PPCLI Guy said:
The talk of "a war vs the war" is a red herring. The Army has conducted a PRICIE + G analysis that is linked to the Canada First Defence Strategy, and determined what our Force Emplyment model is, which of course informs our Force Genration base. In other words, short of a full mobilisation to counter an existential threat, we already know what our BGs and Bdes will look like in contact. It is called Force 2013. It is not a theoretical construct - it defines the way we will deploy, and hence fight.
So, again, there are no PRes Armoured Recce specific outputs in the current construct except individual augmentees.....
Can you elaborate some on why there is no specific outputs? What was lacking in the PRes Armd Recce 'toolbelt' to lead Snr Leadership to determine "we have no use for these guys as a Sqn or Tp"?
Few comments, please keep in mind I've been away from Armd Recce for while.
- Although there seems to be a lack of knowledge on "what to do with D Sqn", is this true for both the Res and Reg Force Bdes? I know it exists in the PRes world, folks just don't get the exposure they do in the Reg Force. Just a fact of life. I'd guess its not quite the same in the Reg Force world.
- I was at a CBG HQ 02-06, and the way Armd Recce was used seemed to improve 500% from when I was with D Sqn in terms of 'what' they did on Bde Exs, as an example. I think, from watching at the HQ lvl, this change for the better was because the G3 was an Armd Officer who had D Sqn time. Having sat in Bde Comd and COS O Gps around the time of Op Splinter and fwd, the G3 was able to impress upon the Bde CofC that they had a recce element that had abilities that were not being exploited properly. IIIRC, the Tp that was tasked to Op Splinter (Hurricance Juan, Sept '03) did Area Recces, as an example. Damage assessments, stuff like that. Because it was something that they HAD trained for/done before, doing it in a DomOp scenario was for the most part, a no-brainer. I was one of 3 blackhats at the HQ then, and was asked how quickly I thought the Tp would be able to ramp-up for 'recce tasks'. Knowing the Tp Ldr and A c/s personally, my reply was 'as soon as they can get their orders issued".
- Following Juan, there were several exercises I know of that D Sqn was used extensively in ways I'd never experienced when I was still in the Troops. Bde ex's, Southbound Trooper, etc, where the recce sqn was used in a variety of mtd & dismtd tasks. Recce/secure beachhead for the Inf Coy, lead them into their position, while maintaining contact with the En Force, flank surviellance. LZ recce/security. Route Recce. The Bde execised in 3 different locations, each a Inf Coy group, with 1 Tp attached. Speaking to both the guys I knew in D Sqn and the Inf Coys, all had good things to say and people were shown just what "they guys who drive around in jeeps" could do if tasked. The light bulb had seemingly been switched on. I recall talking to one of the Coy Signallers after a SBT, and he said the folks at the Coy lvl were extremely impressed with what the jeep-dudes were capable of in the dismtd role. They were on the Obj 24 hrs to H-Hour, feeding SITREPS back, lead the Coy into their positions, all that good stuff. For a few years, it seemed they had a job and a role within the Bde and morale was high.
I can't talk about PRICIE-G and things like that, or what happened in the sandbox. I can say that I believe there is a role for Armd reservists. Maybe the Reserve D Sqn are victim of nay-saying in The Corps itself, because of the huge delta in trg and equip. If The Corps is saying " we can't really use these folks for anything other than individual agumentation", well thats too bad. A Tp is where young Tpr's and jnr Officers learn their craft. It has to come from somewhere.
Mud Recce skills are, IMO, a part of the toolkit that shouldn't go away. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that folks can see that PRes Armd Recce can still train for mud recce, and do a not bad job at it (given the limitations of todays training budget amounts). I started off when the PRes trained 2 nights/2 weekends a month, and saw the skill-fade that happened as trg days were sliced and diced.
On Bde/combined ex's, I'd say the best way for D Sqn to be used effectively is to put a good, experienced Capt as the LO and let him sell the Sqn at the HQ CP. Thats where I'd start.