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Need alittle help selecting a MOC


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So i just completed my CFAT and I now face before me a big list of available MOCs. Im am trying to become an army reservist, and im not sure what i should consider choosing that will best line me up for reconnaissance patrolling and things along closely related. Im not interested in anything like being a com research op. i should tell you that, i want to get dirty and work in extreme conditions, not stare at a screen ( no offense to anyone who does it!) Any suggestions on what sort of MOCs will lead to that sort of stuff?
PMedMoe said:
Engineer (Combat, that is)

While the engineers are probably the hardest workers in the CF, I dont know too many that do recce patrols. Artillery? Unless he is going as a FOO I doubt it.

Lets not give out false information.

Dude, you want infantry, plain and simple. Do it.
Well if it is the Reserves you want and recce patrols is you thing you should look at the Armoured Regiments in your area. The reserve Armoured Regiment task is recce.
Ya from what ive been looking into im going to probably want infantry, the advanced training for it is what im after.
thanks folks
What exactly do you mean by 'advaced' training?

If you are going into the reserves, chances of getting a recce patrollman course are very slim. I doubt more than a couple spots a year will pop up for a unit, and as a new guy you probably will be in competition with senior guys for these spots.

If you want a sure shot at a recce course I would go regular and try and get into one of the light battalions. We run at least 2 a year in house and there are always spots for deserving guys who want them.
Armour!  Granted I'm biased since that is what my Grandfather did and that's what I applied for as my primary choice    :rofl:
Neolithium said:
Armour!  Granted I'm biased since that is what my Grandfather did and that's what I applied for as my primary choice    :rofl:

As was already mentioned, lets keep this to relevant info for what this guy is looking for. Just because you and your grandfather applied for armour, doesnt mean that some other guy who wants to be a recce patrollam should as well.
basrah said:
As was already mentioned, lets keep this to relevant info for what this guy is looking for. Just because you and your grandfather applied for armour, doesnt mean that some other guy who wants to be a recce patrollam should as well.

You know.....Looking at your comments in this thread and the other thread you started about Recruiters telling you friend lies, and also looking at your profile, I have come to the conclusion that you are as guilty as the Recruiter you are accusing in the thread that you started.  You really don't have a clue, or perhaps you do, but it is out looking for another.  You have wandered outside of your lanes in talking about Armour.
George Wallace said:
You know.....Looking at your comments in this thread and the other thread you started about Recruiters telling you friend lies, and also looking at your profile, I have come to the conclusion that you are as guilty as the Recruiter you are accusing in the thread that you started.  You really don't have a clue, or perhaps you do, but it is out looking for another.  You have wandered outside of your lanes in talking about Armour.

So the kid is here saying he is interested in recce patrolling, and has already said infantry has what he is looking for, but you think someone saying he should go armoured because his grandfather was is relevant? I would also be interested to hear some stories about armoured recce doing REAL LRRP patrols. I am giving advice that has to do with this thread, do tell how I am guilty of lying.

Oh, and speaking of viewing profiles, I returned the favour. Judging by your age, I am willing to bet that even though I have never stepped foot in a tank, I have more operational experience with tanks than you do. Feel free to bust out some Bosnia and Cyprus stories though....
mariomike, although those are good quotes they add nothing to this thread.

A buddy of mine while a member of the QYR did a number of dismounted recce patrols while on Brigade Exs, aswell as the mounted G-Wagon Recce.  Another tasking Reserve Armoured units have these days is Convoy Escort an that seems to be one of the primary positions they get overseas(from what I've seen anyways). An before anyone says thats not the only thing they do overseas, yea I know a handfull of Reserve Armour guys who have gone to LdSH an 1 was a Leo driver, other was a LAV driver other was an ARV driver. An I know of one who was in CIMIC.

Anyways, to the topic starter I'd recommend finding out what units are in your area an going to them on a parade night, talk with the Recruiters an Soldiers an find out what each unit does, etc
basrah said:
Oh, and speaking of viewing profiles, I returned the favour. Judging by your age, I am willing to bet that even though I have never stepped foot in a tank, I have more operational experience with tanks than you do. Feel free to bust out some Bosnia and Cyprus stories though....

I have more operation tank time than you (haul out and measure phallic device).Busting down someones service to their country is lame.I was in Bosnia as well.I did a job and provided to the security of a country for 7 months of my life there.I also served in Afghanistan where I got the majority of my operational tank time.No need to crap on someone else's experience.Congrats on the MSM.

I will however say to thd if your looking for LRRP's join the reserves and see if you end up getting on a course.I understand not everyone can join the regular force due to work,family etc.

ARMD recce will provide you with mud op's, recce patrols, point recce's and on occasion long range patrols.I don't know of any of our guys doing LRRP over there however there were mud op's and patrolling.

Again I would shoot for Infantry,Armd,Engineer. In that order.
basrah said:
Oh, and speaking of viewing profiles, I returned the favour. Judging by your age,......

The problem with judging by age is that just because the government says we're adults, doesn't mean some people are actually capable of acting like one.

You need to chill out.

Milnet.ca Staff
You're wasting your time with Basrah...you gave him an opening to tell us how great he is...
George Wallace
X-mo-1979 said:
I have more operation tank time than you (haul out and measure phallic device).Busting down someones service to their country is lame.I was in Bosnia as well.I did a job and provided to the security of a country for 7 months of my life there.I also served in Afghanistan where I got the majority of my operational tank time.No need to crap on someone else's experience.Congrats on the MSM

I'm trying to follow the continuity of this Tread, but its like, you can't tell the players without a program.

Now your response was directed at "Basrah", but how could he be referring to your age, as your Profile is Blank. Wasn't he  referring to "George's", now his remarks should have been directed at "George" and not you.. Of course I stand to be corrected.

May I complement you on your Service and Deployment Record. It certainly would merit being included in your Profile.

I think X-mo-1979 was criticizing Basrah for dissing Georges' TI....and rightly so....when he's walked a mile...etc.
metilhed said:
.....Im am trying to become an army reservist, and im not sure what i should consider choosing that will best line me up for reconnaissance patrolling and things along closely related.
.......i want to get dirty and work in extreme conditions, ......

Along the lines of what tree hugger said, joining the reserves does involve picking what is in your area.

Any of the combat arms trades (listed on the CFAT MOC list that you qualified for) will get you "down and dirty" as you mentioned as they all involve their own version of down and dirty/extreme conditions...just ask any artymn/crmn (armour)/ or infmn for their down and dirty stories... hehe

...but some of those trades might not be offered in your area....
You guys love going off topic. I responded to GW judging me based on the limited information he had about me by doing the same to him, of course because I am not part of the 'crew' of the boards I am instantly seen as a troll... or whatever it is you all call it.

I am trying to give this kid relevant advice, as someone who has quite a bit of experience with recce platoon, and patrolling, yet again because I am not part of the clic here my experience is seen as second rate to someone who has been on this board longer.

I would think this forum would be happy to have guys with real time infantry combat experience dropping by, but since I dont have 100,000+ points and subscribe to the board, and buy a army.ca coin, I am wrong for voicing my opinions. While I am the first to admit I am opinionated, I am no more so than many of the moderators on this site.

Im sure Ill get some sort of warning for speaking out.

Kid, go infantry. If you want some advice feel free to send me a message, because this board is so far off topic it is hard to get any real info out of it.