me that I could have my medical as early as tomorrow, but the interview wouldn't be until at least September 27th. I have to check my work schedule to see when I can go in for the medical. Thanks for the well-wishing.
rustysoap said:
Yep, passed the CFAT. The recruiter told me that I could have my medical as early as tomorrow, but the interview wouldn't be until at least September 27th. I have to check my work schedule to see when I can go in for the medical. Thanks for the well-wishing.

Congrats!  Search the site for help regarding your medical and interview.  You will have tons of help here.  ;)