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North Korea (Superthread)

Smartest thing he could do would be to ratchet the alert status back, excluding missile defence, and make a great show of paying attention to other doings. Kim knows where the line is now and how close he is to crossing it. There's still more than enough firepower in the region to vaporize Korea if push comes to shove.
U.S. int source to Reuters:  PRK doesn't need to import rocket engines from Ukraine ...
North Korea has the ability to produce missile engines and intelligence suggests the country does not need to rely on imports of engines, U.S. intelligence officials said on Tuesday.

"We have intelligence to suggest that North Korea is not reliant on imports of engines. Instead, we judge they have the ability to produce the engines themselves," one of the officials told Reuters ...
This from the Pentagon Info-machine ...
Exercise Ulchi Freedom Guardian 2017
Release No: NR-296-17
Aug. 18, 2017

The Republic of Korea and United States Combined Forces Command will begin the annual Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercise on Aug. 21 and will be continued through – Aug. 31, 2017. UFG is computer simulated defensive exercise designed to enhance readiness, protect the region and maintain stability on the Korean peninsula. There will be approximately 17,500 total U.S. service members participating, with approximately 3,000 coming from off-peninsula. U.S. forces will join ROK military forces from major ROK units representing all services, as well as ROK government participants. In addition to the ROK and U.S. forces, UN Command forces from seven sending states, including Australia, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, New Zealand, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, will participate in this UFG ...
... this from Global News:
The Canadian Armed Forces are sending 15 personnel to support a joint South Korean and American exercise as tensions between North Korea and the U.S. remain high.

The exercise, called ULCHI Freedom Guardian, is set to begin on Monday.

It’s expected to last until Aug. 31, the Pentagon said in a statement Friday.


According to the Department of National Defence (DND), ULCHI Freedom Guardian is an annual international training event designed to “practice scenarios of provocation, regional and international crisis management, and conflict transition on the Korean Peninsula.”

“Approximately 15 CAF personnel, primarily from Canadian Joint Operations Command… will train alongside counterparts from the United States, the Republic of Korea, and other United Nations Command partners to strengthen defensive capabilities in the region,” a spokesperson for the DND confirmed ...
While the threat from the DPRK has accelerated the program, this also has implications for China. Imagine if all the nations in the First Island Chain follow suit?


Japan plans installation of land-based Aegis missile defense system amid North Korea threats
AUG 17, 2017
WASHINGTON – The Defense Ministry plans to introduce a land-based Aegis missile defense system to respond to North Korea’s missile threats and will seek funding in the next fiscal year to cover system design costs, a government source said Wednesday.

The ministry had been considering a budgetary request to conduct studies on the installation of the so-called Aegis Ashore system, but expedited the schedule amid a series of ballistic missile test launches by Pyongyang, according to the source.

The ministry also plans to budget a space unit that will be created within the Self-Defense Forces to protect satellites used by Japan and the United States to detect ballistic missile launches, among other purposes.

Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera is expected to explain the plans to the U.S. government during his current visit to Washington, with Foreign Minister Taro Kono, for talks Thursday with U.S. counterparts.

In the budgetary request, to be submitted by the end of August, the ministry will leave open the actual sum it expects to pay for design of the Aegis Ashore program, because of the need for consultations with the United States, the source said.

But the ministry expects to finalize the costs by the end of the year when the government will draw up the fiscal 2018 budget plan.

Under Japan’s current multitier ballistic missile defense system, the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s Aegis destroyers equipped with Standard Missile-3 interceptors are tasked with stopping missiles in the outer atmosphere.

If they fail, the Air Self-Defense Force’s Patriot Advanced Capability-3 surface-to-air guided interceptors are the next line of defense against missile attacks.

Aegis Ashore uses the same components that are currently fitted to MSDF Aegis destroyers, but the system is land-based. It would also be easier for the SDF to prepare for missile intercepts using a permanent system installation.

The government is likely to start selecting candidate sites at the same time. The introduction of the new system will “largely” strengthen Japan’s missile defense, according to a ministry source, but some critics say it could increase tension in the surrounding region.

One estimate has shown that an Aegis Ashore unit costs about ¥80 billion ($728 million). The total expenses could balloon as the government will also need funds to purchase the land where the system will be installed. It is also unclear how long Japan will have to wait before it can start operating the system, and time will be required to train SDF members in its use.

New interceptors now being developed by the United States and Japan, known as SM-3 Block IIA, can also be launched from Aegis Ashore sites. This would potentially help Japan expand its defense coverage, and improve its accuracy.

Following North Korea’s threat last week to launch four ballistic missiles toward the U.S. territory of Guam, Japan has deployed the PAC-3 system to four prefectures in western regions that the missiles may fly over.

PAC-3 coverage is believed to extend its radius to within several dozens of kilometers, with the system deployed in areas of particular importance.

The Japanese Defense Ministry is also eager to bring forward the deadline, currently set at the end of March next year, for a plan to increase the number of Aegis ships from the current four to five. Officials are now looking to achieve this by the end of this year, the government source said.

Tokyo has been increasingly concerned about North Korea’s nuclear and missile development programs, saying that they have reached “a new level of threat.”
Don't worry about Korean missiles, man, there are statues of old dead guys to pull down!
jmt18325 said:
That would be funny, were it not so ignorant of actual US history.

Either get a sense of humour, or go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, you have absolutely zero idea of what I know about anything. Your condescending smarminess is not appreciated. I can't fully understand the burden you bear of being the smartest kid in the room, all the fucking time, nor that of being the paragon of all things correct. You must be exhausted. I bet you're a riot at parties. Climb down off your column, hero.
Kat Stevens said:
Either get a sense of humour, or go take a flying frig at a rolling donut,

Say something funny and I'll laugh.  Making light of the mistreatment of an entire group of people throughout US history while at the same time making fun of a possible nuclear holocaust isn't something that I find particularly funny.
I have to agree with the sentiment that you don't seem to find much amusing, jmt.  I'm sure that most SJWs must smile in humour from time to time.
jollyjacktar said:
I have to agree with the sentiment that you don't seem to find much amusing, jmt.  I'm sure that most SJWs must smile in humour from time to time.

Conservatives and liberals tend to have a different sense of humour - not sure why that is.
In the interest of full disclosure, and since I think the Left Right (Liberal Conservative) scale is somewhat meaningless in of itself, as has been discussed in other threads... on a political grid I would place myself, and have always tested, as Leftist and Libertarian leaning but right on the edge of being a centrist.

As such I think anybody at the extremes is just that: extreme.  Extremists have there place to pull the discussion, but I think if you find yourself at the extreme than you may not be considering all the facts.  Obviously just my opinion.

So, JMT, I *lean* towards how you think, but often reading what you say, I genuinely wonder what your motivation of being here is: are you trying to change everyone's opinion that doesn't agree with you?

The reason I ask is that I completely understand that this board, and the military, will tend to Right, and I'm actually honestly inquisitive if they would be Authoritarian or Libetarian?  But by choosing to be here, that will be part of the discourse.  I may not always agree with them but what is the point of poking that particular nest in it's own backyard?

And with that, I think I'll go back to being one of the many in the center saying "shut up, shut up, shut up..." but yet can't help watch with fascination as the edges do their best to drag us over whichever edge they are sitting on.
If we can keep it less personal when addressing one another, and debating viewpoints, please.
Baz said:
So, JMT, I *lean* towards how you think, but often reading what you say, I genuinely wonder what your motivation of being here is: are you trying to change everyone's opinion that doesn't agree with you?

I'm having a discussion.  Nothing more, nothing less.
In regards to ICBM interseption, or lack thereof maybe, do we have any weapon platforms that could do the job? Seen recently that a missile launched from North Korea would take approximately 25 minutes to reach Vancouver. I've also seen an example of an F15 shooting down an orbiting satellite but never heard of the ability to do the same to an incoming ICMB. Do our frigates have the capability?
The latest from PRK -- original statement here (with usual caveats re:  clicking on web pages of nasty regimes & giving them your info), archived page here (safer) and text of statement also attached ...
Kim Jong Un Inspects Chemical Material Institute of Academy of Defense Science
North Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Posted on: 2017-08-23

Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army, gave field guidance to the Chemical Material Institute of the Academy of Defense Science.

Shaking hands with officials who came out to greet him, respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un said that he came to learn about the situation of the institute and help its work. He noted that in recent years the institute has a lot of jobs in a patriotic drive for breaking through the cutting edge, whether they are known or not, true to the Workers’ Party of Korea’s policy of attaching importance to the defense science and technology and policy of the munitions industry.

After looking round the newly-built room for the education in the revolutionary history and exhibition hall of scientific and technological achievements, he learned about the processes for manufacturing ICBM warhead tip and solid-fuel rocket engine.

Acquainting himself with the processes for preform weaving by carbon fiber, chemical deposition, high pressure liquid deposition and final treatment, he learned about in detail the density of perform, deposition temperature, vacuum degree and deposition time in the chemical deposition process, deposition temperature, pressure, working medium and deposition frequency in the high pressure liquid deposition process and technological specifications in the final treatment process.

He then made a field survey of the process for manufacturing solid-fuel rocket engine and specified tasks and ways for normalizing the production at a higher level.

He set forth important tasks facing the institute.

He instructed the institute to produce more solid-fuel rocket engines and rocket warhead tips by further expanding engine production process and the production capacity of rocket warhead tips and engine jets by carbon/carbon compound material.

Highly appreciating that it is the pride of our Party to have such unassuming heroes, unit of patriotic scientists as the officials of this institute who have devoted themselves to carrying out the Party’s policy of defense science, keeping in mind the pure single mind of loyalty to the Party, whether they are appreciated or not, and gave special thanks and special bonus to them in the name of the Party Central Committee.

He had a photo session with the scientists, technicians and workers of the Chemical Material Institute of the Academy of Defense Science.

Accompanying him were Jo Yong Won and Kim Jong Sik, vice department directors of the C.C., the Workers’ Party of Korea.


Strange sight. 

White North Korean sons of US soldier who defected in the 60s appear in a video threatening to 'wipe out' America if Trump launches strikes - as they confirm the death of their father
-James Joseph Dresnok was facing court martial when he fled to North Korea
-He was the last known living defector to North Korea from the US military
-Dresnok married kidnapped Romanian woman in the late 1970s
-The couple had two children, James and Ted, who are in the North Korean Army

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4815946/Sons-defector-North-Korea-threaten-Donald-Trump.html#ixzz4qakXEo72
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