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New Light Infantry Batallion Orbat

As I have a copy of the Light Infantry Battalion Orbat on my desk from the fall of 2003 I see that they have modified a little not much added a few extra soldiers here and there.
But it also resembles another Infantry Orbat that I've seen elsewhere..................

In regards to Reserves and there role dismounted/light.... if the Reserves still had access to the APC that was built speciffically for them they would be mounted. But what do you know the Regular Force discovered that the BISON was pretty good and kept it for them selves.

hello all interesting stuff guys thanks this will be useful for the yahoo TO&Es group does anyone have a copy of the full powerpoint document they can email me ? .

also looking for any others on armour etc too

forgot to add this is the address for the TO&Es group if anyone wishes to join .

thomas (owner TO&Es group)


Unknown Factor in the thread "Engineer Support in Light/SF Roles" said:
... the only reason I can think of why people read into things is to sound SMRT or here themselves talk.   Specically what everyone is trying to do is justify existance into a formation which they think is 'new' and 'cutting edge'.   The reality is that for those that were in the Inf Bn's in the 80's and early 90's they were already configured into what everyone wants now in a light force.   3 rifle coys(4 for deployment), cbt sup (including tow/dfs,mortars,pioneers,reece/pathfinders) and an admin coy. Now if I forgot anyone I'm sure someone will point that out but if you look closely every element is represented.   So if you want to be cutting edge maybe what you should do is propose that the light inf bns reconfigure back into the old orbat and stop trying to re-invent the wheel.    Realize this though each of those Bn's soldiers would be Inf first - skill set second and I'm sure no one has a problem with that!
I don't recall coy sp wpns pls in the old doctrine.