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Petawawa Thread- Merged

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Petawawa council wants entire province to support the troops
SEAN CHASE, Pembroke Daily Observer, 6 Mar 08
Article link

It what may be a first in Canada, Petawawa council passed a resolution Monday night that not only supports the Canadian military but calls for the rest of the province to do the same.

"It's very important that we, as the Town of Petawawa, which has the largest base in Canada, show support to the men and women of the Canadian Forces," said Mayor Bob Sweet, who drafted the resolution along with Councillor Treena Lemay.

"It's a difficult task that we ask (of) them."

The resolution will be forwarded to Renfrew County and all Ontario municipalities for support. Copies will also be sent to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and General Rick Hillier, the Chief of the Defence Staff and a former 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group commander.

The first draft of the motion included a section which stated "support for the troops themselves" is not necessarily support of the current Canadian mission in Afghanistan, where 2,000 Petawawa soldiers are scheduled to deploy this summer.

However, when Coun. Lemay read the motion, the wording was changed to "not necessarily any specific mission."

Mayor Sweet conceded they did not want to politicize the resolution, noting that it is the federal government through Parliament that decides what missions troops are deployed to and not municipal councils.

"I didn't want people to think if they support the resolution they are supporting the mission," Mayor Sweet added.

"That's for a different day and a different time."

That doesn't detract from the outstanding work Canadian soldiers are doing in Afghanistan, Mayor Sweet added.

In 2005, the mayor became one of the first Canadian municipal leaders to travel to Afghanistan when he joined a delegation that visited troops in Kabul and Kandahar.

"We are proud of the work they are doing," he said.

The resolution also called for the recognition of the tremendous, exemplary work and efforts carried out by Canadian troops in all their missions, whether they be NATO or United Nations peacekeeping operations.

"They do the job they are asked to do," Mayor Sweet added, noting the current Afghanistan mission has exacted a heavy toll on Petawawa where 22 local soldiers have lost their lives.

"This community has seen it's share of strife."

Council hopes the resolution will be adopted by municipalities throughout the rest of Canada once the province has thrown its support behind it.

Councillor Cy Steele wondered after if the vote shouldn't have been recorded in order to show how unanimous the support among council was.

Nevertheless, he thought it was an appropriate resolution considering Petawawa's close ties with the military, which has been such a major part of the community for over 100 years.

"What a better place for this resolution to come out of," said Coun. Steele. "We're the home of Red Fridays so this was a nice touch."

Once it is passed, could it be posted (final version) so we could send it to our council members?
I apologize if this post isn't in the proper place, it's my first anyway..HA. My girlfriend is a NO currently doing her pre-training in Petawawa. We talk every day on our cell phone's  and it really cuts out and loses the signal during our conversation. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks for any reply's!
It mostly only happens when the black helicopters engage the whisper mode for mind control ray training.
Pretty much from the North end of Pembroke to past Deep River can be kind of wonky at times.
Kat Stevens said:
It mostly only happens when the black helicopters engage the whisper mode for mind ray control ray training.

SHHH !!!
I've got Telus and never had a problem in Pet, Gagetown or Wainwright. Mattawa Plain, Lawfield Corridor or Battle Bridge, I always had a signal. Many times people blame the cell service, when in fact the phone they have is crap. Lots of games, tunes and videos but can't pull in a tower if they were standing next to it.
recceguy said:
I've got Telus and never had a problem in Pet, Gagetown or Wainwright. Mattawa Plain, Lawfield Corridor or Battle Bridge, I always had a signal. Many times people blame the cell service, when in fact the phone they have is crap. Lots of games, tunes and videos but can't pull in a tower if they were standing next to it.

Yea we are with Telus too, it's funny though, they are staying in modular tents and the signal is really bad, I was just curious if its a base issue becasue I know some parts in CFB Edmonton we are having the same issue, mainly at 1 FD AMB.
As was pointed out; it more often the choice of phone models.  If you have a phone with very low power, short range, etc., it doesn't matter where you are, your reception will be poor, or someone with more power will override your signal.  Remember, a cell phone is nothing more than a radio, and all radio characteristics apply. 
Mine was a Rogers-services RAZR, but I have not had problems elsewhere...I have heard comments about Rogers service issues along the Mattawa.
Just of note Bell Mobility cut out quite often between North Bay and Winnipeg, especially aroung the Sault and Thunder Bay
Was it blue or was it green?
Green eggs and ham.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
Sam I am.
I do not like green eggs and ham.

Thought this might ring a bell. But NOT your cellphone if your in Pet!!!!!:)lol
    Hey everyone. I'm in my med tech QL3, finishing up my portion in BC. We got a little notice of where we are all posted, I got 2 field amb. So I'm excited to finally get a posting since this is the one I wanted! Of course, since its my first posting I have questions, and I'm nervous about what to expect when I arrive in June or July. I'm curious as to what my days will consist of while I'm there, I've heard a range of things including vehicle maintenance... Wich is cool for me since I was a Mechanic in my Civvy life.
    I searched the Petawawa site, but I couldn't find any information about Dirt bikes or motocross clubs on the base. Borden has one and I enjoy having people to ride with.
So if any of you are welcome for a new riding partner, I'm looking! Not sure if there are even trails we on 2 wheels are allowed to ride.
    I love hunting and fishing so I'm looking forward to fitting right in it will feel like home.
    Also... I'm wondering if I'll finally get a single room. I love the guys I'm with but its about time to have some personal space, ya know!?
I just got my first posting to Petawawa.  I'm from a Navy family so all I know about Petawawa is that its in the middle of no where.  My posting message came a bit late, I'm moving in 3 weeks (and in those three weeks I need to finish my university exams and graduate) and I just got the message on Thursday.  My consultation is Friday, but they told me to start finding things out for myself. 

I apologize if this isn't the right place for this.

I read a post about the PMQ's in Petawawa.  Anyone living in one currently?  I'm interested in those purely because they allow dogs. My dog won't be coming immediately since I'm on courses, and I need to prepare the way for him, but in the future, I want him to come up.  Anyone know if there are waiting lists for them these days?  I hear PMQ's have improved a lot since it was taken over by civy's.

I'm not really looking at buying, at least not this year.  I'm only 22, and while I know that buying is the smart thing to do, I'm just not ready for that.  It makes me feel too grown up!  Any ideas where to look for places to rent if the PMQ situation doesn't work out? 

Anything you can tell me about Petawawa that will make it easier for me to prepare (and maybe make me look forward to leaving my beautiful Nova Scotia) would be greatly appreciated.

My dad (37 years in) isn't much of a help.  We've lived in the same house my entire life, and all he has to say is its my fault for choosing the army over the good life (navy)

Thanks in advance!

There is a waiting list, how long ...no idea.

If your single, sounds like you are, you'll be at the bottom of the pile for a bit as married couples have priority.

Go through IRPP and they should be able to let you know where you stand.

You may want to get an apartment in the meantime as dogs aren't allowed in the shacks.

No, the Q's have not improved one iota since being taken over by CFHA. If anything it's gotten worse IMHO.

We were posted to Pet for 2 yrs and have now been gone for 3 1/2 yrs.  Like you I knew nothing about it but that it was in the middle of knowhere and most people I new did not like it.  So, I really not looking forward to moving there.  Once we got there it really wasn't that bad. I was pleasantly surprised.  Between the town of Pembroke(about 15 min. away) and Pet. you can pretty much find what you need.  And Ottawa is about 1 1/2-2 hrs away. I lived in the PMQ's on the southside and had no complaints. I found CFHA to be quite accommodating and fixed things quickly.  As for being single and getting a PMQ, I really can't help you, because I have a family.  Dogs(&cats) have to be registered, when I was there it was about $20-30, can't remember exactly.  And there's lots of really great places to walk your dog and the summers are pretty good especially with the Ottawa River right there.  Although, pack you bug juice, the bugs are INSANE!!!  If you have anymore questions, ask away.  Robin