Thanks for your comments, GW. I'll respectfully differ with you on a few points:
IMO, we shouldn't be trying to shut down sincere questions. Isn't part of's purpose to provide a forum for them? In all my years as a pay clerk, I never once received a frivolous question. Bottom line, it's mbrs' right as soldiers and citizens to understand things that affect them, if they choose. This isn't like a life-or-death sit, where you do things without questioning.
Thanks for the reminder about "patience", but it's irrelevant to this question. It doesn't matter to me when the pay raise comes in, and I believe our leaders when they say it's coming eventually. I haven't already spent it...good thing, as it turns out. Just trying to understand the approval process.
There's a mis-quote in your post. I didn't say that all the info that I am seeking is public knowledge already. Rather, I said that all the info that you had provided was public knowledge. The info I'm looking for doesn't seem to be out there.
If any of the posts in this thread were in fact from pay staff, this question didn't get answered. If I'm missing it in some other thread, I'd be grateful for a point in the right direction, fm anyone.
My question is similar to the one that DAA posted above on 08 Mar: if the budget was only approved on 09 Mar, how was the MND able to announce the rates & implementation date back on 15 Feb? Did DND have (or need) a backup plan to find this money if the budget had been voted down? Or, if parliament had been dissolved on 09 Mar because of the budget being voted down, would we now be seeing another CANFORGEN saying that, due to factors outside the dept's control, the implementation of the pay raise is postponed until parliament resumes after the election?
This isn't a "straw man" question. Even though TB may have approved the raise, the budget to pay for it still has to pass the senate, as far as I know, and then the H of C again for the final reading. It seems like the CANFORGEN might have more accurately said "IF THE BUDGET IS PASSED BY THE HOUSE OF COMMONS AND THE SENATE, THEN THE PAY RAISE WILL BE IMPLELENTED IN MID-APRIL" - but we don't know, because this part isn't widely known w/in DND. And judging from this forum, I'm not the only person who's interested. So the question remains.
I have trust in our system & leadership - just curious about this sit. If anyone's reading this who knows the answer, or has a plausible guess, I'm all ears.
Hope y'all are having a good day.
Edited for typos & clarity...or an attempt at it anyway....