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Name The Weapon!!!

Jesus. If it werent for the bit about security chaps in Iraq having to be awesome at their jobs, I'd be all over that! Sadly though, all i'll get to shoot at people with is issued. Disappointing. And you'd be earning my yearly rate in a month or two. Its just not fair!
Holy Crap Kevin!!!  You just need some bad black fatigue pants, a vest, a bad cam job and REALLY BIG muscles, and you could be Arnold's stunt double from Commando...

How do you do IA's from a vehicle with all that stuff dangling off of you? ;D

Inquiring minds with Frank want to know.

for Frank  ;D
they can kiss my mercenary white ass....


It appears that you like the PMag... ;D

Got some - they are great, and while it does not carry the weight of your endorsement, I too give them the well-armed redneck two thumbs up seal of approval!!


  You wanna throw some of that green back my way? Please make sure you include the extra $ for the exchange rate back into Cnd funds please  ;)
Hey Kevin, you coming back to Canada or some twisted holiday elsewhere?

Great pics, ha!
ShKAS42 Gas Operated REVOLVER Machine gun. Interesting with a rate of fire of  around 1625-1800RpM it was fed from 10 round drums!
Correct.  Though I think it fed from a disintegrating link belt into a ten chamber revolving breech mechanism.  It was frequently remote mounted on WW II Soviet fighters and lists as usually having 750 rds available.


I think that's correct, not much info on this beast out there.

Here's another one (may be too easy though)

I'm surpirised our resident Aussies haven't pick up on this one yet....ooops I may have just given it away
Easy, its a croc chopper Mark 17. Used extensively in Northern Territory...
Seriously though, it looks exactly like something that we dont use and i've never seen before...Hmm, interesting...
It's made by one of Aussieland's surviving firearms makers...no it is not an automatic boomerang launcher :)
Ok here is an easy one.....

Took this pic at the Litgow SAF museum in Lithgow, west of Sydney.

Got let into their mini 'pattern room' where the public don't have access.

I need the nationality, model, calibre, and its 'special' purpose...

