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Pet Peeves

Conquistador said:
Telemarketers, even more when they don't speak good English

:rofl:  Its funny because it is ironic. 

But seriously,  :threat: Back off the Golden girls. Insulting the Golden Girls is fighting talk where I live. ;)

-  I wanta be Blanch,  but I know I'm Rose.
A few personal pet peeves:

1.  White urban kids who try to dress and talk like black gangsters and add insult to injury by attempting rap. (K-Fed comes to mind) I hate rap by the way.

2.  Car stereos that are so loud the bass knocks the fur off your himalayan. You want loud stick grenades in your ears and pull the pins!

3.  Customer service persons who are obviously involved in casual conversation on the phone or with coworkers and continue when customers are waiting.

4.    Waiting in a long checkout line while a customer haggles over the ticketed price of every item, or worse, starts hauling out coupons.
Pet Peeves, service related, C1, A1, X4.
  It's called a FORAGE cap fer chissakes!  Not forge cap.
and we COURT mount our medals we don't cork them!
That fricken MSU from somewhere East of here that sets up an entire camp for an ex and sleeps in the transient quarters.
Being staff checked for the Gan and being stood down the next day. (I know, I know but I can get excited, no?)

Civvy side it's that fricken neighbours kids friends with the BOOM BOOM cars and my kids English teacher correcting her paper with the word COLOR not COLOUR.  Which leads me to people that say zee not ZED.  Drive throughs that constantly screw-up your order and don't care cause they're the only one in town.  Customer service in Wal-mart (when my other neighbour isn't working) that and their new "high speed" self check-outs.  Smokers that conveniently forget about the 10 metre rule about doorways and the ensuing mess cause I sure as hell didn't do that when I smoked.

Wow I thought this would be a 2 liner but I'd better quit before I get into an un-recoverable spin.

see above peeves

Drivers who live in Canada, in the snow belt, who every year, live in complete denial that it is going to snow here for the next 8 months and  a) wait until there is 50 cm of snow as demonstrative proof it is going to snow again and finally put on their snow tires b) who, after driving for 8 months in snow last year, have forgotten how to drive in white mud this year and c) drivers who think snow is just white mud.   

RV drivers from INN-dee-ANHA who take a family vacation up the Alcan and ride their brakes all the way down a steep grade and can't for the life of them understand why they have no brakes left  as they get up close and personal with your support the troops bumper sticker OR same RV pilgrims that insist on taking a video clip of the cute little griz cub while standing on the road, with their vehicle locked. 

And finally, how to deal with telemarketers: *warning, some language is offensive*


(somehow, I can picture Para and Infanteer doing this..LOL)

As a former telemarketer myself i've got to say there are far easier ways to get rid of them. Simply saying, unless they'r Indian (those buggers are persistant and get paid for each sale, i got paid $22 an hour no matter what so i couldnt of cared less!), that they've got the wrong address or pretending that you've already got what ever they'r offering will usually get them to leave you alone.
Of course saying the telemarketer is involved in the murder is definately a good way to get rid of them but its a tad time consuming now isnt it?
Definately listen to this thing above though, thats funny as hell.
Some more peeves:

Guys with hair down to their shoulders
People who chew with their mouth open
People who spit
People who have their MP3/Walkmans so loud everyone within 100m can hear it
People who sing along to their MP3s/Walkmans, especially on the bus
The above two peeves put together
People who walk 3-across down the sidewalk making other people have to walk on the grass to get around them
People who don't drive the speed limit
People who don't shut their high beams off at night when their passing you in the opposite direction
People who enter turning lanes, then don't turn
People who smack their lips when eating.  On remembrance dunday in the mess we ordered pizza and I heard this guy all the way from another table.  If I didn't have a headache from hunger I would have stopped eating on principle.  :-X

I think in addition to the pt test,  cfat and the interviews and background checks we should make them eat in front of a panel of people and if they smack their lips they're out.
- Kingston drivers (used to be Toronto drivers, but the people here are worse)

- People who can't look in your eyes when talking to you

- People who roll there eyes when you are talking to them

- People who eat with a hat on (big no no at my house when I was growing up)

- "Whatever"
Along similar lines,  when I'm giving my 15 year old an important life lesson like "Cheez Wiz goes crusty if you don't put the lid on the jar", and she replies with "meh"..... MEH?!... WTF is meh?!?  Sends me into a sharply descending anger spiral....
Oh Kat, that's right up there with, "Idunno" with shrugging shoulders.  I feel for you man with having a 15 year old around. "15" is all my husband has to say when I suggest we try and have another kid...then it all comes back to me, vividly. 
Telemarketers were my pet peeve, but I figured out a successful method making them not want to call me.

I was quite badly hurt at work last year, which necessitated my being bedridden for a number of weeks, and at home for 3 months of sick leave. During this time, the phone rang incessantly, which is doubly bad when you require drugs to sleep.

Finally, I was so angry that I unleashed a string of profanity at a long distance phone plan salesman questioning his sexual orientation, the identity of his father and his recreational activities, all sprinkled liberally with my favorite four letter words and variances of them that would make a bosun blush. I actually blew a blood vessel in my eye I was yelling so hard.

The telemarketer hung up on me :), and I went back to sleep.

As it was also excellent stress relief, I carried on with this plan over the next month or so, and just as I had a nicely scripted 75 second rant built up, the number of calls dropped off sharply.

After speaking with a friend of a friend, who used to be a telemarketer, I found that the companies themselves will place you on an internal "do not call" list if you subject their employees to enough verbal abuse, simply as a method of protecting them from said abuse.

This created a rather uncomfortable situation when my physiotherapist called to change an appointment, but she laughed too when I told her the whole story!

Or you could get call display, or maybe turn off your ringer if you need to sleep during the day.
Getting challenged and asked to produce ID (by a slightly chubby, pushy, off duty female police officer out for a run) while marching through a local rural area, fully rucked up, on exercise with my rifle company. Comeback line that I wish I had used: "Hey lady, I'm the guy with all the machine guns, you show me YOUR friggin' ID."
1. People who talk alot but don't say anything,
2. Arrogant people,
3. Lazy teenagers who do nothing, and yet hold their hand out and expect money to magically appear in it,
4. Smokers who flick their cigs out the car window instead of using the ashtray,
5. People who are goody goodies on Sunday at church, but then become idiots the rest of the week,
6. People with bad breath who refuse to chew gum or eat breath mints,
7. People who speed in a 50 zone, then do 70 in an 80.
8. And.....the Germans...see no.2

Gnplummer421 :cdn:

Kat Stevens said:
WTF is meh?!?

According to Urban Dictionary, the word "meh" means: Indifference; to be used when one simply does not care.

So there ya go, thats what meh is. ;)
exsemjingo said:
Or you could get call display, or maybe turn off your ringer if you need to sleep during the day.

You have no sense of humour do you?