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Online Computer games[Actually All Things Gaming]

Is anybody here interested in the PC games such as The Operational Art of War, Blitzkrieg Series, Cossacks Series, Age of Empires, Rise of Nations, Command and Conquer, Red Alert series, Steel Panthers? Cheers.
I have both the OPART's - nothing more satisfying then moving 3 million troops over the Soviet border....

Talonsoft also has a good tactical hex series (WWII).

The best tactical game I've seen to date is the Combat Missions Series, which covers WWII theaters.
Used to play tons of Steel Panthers when I was in the shacks, hot seating it.  Haven't played Age of Empires 2 but once played lots of #1.  Also like V for Victory series.
Call Of Duty: Finest Hour for PS2, im not that great with that style of game, but it didnt take to long to figure out the controls, very intense gaming...Rented it on New Years Eve and played till 4 in the morning

- Shawn
My big problem with PS2 and Xbox shooters is that manual aim is fairly difficult with those joysticks, especially with games that use the right stick for (ie: GTA:SA) for me because I'm left handed. 

I'm just recently started playing Americas Army and I have to admit it is a good game.  I wouldn't mind getting HalfLife2 so I can play CS:Source,  back in first year i played a lot of CS.  Although the only problem I have with is that most servers are filled with 12 year old little brats who seem to think 'pwned' is a word and like to use numbers as letters.  Just irritates the hell out of me.

"You were Pwned"  "No, i wasnt ur a hax0r" 

augh.... *insert Sideshow Bob sound when he steps on rakes*
Sheerin said:
My big problem with PS2 and Xbox shooters is that manual aim is fairly difficult with those joysticks, especially with games that use the right stick for (ie: GTA:SA) for me because I'm left handed.

I'm just recently started playing Americas Army and I have to admit it is a good game. I wouldn't mind getting HalfLife2 so I can play CS:Source, back in first year i played a lot of CS. Although the only problem I have with is that most servers are filled with 12 year old little brats who seem to think 'pwned' is a word and like to use numbers as letters. Just irritates the heck out of me.

"You were Pwned" "No, i wasnt ur a hax0r"

augh.... *insert Sideshow Bob sound when he steps on rakes*

I have a friend who plays a lot of counter-strike. He now writes emails and says the word (if you can call it a word) pwned  :rage: to me. Nothing drives me crazier.
AmmoTech90 said:
Used to play tons of Steel Panthers when I was in the shacks, hot seating it.   Haven't played Age of Empires 2 but once played lots of #1.   Also like V for Victory series.

Is that series still available? I still have a couple on diskettes kicking around--they are very good little games, with the look and feel of the old paper tabletop wargames. The graphics are simple but clear, and the gameplay is quite good, especially on the powerful PCs that we have today. I have the Gold/Juno/Sword Game, and one on Smolensk (???-been a while since I dug it out) Were any other games issued by V for Victory?

I have played all the AoE series, and enjoyed them-they are quite cheap to pick up these days. If you liked AoE, you might also enjoy the "Cossacks" series (by CDV) or Microsoft's "Rise of Nations" which is like a combination of AoE and CivIII. EB or maybe Compucentre will normally have at least one of the "Cossacks" series in stock. The "Cossacks" games series resemble AoE or RoN but let you build HUGE armies of literally hundreds of units-better make sure you have a gutsy PC because a battle with 1,000 individual soldiers, cavalry and artillery pieces can really slow things down.

If u like turn based strategy games you should check out the close combat series and Gary Grigsby world at war when it comes out in a couple of weeks. For real time strategy i'd definetly recommend Rome total war, which is by far my favorite game.  Also for a good free game check out steel panthers world at war http://www.steelpanthersonline.com/main.asp  and at all cost avoid codename panzers.  They're are many hunting game for ps2 the most popular is kabela's big game hunter.
atticus said:
I have a friend who plays a lot of counter-strike. He now writes emails and says the word (if you can call it a word) pwned   :rage: to me. Nothing drives me crazier.

lol... Just wait until he starts employing it in common conversation. I have to admit, hearing my buddy actually say "rofl" (sounds like 'rawful') is pretty funny.

Anyone here play the Firearms mod for Halflife? I find Firearms to be much more entertaining than CS. Day of Defeat's alright. The only strategy game I've played of late is Sudden Strike II, though I'm not sure you could really call it a "strategy" game in the strictest terms.
Rise of Nations is such a great game I had almost forgotten about the Age of Empire series until I read that Age of Empires III is in development. Can't wait to see that.

Have been playing Half Life 2, now that my son is finished it, and it lives up to all the hype. My son has been playing a lot of counterstrike source and is excited by the news that HL2 Deathmatch looks like it will be out soon. I may have to take the on-line plunge myself for that one to see a multiplayer game with gravity guns  :D
sigpig said:
Have been playing Half Life 2, now that my son is finished it, and it lives up to all the hype. My son has been playing a lot of counterstrike source and is excited by the news that HL2 Deathmatch looks like it will be out soon. I may have to take the on-line plunge myself for that one to see a multiplayer game with gravity guns   :D

HL2 Deathmatch has been out for a month now.  It's alright, but gets very chaotic with stuff flying everywhere. You should have the option to download it through Steam if you haven't already.  Look under your Games directory in the Steam menu.
For V for Victory there was also Market Garden (my personal favorite) and Utah or Omaha to help complete the D Day experience.  Market Garden was nice because there were some fairly small games that could be done quick.  I picked up the complete series on one CD (I think) four years ago in Montreal, have to see if I still have it.
archer said:
HL2 Deathmatch has been out for a month now.  It's alright, but gets very chaotic with stuff flying everywhere. You should have the option to download it through Steam if you haven't already.  Look under your Games directory in the Steam menu.

When I saw the note from steam the other day I thought it meant they would be letting us know when it was available, not that it already was. Thanks for the update  :salute:
Delta Force Black Hawk Down, I am addicted to!  I am in a squad with another guy from my unit, anyone else play BHD?  If so and yah looking for a squad, ck=heck out www.tm-hq.com and post in the forums my handle is tm.Devient.  Northing to super serious. :threat:
Don't know if you guys noticed this already, but the HalfLife2 demo is now out. Woo!
I am downloading it from fileplanet.com

I have been meaning to buy this game for a long time, but never got around to it.
Been playing Call of Duty United Offensive on my new surround sound speakers .. turn my volume on full and the subwoofer to max and the explosions literally shake the windows and floors. Freaked the hell out of my dogs. I also heard a German yell "Amerikaner!" in my rear speaker and it scared the crap out of me and I jumped, and was unfortunately shot in the back of the head cause I didn't react fast enough due to that shock :(
i play Far Cry online and it's pretty good.  Commmand & Conquer "generals" and "zero hour" too...
Just wait for battlefield 2 to come out. That seems to be the only game that makes me want to go out and get a new computer.