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NDP whining

Anyone who is a soldier and votes NDP should definitely take a hard look in the mirror! This is a party that will cut our budget so quick it would make your head spin! The combat arms would be GONE, done like dinner, with the remainder of the Forces losing all personal weapons. No more supporting our allies like Britain, US and Australia, we'd be tagging along with those hotbeds of democracy(courtesy of the UN) China, Russia and Cuba. The only overseas tours would be humanitarian relief, don't even consider the possibiltiy of fighting anything! :threat:

The NDP is a useless, arrogant, communist, out-of-touch hangout for ex-hippies and other far-left lunatics! F*ckin losers!
GO!!! said:

The NDP not supporting the military? When did this happen?

Jack is just upset because the BQ-Conservative axis has expelled him from the "fulcrum" position he occupied in the Martin Government. He no longer has any way to stay in the public eye, and as such, must be "anti" something to get any attention.

He reminds me of the puppy that gets upset when ignored, and pees on the rug.

Damn that gave me a good laugh.
GO!!! said:
YES, they will be called the Just Thank Friends, and they will be the world's only Tier I Special Feel Good Forces unit.

They will free fall from hot air balloons while distributing love and happiness on the point of a truck loaded with foreign aid. They will speak every language used in Canada, be half female and the other half gay and visible minority, and will never use guns, instead linking their arms in peaceful opposition to terrorism.


Sounds like the Carebears....awesome..

Layton's a tool....wait....no one's paying attention to me, what can I do now?
Insert Quote
"Anyone who is a soldier and votes NDP should definitely take a hard look in the mirror! This is a party that will cut our budget so quick it would make your head spin! The combat arms would be GONE, done like dinner, with the remainder of the Forces losing all personal weapons. No more supporting our allies like Britain, US and Australia, we'd be tagging along with those hotbeds of democracy(courtesy of the UN) China, Russia and Cuba. The only overseas tours would be humanitarian relief, don't even consider the possibiltiy of fighting anything!

The NDP is a useless, arrogant, communist, out-of-touch hangout for ex-hippies and other far-left lunatics! F*ckin losers!"

Could not have said it better myself!!!
Can anyone imagine  what this country would be reduced to if they ( lol) were ever to gain power?  Ooohh I just got goose bumps! I think I would leave, or maybe just move far away from any urban centre in Canada. :o
Sig_Des said:
Sounds like the Carebears....awesome..

Layton's a tool....wait....no one's paying attention to me, what can I do now?

Even pylons Need someone to pay attention to them  ;D
aluc said:
Can anyone imagine  what this country would be reduced to if they ( lol) were ever to gain power?  Ooohh I just got goose bumps! I think I would leave, or maybe just move far away from any urban centre in Canada. :o

Look what happened when they gained power in Ontario. Totally trashed it, like drunken college students.
recceguy said:
Look what happened when they gained power in Ontario. Totally trashed it, like drunken college students.

At least Ontario didn't end up with fast ferries.  I remember them being far over budget when only one had been finished and the other was less than 40% completed. urrrrrgh
recceguy said:
Look what happened when they gained power in Ontario. Totally trashed it, like drunken college students.

They had a decade to bring BC from best economy in the country, to worst economy and have-not status.

We're still climbing out the hole.

E-mail Jack Layton with your concerns ,he should know there are supporters of our men&women in uniform wherever they are.
corbo said:
E-mail Jack Layton with your concerns ,he should know there are supporters of our men&women in uniform wherever they are.
I have to agree if you are concern that the NDP are not supporting the troops them e-mail them:
Jack Layton isnt whining. He represents a significant portion of Canadians who believe there should have been a public debate over this. Unfortunately it is too little too late. The debate should have been before the Liberals decided we should go in there.

Anyway, dont take it as whining. hes doing his job. I respect that.
Pike, publicly undermining the confidence of our troops overseas is not just whining, it is degrading morale of our soldiers doing the job the LIBERAL government asked them to do. Jack Layton must realise and respect this fact, plain and simple.
He should have asked for a debate when the Lieberals launched us if he is serious. Guess he was to busy being Martin's yappy little lap dog, doing tricks for his bacon treats. Now he's been frozen out and damn the troops if it means airtime for him.
RangerRay said:
eJackuLayton never met a microphone that he didn't like.

And he must think that peacekeeping is standing around with stern looks and clean uniforms: 
"Hey, HEY, HEY  You can't give them bullets!  Cripes, they might shoot someone.  Can't we get a higher wall on this compound so that no one can throw things over?  AAA!  Was that a shot, I heard a shot!  Pack up your hootchies, we're getting the hell out of here.  This isn't what we signed up for".

Socialists love coming off like they are so morally superior and caring, yet any time there is real work to be done that looks like it could get messy, they crumple like a philo pastry under a hard cover text book. 
I don't agree with the public debate.  The only people who should be making decisions about the military are the military and the government.  Joe citizen doesn't get it.  The military does not have to be accountable to the public for their deployments.
Pike said:
Jack Layton isnt whining. He represents a significant portion of Canadians who believe there should have been a public debate over this. Unfortunately it is too little too late. The debate should have been before the Liberals decided we should go in there.

Anyway, dont take it as whining. hes doing his job. I respect that.
He's whining.
I did not join the Canadian Peacekeeper's. I joined the Canadian Forces...the military.
I've worn the blue beret. But it's secondary to reason we really exist, like it or not.
Only in Canada  does Army and Military seem to mean not soldiers able to fight a war...only unarmed peacekeeper's and that's a very sad state if you ask me (or my grandfather).
I would also argue that your "significant portion" of Canadians are most probably only the vocal minority.

Edited to add: Because if they were the majority they'd be in power wouldn't they?
zipperhead_cop said:
Socialists love coming off like they are so morally superior and caring, yet any time there is real work to be done that looks like it could get messy, they crumple like a philo pastry under a hard cover text book. 
I don't agree with the public debate.  The only people who should be making decisions about the military are the military and the government.  Joe citizen doesn't get it.  The military does not have to be accountable to the public for their deployments.


The government of the day gives us our marching orders, and THEY MUST explain to the taxpayers and citizens what is being done in their name. (They must explain every action they take using taxpayer money, but there are different threads for that). We, the CF should be able to explain in clear, consise terms what we have been ordered to do when asked, because the taxpayers are the ones who pay our bills. If we can't or won't say what is going on, then the taxpayer will quite correctly ask why are they paying for these *****?

However, we are in a difficult situation right now, we were given our orders by the previous government, which did not offer a parliamentry or public debate. Since we are actively engaged, debating the issue is now in the "too little. too late" column. If Smiling Jack would like a debate, how about picking a relevant topic like "what do you propose to do about Radicals in Canada/Iran/Dafur/China/(insert near term security concern)?" I would also like to hear what HE proposes to do about those issues.....