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Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

Bo said:
Amnesty has printed 153 articles describing human rights abuses in Africa during 2006 alone:


In total, Amnesty has printed over 2672 articles for N.Africa and the Middle East versus 2483 articles for Africa. Is Amnesty biased?

So what?

How about you post what Amnesty International has to say about Canada?  Then tell me more about their 'accounting' and statistics.
Infanteer said:
...because from a purely military perspective, there hasn't been a conventional threat to Israel since 1973.  What is the point to retaining strategic ground for defensive purposes when your main opponent is suicide bombers and kids with sticks and rocks.

No, not when it is equally sacred to other faiths.  If you are prepared to say Israel should get Jerusalem for religious reasons, then I see no point in trying to undermine the claims of certain Islamic factions to push Israel out of "Dar al Islam"....

Maybe the lack of a conventional threat is due to the fact that the ground has been held.  If so, why give it up and re-invite it?

I take your point about Jerusalem being sacred to all faiths and that is not an issue as no one religion is barred from access throughout  the place, which wasn't the case until IDF paras booted out the Arab Legion almost 40 years ago.   However the fact remains it was a Jewish holyplace before the other religions were established.    So there is a reason precedent..  Every other religion has a "home"  of its own, why not Judiasm?    In any event,  the claims of  "certain Islamic factions"  are not going to cease if it is given up.  I reiterate:  point me to the synagogue in Mecca & Medina and I'll concede.

Furthermore, to get back to high ground argument Jersalem is on the aforementioned Jenin-Nablus-Hebron axis along which Mt. Scopus is a dominating feature.
Shec said:
Maybe the lack of a conventional threat is due to the fact that the ground has been held.  If so, why give it up and re-invite it?

The conventional threat is not due to held ground, it is due to qualitative superiority of the IDF over any other conventional military force in the region; a superiority it established in multiple wars.

However the fact remains it was a Jewish holyplace before the other religions were established.    So there is a reason precedent..  Every other religion has a "home"  of its own, why not Judiasm?

Who cares who "established it as a holy place first".  Should we hold a "who's spiritual bits are bigger in the city" contest to see who should ultimately get it?  I don't recall seeing any rulebook that states that every faith is "entitled" to a "home".  The fact is the matter is that each religion had a good millennia to establish itself in the city, and I can't see how any of them can claim that their right trumps anybody elses.

I reiterate:  point me to the synagogue in Mecca & Medina and I'll concede.

So, the Jewish people should be entitled to have Jerusalem because they don't have a synagogue in Mecca?

A claim based on faith isn't a very convincing one; how are we supposed to undermine an ideology that uses Islam to justify fighting to the death with Israel when you want to push forth a claim that the Jewish people have some sort of Divine Sovereignty over the area.  Your rationale is part of the problem - it is the same that guides other to declare the destruction of Israel as their goal; using a combination of ancient and spiritual claims to back up "who gets what".

I can think of many reasons of why Jerusalem is in good hands right now but yours isn't one of them....
No, the reality, and the point,  is that under Israeli administration all faiths have unfettered access.

I admit that in previous posts dating back a couple of years and under another thread I proposed that Jerusalem be an international city.
But that was then and this is now.   Someone in an earlier post on this thread asked if Arab demands for concessions were fair to Israel.   Same holds in this case - where is the assurance of equal access to Jerusalem granted to Judiasm?   For over 2,000 years the traditional Passover service ends with the wish "Next Year in Jerusalem".  That wish was repeated when Jews were burned at the stake during the Spanish Inquisition, it was repeated when they were herded into the gas chambers in Nazi occupied Europe, it was repeated at every other attempted "ethnic cleansing" in between,  and it became a reality in 1967.   And that my friend is why that city plucks at the heart strings.  Notwithstanding your observation about the unconvincing nature of faith-based claims,  do you really think that they are going to give it up voluntarily?

I'll close on a lighter note.  When G-d, through Moses,  led the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt and into the Land of Canaan the people were amazed, speechless, dumbfounded.   "Could this be true?",   they asked G-D. " Is this so lush, verdant, and pleasant place truly our promised land of milk & honey?"   To which The Lord answered:  "Uuhhh, Yeah. But wait until you meet the neighbours"
Shec said:
No, the reality, and the point,  is that under Israeli administration all faiths have unfettered access.

And that's the good reason.

ArmyVern said:
Let's not forget the water. Israel, by far the largest consumer of fresh water in the Middle East, diverts the Jordan River above Lake Tibereas (Sea of Gallilee) in the Golan Heights from where it derives aprox 35% of the fresh water it consumes. Water is both a National security issue and a political issue in Israel. Mount Hermon, the headpond of the River Jordan, the Yarmouk river(another fresh water supply), are all located in the Golan Heights. Then there's the age old question of the Latani River in the "security zone" of Lebanon and whether or not it is being diverted.

A Salient the Shebaa Farms may be, but there's much more than the high ground at stake here.

Didn't Hezboallah build a diversion channel a few years ago that Israel threatened war if it was used?
tamouh said:
In all honesty, as a Canadian Citizen from Middle Eastern background I find many posts here insulting to me and my fellow citizens, and I'm sure to many CF current and past serving members of Middle Eastern backgrounds including myself.

What's so insulting about the truth Tamouh?

Not that I am pointing a finger, but I would think the only insulted ones would be the synmpathisers and supporters of such cowardly and gutless murdering terr and related orgs.

Wesley "Over There" (formerly Down Under) said:
What's so insulting about the truth Tamouh?

Not that I am pointing a finger, but I would think the only insulted ones would be the synmpathisers and supporters of such cowardly and gutless murdering terr and related orgs.
indeed. I take umbrage at your post, tamouh, as we DS try very hard to ensure that nothing is said on this forum that would be derogatory to anyone's race, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, gender, or anything else over which they have no control.

Now, as to people's actions: THAT is fair game.
Colin P said:
Didn't Hezboallah build a diversion channel a few years ago that Israel threatened war if it was used?

Let's not forget the water. Israel, by far the largest consumer of fresh water in the Middle East, diverts the Jordan River above Lake Tibereas (Sea of Gallilee) in the Golan Heights from where it derives aprox 35% of the fresh water it consumes. Water is both a National security issue and a political issue in Israel. Mount Hermon, the headpond of the River Jordan, the Yarmouk river(another fresh water supply), are all located in the Golan Heights. Then there's the age old question of the Latani River in the "security zone" of Lebanon and whether or not it is being diverted.

Well, I mentioned the diversion in my original post. Nothing specific because both countries have expressed keen interest in diverting the Latani. Israel did threaten war if the Lebanese proceeded with their diversion. But let's not forget that one of the main reasons the Lebanese wanted to divert the waters to their populace was to counteract independant water analysts assertions that Israel itself was diverting the Latani through it's underground resevoirs while it controlled the "Security Zone" in order to supply Israel's ever-increasing thirst and agricultural needs.
My God people dont go getting Tarmouth, or whatever his name is,mad after all he is a Muslim and who
knows what he is liable to do,maybe get on an aeroplane and go and join Hamas or H,bolla and go fight
the Jews who he truly seems to dislike.But I really dont think so,he probably considers himself as a so
called moderate Muslim and and friends therein lies part of our problems.In the UK the so called moderate
Muslims are telling people that Britains foreign policies are a justification for terrorist acts,and in france
the 20% Muslim part of the population has effectively paralized chiracs government for fear of terrorist
acts or being chucked out in the next election. My  greatest fear is that we will have a great swing to the
extreme right in the West that will posibly solve our Muslim problem, but at what a cost. 
DO you have any evidence or facts to back up your claims? Because to me that looks like a bunch of crap.
time expired said:
My God people dont go getting Tarmouth, or whatever his name is,mad after all he is a Muslim and who
knows what he is liable to do,maybe get on an aeroplane and go and join Hamas or H,bolla and go fight
the Jews who he truly seems to dislike.But I really dont think so,he probably considers himself as a so
called moderate Muslim and and friends therein lies part of our problems.In the UK the so called moderate
Muslims are telling people that Britains foreign policies are a justification for terrorist acts,and in france
the 20% Muslim part of the population has effectively paralized chiracs government for fear of terrorist
acts or being chucked out in the next election. My  greatest fear is that we will have a great swing to the
extreme right in the West that will posibly solve our Muslim problem, but at what a cost.   
that is a truly offensive post. On a couple different levels. Don't do it again.
Jacy O
    I happen to live in southern Germany and due to the wonders of TV I have access to French ,
German and British news programming and while I am well aware of the limits of TV news I am
able to watch and draw my own conclusions . When the senior Muslim cleric states that the policies
of the British government are alienating young muslims and encouraging them to turn to radical
ideals and the senior muslim police official echos these ideas ,I see this as a form of blackmail and a
complete ursurping of our ideas of democracy . This threat to our society cannot be ignored and I am
sorry if bringing this to your attention you find offensive . Sorry I forgot France , to justify my comments
I bring to your attention to the last election , J.LaPen the leader of the extreme right can very close to
to winning the last presidental election on a strong anti immigrant platform and this was only stopped
by huge left wing demonstrations in Paris and other large cities , Chirac won even though he is a
Gaulist he was the only viable alternative .
Hope this answers your enquires as to the veracity of my claims
I think he meant raggin' on Tamouh directly, and suggesting that he might do terrorist stuff.  Albeit he is a misinformed agitator ( :dontpanic: simmer down T, I'm just pulling yer ya-ya's) he has also posted some stuff that indicates that he is personally not okay with terrorism.  Personal attacks around this place get shut down pretty quick, and I think you dodged a bullet by only getting a heads up, and not a verbal.  Best take the hint from Para-mod-boy. 
If you are just expanding on Muslim extremist efforts to reshape the world, you should be alright. 
Okay, I'll jet now.  :salute:
Zidderhead cop
                In the interests of peace  , at least on this thread ,I , to take this opportunity to apologise
to Tarmouh for my despicable attack, mea culpa mea culpa etc . However ,paracowboy are you ready ?,
I was merely trying to make the point that so called moderate muslims who support the aims and
aspirations of terrorist groups in thought ,word, if not deed , to paraphrase Chairman Mao , are the sea
in which the terrorist swims. Whether Tarmouh belongs in this group should only be judged by his
posts and my opinion I will keep to myself.

Oh man I did it again, Zipperhead Cop ,spelled your name wrong , I apologise , there was no evil intent.
you also seem intent on insinuating that ALL Muslims are bad guys. Your continual use of "so-called" in front of "moderate", for instance. If you have an issue with Islam in general, keep it to yourself. We don't allow that sort of thing. There's politically correct bullshit, and then there's blatant discrimination and hatred. Neither are welcome here. Nor are personal attacks.

Just keep that in mind when you type, and you should be fine. Welcome to Army.ca
          If you had read my post carefully you would possiby understand that my argument is not with
the muslim religion but with muslims who live in our Western democracies take full advantage of our
freedoms but are fully behind the efforts  of the various terrorist organisations, in the UK for example
60% of muslims consider terrorist attacks on innocent civilians justified. Equally large percentages
support  Hamas and H,bolla. It is these people that I have issues, the fact that I live in Europe may
have givern me a somewhat different take on things than yours,although by reading all your past posts
we seem to be on the same page on most issues. However that being said I do not appreciate being
talked to as a badly behaved child, I have noticed that you and others on the directing staff have a tendency
to be quite condecending to people who do not reach your extremely high interllectual standards.
If this is enough to get me thrown off the site, so be it I will always have AARSE

dude, I'm just layin' out the rules nice and clear so you understand them, in as plain English as I know how, same as I do for any other new guy. Take it as you will.
As a country that has freedom of speech, I think that any Muslim can say whatever they want.  That being said, I am sick of having to put up with political correctness and being foisted with "white man's burden" for some perceived or historical slight. 
It all traces back to the media.  They just LOVE to print inflammatory statements and get people going.  What it seems they don't realize is that there are lots of quiet observers that already think that way and are being emboldened by the apparent support in the mainstream, or fence sitters that may feel they should "get in the game" because they have a kinship to the extremist ideas. 
The concept of responsible journalism seems to have flown the coop.