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My story


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I'm 23yrs old, and semi-employed. I'm CONDITIONALLY employed by a security company right now, just waiting for my security license to come in from the ministry before they can put me somewhere. I've been fascinated by the armed forces for a VERY long time, I don't know why, but i have. My cousin and I used to have toy rifles when we were kids and we'd play army often. When I was 10 years old my friend and I made a pact that we'd both join the military (at the time we were both more interested in the air force). We went as far as contacting the air cadets but neither of our parents wanted us to do that because they thought it meant we automatically went into the military. When I was 14 I again wanted to join a cadet corps, but this time with the Army cadets, again, parents wouldn't let me. During an air show in 1998 or '99 the CF had a "show and tell" type at the airport (i think it was the airport, i saw planes taking off on a runway, not sure which airport it was though). Anyways, during this show, the CF had this mini-obstacle course, which I participated in. When i came out i said to my parents "If i ever want to join the military, DON'T LET ME!" I was 14/15yrs old, and VERY out of shape back then. Anyways, at the age of 15 my family moved to the U.S. (miami). There we had recruiters coming to the school every so often, that the idea of the military came back, so I did some thinking, and sent off for information packages to the US Army and US Marines. They had some promotion where they'd send you some kind of gift for giving your information for an information package. Anyways, We ended up moving back to Canada a year later, and 2 weeks after we moved, US recruiters showed up at the house i lived in in the states (my aunt's house). My cousin answered the door and there were 2 recruiters standing at the door. "Hi, We're such and such from the US Army, we're looking for Alex" "um...he's moved to Canada" "hahaha, yes im sure, now seriously, we'd like to speak to him, asked for an information package from the US Army" (i didnt know information package meant recruiters showed up at your door). So when my aunt and cousin told me this story, everyone asked me if i had a death wish, if im not happy with my life, things like that. I dropped the idea of the military for a while, and decided to be a cop, so I took police foundations at Seneca college in King City, to get some basic knowledge into police work and such. again my mom asked me if i had a death wish, why i want to risk my life so much and blah blah blah.

Fast forward 3 years later, August 2006, I'm selling cars at a car dealership in Toronto, i sent for an information package from the CF. I fill it out, send it off. I dont hear anything from the CFRC for MONTHS, until December 2007. It was a Sgt. from the Mississauga recruiting office, calls my mom's cell, dont know how they got that number, said they've been trying to contact me for a while and this would be the last time and asked if i was still interested in the CF. I jumped out of my seat and said "yes, sir, i am" "great, we need to get a copy of your high school transcript..yadda yadda usual stuff, within a week and hand it in to us" (he didnt say yadda yadda but w/e). I let the week go through as my schedule was pretty busy and couldnt find the time to go to the board to get a transcript.  I sent for another application package a few months later after thinking about it some more, filled it out, got the high school transcript, and left it sitting there while i thought to myself if this is what I wanted for SURE FOR SURE!....co-workers criticizing me, 1 guy tried giving me orders and said "u gotta get used to it if ur gonna be in the army" "yea, well im not in the army YET, and you're nowhere near being one of my superiors, so take off eh" again mom freaks out "i dont understand why u wanna get yourself killed so much! i dont understand why you enjoy these things so much, u never grew up with guns, i raised you right" "yea, just goes to show all this sheltering of kids from violence and parents saying 'oh dont play guns, dont make a gun with ur index finger nd thumb, dont play g.i. joe, play with ken instead' (i didnt play with ken, i swear) does absolutely nothing" and anyways, she's given up now and has reluctantly accepted my choices in life.

So after  few months of having that application sitting there, debating whether or not i want this, i went down to the CFRC and handed it in last week. I figure, i've had 10 months to think about it (this time), and it's been on my mind for as long s i can remember, why not go for it.

That's my story, long, and depending on how you see it, boring, interesting, maybe even a common story for most. Here's hoping it all goes good
Good luck in your application process rusty and welcome to the site.  I am going for my medical this Thursday so HOPEFULLY I am not too far away from being accepted.  Just work hard at improving your physical fitness, even if you think you are fit it can always be better so read some of the great info on this site and work work work.

Good luck.
rustysoap said:
. I fill it out, send it off. I dont hear anything from the CFRC for MONTHS, until December 2007.

Thats a week from now ......... >:D

Well I wish you luck rusty. What are your 3 choices for trades?

Also tell your mother that being in the military doesnt mean you are going to get yourself killed. My parents said the same thing, until I explained that in any job you can get killed, doesn't matter the odds. Personally (and this isn't meant to start a debate) I believe that if we are meant to die, then we will, no matter what we are doing at the time (basically that fate has a time for us, and nothing we will do can change that). If the CF is what you truly want to do, then go for it full steam, your family and friends will understand eventually. After all it is your life.. not theirs.
JBoyd said:
Well I wish you luck rusty. What are your 3 choices for trades?

Also tell your mother that being in the military doesnt mean you are going to get yourself killed. My parents said the same thing, until I explained that in any job you can get killed, doesn't matter the odds. Personally (and this isn't meant to start a debate) I believe that if we are meant to die, then we will, no matter what we are doing at the time (basically that fate has a time for us, and nothing we will do can change that). If the CF is what you truly want to do, then go for it full steam, your family and friends will understand eventually. After all it is your life.. not theirs.

thanks jboyd, i've got infantry armour and artillery as my choices in that order.  I've told my parents that everytime she asks me about my career choices, i tell her that if im meant to day that day, i'll die whether it's in the military or in a cubicle at an office. When I was a kid i used to have a fear of death, i didnt wanna be alone cuz i thought i might croak and die and noone will ever find me, so my dad told me this made up story about how death'll find you regardless and when it's your time it's your time and you shouldn't go through life worried about it, so everytime they BOTH bring it up, i remind my dad about that story and it shuts him up pretty good, lol.

rustysoap said:
thanks jboyd, i've got infantry armour and artillery as my choices in that order.  I've told my parents that everytime she asks me about my career choices, i tell her that if im meant to day that day i'll die weather it's in the military or in a cubicle at an office. When I was a kid i used to have a fear of death, i didnt wanna be alone cuz i thought i might croak and die and noone will ever find me, so my dad told me this made up story about how death'll find you regardless and when it's your time it's your time and you shouldn't go through life worried about it, so everytime they BOTH bring it up, i remind my dad about that story and it shuts him up pretty good, lol.

My god man.....english is not that hard
rustysoap said:
proper story telling/writing has never been my strongest skill, i go all over the place

Well, there is never a better momentthen now to start improving your writing skills. It will follow you all of your life.
Yes and as people said (and I experienced) the old song remains true- "Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys." I talk of joining and my mom now tries talking me into college...and then I tell her how CF can help with that. Makes her flip right out.
Good on you! I joined when I was 23 and I was selling cars at the time too. I remember going into my boss a crusty old guy of 50 something, fearing that he would tell me to get the heck out the minute I talked of going military. He sat back and smiled and said "Good for you. I always wanted to join and always regretted not doing it. Do it. See if you like it and if you don't your job is waiting for you." He was right....if you don't you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
Good luck with your application...go for it!
CDN Aviator said:
My god man.....english is not that hard

Since we're nitpicking minor spelling and grammatical errors, I'll point out that it should actually be "My God, man. English is not that hard" I don't recall learning at any point that it was proper to use multiple periods to show an extended pause, and the word "English" or any other language for that matter, is supposed to be capitalized.

CDN Aviator said:
Max.....my personal feeling is that alot of fiscal policie are written vaguely for a reason. It leaves room for managers / COs to make decisions depending on their budget situations.
It's spelled " a lot" not "alot." Alot should actually be used in a sentence like "You must complete the exam in the ALOTTED time." You wouldn't say "alittle" so why say "alot." Two seperate words.

No disrespect meant whatsoever. I just felt the need to point out minor grammatical and spelling errors are things that just happen. I'm well-aware that the structures of my stories/writings aren't to "standard" (intro, body and conclusion), and I do have the occasional grammar/spelling brain-fart when I'm typing fast and off the top of my head.

Good on you! I joined when I was 23 and I was selling cars at the time too. I remember going into my boss a crusty old guy of 50 something, fearing that he would tell me to get the heck out the minute I talked of going military. He sat back and smiled and said "Good for you. I always wanted to join and always regretted not doing it. Do it. See if you like it and if you don't your job is waiting for you." He was right....if you don't you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
Good luck with your application...go for it!
Thanks for your kind words IN HOC SIGNO.

*edited to add thanks to IN HOC SIGNO*
To be fair to all involved, English is one of the more difficult languages to learn given the wide variety of "source" languages it has.  People in univeristy dangle participles and misuse simples words such as "good", "well" and "whom" all the time.  English words are rarely phonetic and grammar is a nightmare.

Anyway, congratulations to Rusty Soap.  I wish you well in your career.
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
To be fair to all involved, English is one of the more difficult languages to learn given the wide variety of "source" languages it has.  People in univeristy dangle participles and misuse simples words such as "good", "well" and "whom" all the time.  English words are rarely phonetic and grammar is a nightmare.

Anyway, congratulations to Rusty Soap.  I wish you well in your career.

try le french a bit la
CDN Aviator said:
try le french a bit la

I'm in the process of doing so right now. I've come to the conclusion that I will move to Australia, the English speaking nation with no bilingual needs.
Oui, le francais est difficile a apprendre, selon moi.  Mais, j'essaie le parlez pres'que tous les jours.  Je fait beaucoup des erreurs, je sais.  Aber, ich finde es am einfachsten, deutsch zu sprechen!  
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
Oui, le francais est difficile a apprendre, selon moi.  Mais, j'essaie de le parlez pres'que tous les jours.  Je fait beaucoup d ' es erreurs, je sais.  Aber, ich finde es am einfachsten, deutsch zu sprechen!  

Oui, le francais est difficile a apprendre, selon moi.  Mais, j'essaie de le parlez pres'que tous les jours.  Je fait beaucoup d ' es erreurs, je sais.  Aber, ich finde es am einfachsten, deutsch zu sprechen!

See?  I told you I make lots of mistakes!  (Though I think I got the German down!)  ;D
