Well, I started this thread and it's been awhile since I've come back to check on it - nice to see so many replies! I'm getting pretty anxious to start BMQ now that it's only about three weeks away - a little over two weeks for my swearing in.
I was looking at my application process and for those of you that are asking, I thought I'd detail the timeline for me (dealing with the Victoria, BC, recruiting centre). I'd also like to note that I initially applied for MARS CEOTP as my primary, with NAV COMM as my secondary.
- 09/Jul/2009 - Submitted initial application online.
- 10/Aug/2009 - Attended Victoria recruiting centre for aptitude & medical tests and was pleasantly surprised to get my interview, as well. The results of my aptitude test allowed me to apply for any position I wanted in the CF, but due to being unemployed for several months and the expected wait for BMOQ for MARS, I switched my primary to NAV COMM.
- 24/Sep/2009 - After a lot of phone calls to "my" recruiter (he was great and very helpful, actually), I finally got my official job offer on the phone. There were some mix-ups after my interview and the processing of my application, partly due to the fact that I'd switched from an officer trade to NCM. Then, during personnel selection, somebody forgot to include my service number with my application so personnel sat on my file without doing anything lol.
- 7/Nov/2009 - Tentatively will be scheduled to fly out of Comox Airport to St. Jean.
So, all in all, it has been a rewarding but hair-pulling experience... Since my initial application, I've contemplated my reasons for joining the CF many times and am absolutely certain about my decision. I'm excited, elated, and a little freaked out LOL but really looking forward to the basic training "experience".
Good luck to all of you and hope to see some of you in St. Jean!!