Well I may as well post my outdoor gear; I don’t have as much go light gear like Scott (because I like to be comfortable).
Well Boots I use a set of midweight Merrell hikers, they are a good crossover between a hiker and a backpacking boot, and have a nice comfortable vibrm sole. I am thinking of getting a set of 6” magnums for hiking.
Clothing, I found Wal-Mart the best place, you can usually find quick drying clothing, that lasts just as long as the stuff form the outdoor stores, for a hell of a lot less.
Pack, I use an older
Kelty Coyote, I have had the pack for about ten years, and it is surprisingly still in good condition. It has been used and abused, and has even been to Africa with my brother, and is still going strong.
Tent, I just recently purchased an
MEC Wander II, I have only got to use the tent on a three night trip, and it held up, and never let in a drop of water (pretty much rained the whole time :

I bought this to replace an older North Face tent, that my youngest brother destroyed on me:;
Cooking, I use an
MSR Dragonfly it works with almost all types of fuel, and is really easy to adjust the heat output. As for cook wear I use a
MSR BlackLight Cookset, it has a pot gripper, two pots, a frying pan and a lid that fits all three. It is a non stick set, and is great for cooking with. I like to actually cook a proper meal, so this set is great for me.
My water filter is a
MSR SweetWater Microfilter. I have had it for about six years; it is easy to use/maintain (uses disposable filters, that need to be changed after about 5000L). I like the pump feature, and it uses two hoses, so you can lay the filter on the ground, instead of holding it above what you are filling.
As for hiking poles I use a set of MEC Croli Approach pole. I have had them for about 8 years, and they have been used for thousands of Km of hiking, and have acted as tarp poles amongst other things, and are still in decent shape. I think MEC has discontented these poles which is too bad, as they are good quality affordable poles.
My sleeping bag is an
MEC Hybrid It is good for fall, winter, and spring; but is too hot for summer use, my summer bag is a cheap mummy bag I picked up at Canadian Tire. I like the Hybrid, as it is worm, and packs small like down, but keeps you warm even when wet like synthetic bags. I also use an
MEC Mummy Bag liner it is great, as it warms you up faster than hopping straight into the sleeping bag, and it is easier to wash it, then the sleeping bag.
For lighting I use
Petzl Zoom Zoraheadlamp, that I have had for over ten years, and it is still working good. I have also started using my Surefire G2, as it is small and powerful.