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Need a few questions answered and advice !!

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    Hello everyone , I am new here and have some questions/concerns about joining the Canadian Armed Forces. I'll start off by giving some background on myself .

    I am 22 years old and 6'1 165 lbs in good shape (I've done martial arts from young). I have mild acne on my face chest and back , but again it's mild and won't cause me problems .
    My plan is join the regular or reserve forces as an infantry soldier or try military police . I have the support of everyone except my girlfriend of four years . I really want to join the army for a lot of different reasons but the main being I want the adventure and challenge of being a soldier .

    I should note I do not have my high school diploma but have a date booked to write the GED test . Now for my questions .

Can I start the process of applying to the CAF before I get my GED ? (I want to start application now but GED test isn't until May)

Will the recruiters or fellow trainees discriminate or look down on me because my acne ?

Approximately how long from the first day of application does it take to get an offer into BMQ ?

I have some minor traffic tickets and am in about $2000 in debt from phone bills etc , will this get me rejected ?

Is it possible to shave every two or three days instead of everyday because it may irritate my acne ?

Is being in reserve just as "fun" as regular ? (I really want the army lifestyle)

My girlfriend is here is Ontario , let's say I get into regular for infantry soldier how often will I get too see her ?

Do I have a choice where I get stationed ? (I would like to be here in Ontario after basic)

What is the food like ? (I ask cause I have some very mild food sensitivities and lactose intolerant)

It says 49500 starting salary , is this as soon as you start basic ?

Can I do 4 years or do I need to commit too more ?

    I apologize for all the questions , I am just a person who likes to be ready for my task at hand and I need some answers too ease my girlfriend . I would really appreciate some answers you would be helping me out BIGTIME

Respect to all our soldiers !

    P.s  Any advice on getting my girlfriend on board ? Thanks
209 said:
Can I start the process of applying to the CAF before I get my GED ? (I want to start application now but GED test isn't until May)
Looking at forces.ca you will see infantry requires gr.10 only, MP requires a university or college degree.

Will the recruiters or fellow trainees discriminate or look down on me because my acne ?
No, as a fellow young male I also get acne. Just a part of life

Approximately how long from the first day of application does it take to get an offer into BMQ ?
Depends, can be 1 month-2 years. Look here http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/13064.0.html

I have some minor traffic tickets and am in about $2000 in debt from phone bills etc , will this get me rejected ?
Depends, best bet is to talk to a recruiter. The biggest thing with debt the CF is looking for is will you be able to pay it off on a soldiers salary. It is also quite revealing of your character.

Is it possible to shave every two or three days instead of everyday because it may irritate my acne ?
No idea, but someone with more experience could answer this

Is being in reserve just as "fun" as regular ? (I really want the army lifestyle)
Reserves is more of a part time job, a few nights a week and one weekend a month. It is not to the same calibre as the reg force

My girlfriend is here is Ontario , let's say I get into regular for infantry soldier how often will I get too see her ?
Well your first few months in will be hectic, and you will be bouncing around alot completing your training. Once posted to a unit it really depends on where you get posted to, you could get PPCLI and move out west. Or you could get RCR and either stay in Ontario or New Brunswick. But more then likely just on weekends
Do I have a choice where I get stationed ? (I would like to be here in Ontario after basic)
I believe you can request a certain regiment, i.e RCR but even then two battalions are in Ontario and one is out east. But at the same time the army will send you where needed
What is the food like ? (I ask cause I have some very mild food sensitivities and lactose intolerant)
Not qualified enough to comment.

It says 49500 starting salary , is this as soon as you start basic ?
33,672 is the starting rate for a Pte(B) I believe the 49,500 rate is after two years qualifying service
Can I do 4 years or do I need to commit too more ?
Depends on your trade, but you only need to sign up for one VIE(contract) off the bat. Once your first contract is up you are given more options.
WELCOME to army.ca

Lots of information here, all listed under topics that answer questions that thousands before you asked and had answered time and time again ad nauseum.  Perhaps sit down with your girlfriend and READ them. 
thanks a lot bud I appreciate the information and thank you very much
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