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New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

Nfld Sapper said:

You there you have something better to do than be on parade?

Gentlemen, I want to know - Who ran those panties up the flag pole?
SERGEANT MAJOR:  Don't stand there gawping like you've never seen the Hand
    of God before!  Now, today, we're going to do marching up and down the
    square!  That is, unless any of you got anything better to do.  Well?!
    Anyone got anything they'd rather be doing than marching up and down the
    square?!  Yes?!  Atkinson.  What would you... rather be doing, Atkinson?

ATKINSON:  Well, to be quite honest, Sarge, I'd... rather be at home with the
    wife and kids.

SERGEANT MAJOR:  Would you, now?!

ATKINSON:  Yes, Sarge.

SERGEANT MAJOR:  Right!  Off you go!  Now, everybody else happy with my little
    plan... of marching up and down the square a bit?

COLES:  Sarge!


COLES:  I've got a book I'd quite like to read.

SERGEANT MAJOR:  Right!  You go read your book, then!  Now!  Everybody else...
    quite content to join in... with my little scheme of marching up and down
    the square?!

WYCLIF:  Sarge?

SERGEANT MAJOR:  Yes, Wyclif?!  What is it?!

WYCLIF:  Well, I'm, uh, learning the piano.

SERGEANT MAJOR:  Learning the piano?!

WYCLIF:  Yes, Sarge.

SERGEANT MAJOR:  And I suppose you want to go and practise, eh?  Marching up
    and down the square not good enough for you, eh?!

WYCLIF:  Well,--

SERGEANT MAJOR:  Right!  Off you go!


SERGEANT MAJOR:  Now!  What about the rest of you?  Rather be at the pictures,
    I suppose.

SQUAD:  Yeah.  Yeah.  Yeah.  Ooh, yeah.  Yeah.  Right.  Yeah.  Right.

SERGEANT MAJOR:  All right!  Off you go!

SQUAD:  Oh.  Ooh.  Great.  That's great.  What a day.  I want to see the
    Merle Oberon picture.  Eh hehheh.

SERGEANT MAJOR:  Bloody army!  I don't know what it's coming to.  Right!
    Sergeant Major, marching up and down the square.  Left, right, left.

NARRATOR #1:  Democracy and humanitarianism have always been trademarks of
    the British Army...


NARRATOR #1:  Shh!  ...And have stamped its triumph throughout history, in
    the furthest-flung corners of the Empire,...



Pure classic.. I wish I had a Sergeant Major like him.    :rofl:

"Which one of you 'orrible little men in the IT Section keeps photo-shopping these stupid white balls over my head!?"
Michael O'Leary said:

"Which one of you 'orrible little men in the IT Section keeps photo-shopping these stupid white balls over my head!?"

ROFL Just noticed that part Mr. O'Leary

No, no, no! Just one hackel.. not three. One red hackel... buzz off. Don't mess with my dress and deportment.. not in front of the troops. For the love of....


You.. hurry up.

Don't run in combat boots....

Move with a sense of urgency...

I said don't run in combats boots...

*thump, ka-bang*

What? Your feet broken? Get up in fall in.

Hurry up!!! My lord!


CSM: Here is the top of the hill, troops. As you know my little turtle dumplings, you are at the bottom of the hill. As most schools teach, things roll down hill. Whom knows what causes this effect?

Pte Poor Soul: Gravity sir.

CSM: Right oh boy! That is correct. I see you actually paid attention in school instead of rolling the grass. Now.. since we are on the topic of gravity, what would be pulled down this hill of ours?

Pte Poor Soul: Water, sir?

CSM: Water? Water? I be thinking again about you and the grass. My lord. It be poop.. Yes my turtle dumplings, poop rolls down the hill. It comes to me then to you Pl WO, then to you Sect Commanders then to yourselves.
Now can some one explain to why the local town mayor gave me this massive bill before everyone gets poopy?