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On the Toxicity of the ‘Warrior’ Ethos

We saw the same thing happen with the QDJM. I read so many citations that were worthy of at least a CDS Commendation, but they were throwing people up for a "commemoration" medal because the criteria and process was so much more timely and it was much more likely the person would receive the recognition.

We are our own worst enemies when it comes to recognizing our people.

Out this way the regular issue of 'The Queen's Not Dead Yet' medals helped us identify the people we should probably stay away from.

It was a very helpful targetting system ;)
‘Allyness’ is best described as military fashion sense, i.e. wearing various non-issue items, or modifying issue clothing or equipment in order to look subtly different from one’s peers.

aka TactiCool
‘Allyness’ is best described as military fashion sense, i.e. wearing various non-issue items, or modifying issue clothing or equipment in order to look subtly different from one’s peers.

aka TactiCool

In the UK, ’Ally’ was a uniquely Parachute Regiment thing as I recall. One could look ‘ally’ but you’d better be able to back it up with performance :)
For the parades we're not having due to Reconstitution? :sneaky:
You’re assuming the People’s Front of Judea and the Judean People’s Front don’t still have parades…just likely not ‘tear the ass out of it’ pompy, ceremonyishy ones.
So is NTOG the marine arm of the PFoJ or the JPF?

But they wear Helly Hanson
Ummmm Front of the Judean People here? P!ss off the lot of you!!

And the Messiah's name is Bwian.
Do you think JTF2 and CSOR will now start appearing with high and tights hair cuts, greasy 80s staches, and only issued clothing and equipment ?
More than likely ,after all it just wouldn't do to be mistaken for a member of the Canadian Army......😉

H&A are literally all about patronage. Most H&A only exist to make Senior Officers look more impressive than they really are.

Exhibit A:


Wow, 3 Star General Lawson looks pretty unimpressive for a CDS..... slap a few fake awards on him though:


BAM! Turbo Super Soldier Lawson! This guy must be a real killer! Lemme see your war face!

Our H&A is actually a perfect reflection of our society, fake and superficial!

I don't hold the belief that the measurement of "impressiveness" is by bling. While I can't speak to the effectiveness of Gen Lawson during this tenure as CDS (or from any of his service as a GOFO), he did seem like a better than average major when he was stationed at Baden-Soellingen before we closed it. There weren't a lot of people wearing more than one or two medals back in those days and I suspect that he received that SSM (with NATO bar) on the same parade that I received mine (along with most of the base - the NATO bar having only been authorized shortly before closing out our front-line Cold War bases). An air force general (pilot) with only three gongs was about right for the time and place (if his fighter time had been exclusively NORAD, he wouldn't have that many). I would say that a couple of tours flying fighters in Europe (including Starfighters) more than qualifies him as a warfighter.