just curious if anyone else got the surprise income tax due amount after a medical release. I'm specifically talking about the IRB that has ZERO tax being withheld. I don't think that's a cool move since getting out medically should be an indicator to VAC that maybe my math, focus and mental capabilities are not what they used to be and it's quite a simple math for them to get taxes taken off. I don't think I'm the only one but I wasn't aware that I was going to get punched in the B@LLS with a $9K tax bill.
Just by curiosity.
just curious if anyone else got the surprise income tax due amount after a medical release. I'm specifically talking about the IRB that has ZERO tax being withheld. I don't think that's a cool move since getting out medically should be an indicator to VAC that maybe my math, focus and mental capabilities are not what they used to be and it's quite a simple math for them to get taxes taken off. I don't think I'm the only one but I wasn't aware that I was going to get punched in the B@LLS with a $9K tax bill.
Just by curiosity.