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Online Applications

R031 Pte Joe said:
What would be the point then of even doing the online application? Sort of defeats the purpose really... Can we say redundancy???

Anyway, I doubt that is how it works since all these other people in this thread have done it online and it goes through for them just fine...

Kincanucks I'm sure would have advised you guys if that was the case...

Completing the application process
After you complete and submit your on-line application:
Sign; and;
Mail or bring it to a recruiting centre.

Your signature, (or your guardian's signature if you are under 18 years of age) is required to complete the application process.
You will receive an email:
Confirming receipt of your on-line application.
Outlining the next steps in the application process.
You can return to the application any time; login and view your application status.

this is a quote from https://blrscr3.egs-seg.gc.ca/forces/recruiting-recrutement/public/engraph/welcome_e.aspx#1

*Important: Please note that processing of your application will not commence until all of the supporting documents have been received and you have signed your Application form. Receipt of the signed Employment Application Form (DND 2170) and supporting documents will be used to verify your electronic submission and allow us to better assist you in choosing the right occupation.

That was a quote from my confermation email

by sending an online application, saves the step of dropping off your application and waiting for it to be sent off the be processed. showing up with your application signed, makes the CFRC already aware of you and your situation and (in st. catharines) was able to get CFAT scheduled.

I dont believe that this is any different at any CFRC? but you are right it is a bit redundant.
Hello so I started my application 2 weeks ago yesterday. I used the online application as I thought it would make things easier, so I wouldn’t have to phone the recruiting center all the time. Here is the problem when I log in now and select the application process thing. Were it is supposed to show the papers you need to mail in and which ones they have got, there is nothing there. On the email that was sent after I submitted the online application, it said I would be able to track it after 3 days. It’s now been 11 business day and nothing yet. I notice the online application page has not been updated since 2005. Have they stopped using it or something? And just haven’t took it down?

They haven’t called me yet that’s no problem I am going to phone them this week and see if they got my application I mailed. Just want to know if the online application is still being used. If it is, how often do they update it? Or does 3 days mean something else in army time?
Orphen said:
Hello so I started my application 2 weeks ago yesterday. I used the online application as I thought it would make things easier, so I wouldn’t have to phone the recruiting center all the time. Here is the problem when I log in now and select the application process thing. Were it is supposed to show the papers you need to mail in and which ones they have got, there is nothing there. On the email that was sent after I submitted the online application, it said I would be able to track it after 3 days. It’s now been 11 business day and nothing yet. I notice the online application page has not been updated since 2005. Have they stopped using it or something? And just haven’t took it down?

They haven’t called me yet that’s no problem I am going to phone them this week and see if they got my application I mailed. Just want to know if the online application is still being used. If it is, how often do they update it? Or does 3 days mean something else in army time?

Completing the application process
After you complete and submit your on-line application:
Sign; and;
Mail or bring it to a recruiting centre.

*Important: Please note that processing of your application will not commence until all of the supporting documents have been received and you have signed your Application form. Receipt of the signed Employment Application Form (DND 2170) and supporting documents will be used to verify your electronic submission and allow us to better assist you in choosing the right occupation.

Oh ok. i thought they started tracking it right away. guess they wont until the get my last letter of reference, mailed it of yesterday. thanks for the reply : )
Hey everyone,

I recently began signing up for an officer position on eCanada and i went through the process and was emailed my checklist forms. I needed to wait for my HS Transcript and when i finally got it i went to use the links again and now they do not open.

1. Canadian Forces Application Form:
2. Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form:
3. References for Applicant Form:

Do they work for anyone else or is it merely me? Any directions to the updated links for these 3 forms would be helpful. And i HAVE emailed them back asking for the new links (jobs@forces.ca) but no response after several tries.

Try again on Wednesday.  You may find that with many people on Canada Day holidays, the IT people may have choosen this time to do some "Server Maintenance".
just do it the old fashioned way. I did my on-line and when I got to the CFRC, i had to wait for them to find my application(5-10min.).
My brother did his on paper, and the recruiter said "he did it the easy way"....you have to go Recruiting Center anyways, might as well do it on paper.
The links didn't work for me at all when I got them, nor the 5 times I tried at different times and in different browsers

the Apply Online button on the CF website doesn't work all of the time either
babaganoosh said:
just do it the old fashioned way. I did my on-line and when I got to the CFRC, i had to wait for them to find my application(5-10min.).
My brother did his on paper, and the recruiter said "he did it the easy way"....you have to go Recruiting Center anyways, might as well do it on paper.

i would if i didnt live 150KM+ from the center.

And yeah ill try again on wednesday. They might of been away or on other task during this weekend.
I was given 60 days after online application to hand in my documentation (birth cert etc) .

However due to personal issues + near the end having a mix up with my transcripts then the holidays.. with all offices closed..

I missed the 60 day limit of my online app.

Can I still apply ?

I'm nervous .
Call the recruiting centre and leave them a voice mail with your name and your situation. They shouldn't close your on line application if you have contacted them.

CFR FCS said:
Call the recruiting centre and leave them a voice mail with your name and your situation. They shouldn't close your on line application if you have contacted them.


but worst case scenario , what happens if I miss it?

I had personal issues and completely understand that, but the holiday season as well as the board of education misplacing my Transcripts (my name and surname are misleading) , cuz off half a month of my deadline
Cossack said:
I had personal issues and completely understand that, but the holiday season as well as the board of education misplacing my Transcripts (my name and surname are misleading) , cuz off half a month of my deadline

I wasnt being smart. You asked for the worse case scenario and i gave it to you.