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Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

Picture this:
Typical Canadian lad, in 1967, recently arrived (about 2 weeks before Christmas) in San Diego MCRD. Here I am didy-bopping along the MCRD parade square at sunset watching these people sing Christmas carols around a flag pole, with the temperature about 75 degrees F. There was this music playing, and I was trying to fit the words of "Good King Wencheslass" to the music and it was working quite well. That is, until this Lieutenant stopped me and pointed out the errors of my way.
It seems that the "Star Spangled Banner" does fit the words to "Good King Wencheslass", and politely inquired as to why I was still moving and not saluting the flag as it was being lowered.

For some strange reason, he did not understand my confusion, even after I explained that I was Canadian, I thought they were singing Christmas carols, the words fit, etc. , etc..

this memory is only good from a great distance..... :D
Well, now that we've solved saluting again - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/812/post-321684.html#msg321684
Okay i have a weird question... what happens when you are standing behind the counter or in the driver seat of the taxi and a CO comes up. Do you have to salute? (i am currently a civilian applicant so i have no background).
Lost Cargo said:
Okay i have a weird question... what happens when you are standing behind the counter or in the driver seat of the taxi and a CO comes up. Do you have to salute? (i am currently a civilian applicant so i have no background).

You don't salute in civvies.
Lost Cargo said:
Okay i have a weird question... what happens when you are standing behind the counter or in the driver seat of the taxi and a CO comes up. Do you have to salute? (i am currently a civilian applicant so i have no background).

You DO NOT SALUTE when 1) You are not in uniform; 2) You are in the Driver's Seat of a Vehicle; 3) You are not wearing Headress; and 4) normally when you are inside a building.
NL_engineer said:
I bet the RSMs would love to see this  ::)

I don't know if your joking or not, but yes some buldings you don't have to Salute in, I know there is a couple of them in Kingston at the PSTC.
NL_engineer said:
4) normally when you are inside a building.
I bet the RSMs would love to see this  ::)

Perhaps he meant "when the taxi you're driving has ended up inside a building, saluting is not required"   ;D
Infantry_ said:
I don't know if your joking or not, but yes some buldings you don't have to Salute in, I know there is a couple of them in Kingston at the PSTC.

I meant it as more of a joke.  Most buildings I have been in are salute when wearing a head dress, or YOU WILL SALUTE. (head dress must be worn when outside office (schools, depending on the RSM of curse))
Sig_Des said:
You don't salute in civvies.

Right, but it is correct to tip your hat if you meet an officer when you are in civvies.

(I realize that this is by no means universally done, even by the minority of men who wear hats in civvies.)
Neill McKay said:
Right, but it is correct to tip your hat if you meet an officer when you are in civvies.

(I realize that this is by no means universally done, even by the minority of men who wear hats in civvies.)

You have a regulation for that?
Trinity said:
You have a regulation for that?

From the CF Manual of Drill and Ceremonial Chapter 1, section 2, para 17 and 18:


17. Appropriate compliments shall be paid
when recognizing an officer dressed in civilian

18. When dressed in civilian clothes, all
members shall stand at attention and male
members (less Sikhs) shall remove headdress, on
any occasion when a salute would be correct in
uniform and extreme winter weather conditions
allow. On the march, the headdress is raised or
removed, if applicable, and the head turned right or
left. When headdress is not worn, it is correct to
turn the head as required and offer a polite
George Wallace said:
normally when you are inside a building.
When you are in a more common sense trade like armoured you don't salute inside a building, when you are TD'd to the RCR Battle School you do (not to mention saluting people behind you, as I found out the hard way) ;D

Some courtesies when wearing headdress and paying compliments inside of buildings:

Salute before entering an Officer's office, even if you outrank them.  (The reason is it is a courtesy, and also, they may hold a higher 'delegated' position than you.  Just leave it as being polite.)

Salute your officers first time and last time during the work day....."Good Morning and Good Afternoon/night".......you don't have to constantly be saluting them everytime you turn around.  Remember, that this is 'Indoors', not when you see them outside......where you will pay the proper compliments at all times......except in the Field (unless doing a Sniper Check.  ;D)

Salute when in "Designated Attention Areas" (Usually in all Trg Schools and in many Inf Regimental Lines, etc.).  Remember rules that apply to Groups.

When in doubt.  (Should be Safe, rather than Sorry......the catch all.)
well It has happened in the past..were a cadet...saw me in a shopping mal..and went standing attention to me...

I do not like it.

Showing respect and courtesy is ok...but to the point of getting to attention in a public place.... sorry...but I am not comfortable with it.  :-\
NL_engineer said:
I meant it as more of a joke.  Most buildings I have been in are salute when wearing a head dress, or YOU WILL SALUTE. (head dress must be worn when outside office (schools, depending on the RSM of curse))

Using your vodoo magic?  ;D
mysteriousmind said:
Showing respect and courtesy is ok...but to the point of getting to attention in a public place.... sorry...but I am not comfortable with it.  :-\

Well, if you joined the military, and you are in a public place, you'd better get used to saluting if you're in uniform. That's the way it is.

Telling the BComd, for example, in the Tim Horton's parking lot, that you neglected to salute his commission because you "just aren't comfortable with it" WILL NOT fly.

Word up.  ;)
mysteriousmind said:
well It has happened in the past..were a cadet...saw me in a shopping mal..and went standing attention to me...

I do not like it.

Showing respect and courtesy is ok...but to the point of getting to attention in a public place.... sorry...but I am not comfortable with it.  :-\

But look at who was doing it, a cadet.  It goes back to what George was saying "when in doubt".  They salute anything that moves because they are scared not to.  And this is not just cadets, but new recruits too.  (and not all of them, I am not trying to start a bash-cadet/recruit thing here).  But when they get more used to their surroundings, they will learn more about this too.  Personally, I only do the checking of arms (when I'm in civvies) to an officer when I am on the base/dockyard.  In a public place, I simply acknowledge them with a sir or ma'am.

(I had more written here too, but I was a bit slow today, so I'll just say to the Librarian's post -- +1)

rmacqueen said:
When you are in a more common sense trade element like armoured navy you don't salute inside a building...

MacQueen, just amending your post to my liking.  :D