George Wallace said:
Now that we are way off topic...I wonder where you have been.
George, obviously my interpretation of what is new differs from yours. I will PM you with my thoughts.
Armymedic said:
I do not see the change of businesses the same way as you, xrme. A few less car dealerships in Petawawa proper, great. I see alot of new business with greater variety now then we had 10 yrs ago. In fact now, one does not have to drive to Pembroke to get to a decent grocery, drug, or knick-knack store.
As for the housing prices, that was a lob ball to your area of expertise...nice homer.
Same thing, opinions are like hemeroids, sooner or later, every arse has one, and no body likes em. A few less car dealers? How about we lose some fast food places instead!?

I can't speak for 10 years ago, only 8. Same grocer, renamed, and relocated. Same PharmaPlus, new location...knickknacks...that's what we need. Not a competitor grocer. Not a hardware store...more knickknacks and fast food spots. As for the hanging fast-ball...thanks. But, I do feel I know you.... :
Recce By Death said:
I know of at least 3 houses (2 bedroom "shacks") that were bought 5 years ago for approx $85 k and have just sold for $160 - $175k.
Very modest work was done to the houses and the properties are very small.
A wee bit more than the 10%.
I have a relative in the area who is posted and is selling his house, bought approx $115 (4years ago)....sold it for $169k
I was posted to Pet around the same time and was amazed at the outrageous prices here compared to NB where 4 acres and a 3 bedroom home under 20yrs old was going for approx $105 - $ Pet they were asking for $180k and 1/2 acre.
The market in Pet and the surrounding area is artificially inflated...period. Everyone knows it but are stuck with it.
I'm not going to buy a house until I get posted's worth the wait in my case anyway.
.Average. Grab a dictionary RbD, and look up the word. Then look up the average increase in, say Edmonton...almost 17%...then look at Victoria...almost 30%.
..How can you compare a house in NB to a house in Pet? I can find you a 3 bedroom house on 4 acres in Ontario, for $110K...probably not right in Petawawa.
...And "
artificially inflated"?? What's artificial about it? It
is the market.
shadow said:
I bought a house in Beachburg. It's 30 minutes to work in the summer, 5 minutes to the Ottawa River put-in (if you're into WW Kayaking) and an hour to Ottawa. The town is very small and friendly, and I paid a very reasonable price.
Beachburg is a nice place. For myself, that's alot of driving. An hour a day, in the summer. Obviously more in the winter. Again, for myself, alot of driving, and at a $1 a litre...for my average vehicle, about $8 a day, $40 a week (5 day week), $200 a month...again, Beachburg is a nice place... so is Deep River...and they have a Timmies!!