rigger...I don't know you, and you don't know me....however, I do consider myself somewhat an expert, given my relationship with a very successful realtor, and my experience with realty myself. I've conducted informal polls over the past four years, of people moving out of pmq's and purchasing their own property, and vice versa (albeit a somewhat rarity) where people may sell their property and move into a pmq. Your statement was
"I think if anyone bothered to look into it they would realize that on every base there is vacant PMQ's. This is due to the fact that maintenance has to be carried out and it is easier to do on a vacant Q rather than an occupied one." What I am saying...is I have looked into it, and it is not due to the fact that maintenance has to be carried out....yada yada yada. There is nowhere near enough contractors to work on 400 empty pmq's at any given time. Again, you don't know me...don't tell me what I am or what I am not. I do have a well, and hard earned license that says I am an expert.
para...is there something *I* need to clarify? As for your posts...you might consider taking comments made by a contractor or any other third party, with a grain of salt..given the lack or corroborating evidence. I'm not saying that you don't believe what you were told, as you obviously do. Heck, I even imagine any long term health concerns could be traced back to you living in a condemned building, that everyone, even the contractors knew about, and result in, what is now, a large lump sum payout?

Hmmmm, come to think of it...I lived in one of those comdemned buildings for several months....I'm gonna call DVA in the morning!
Ed, could your CFHA contact confirm the "condemned pmq" theory?

Prices in the area are starting to be reduced. People selling were trying to capitalize on the influx of personal to the area, and consequently, have 'forced' the hands of those moving here, and put them into a situation where they have decided to move into a pmq. Those same houses will sell for list, or slightly less than list, when everyone coming, comes. Ed, who would you recommend?