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PM diverts his plane to Cyprus to pick up families, Thats Leadership

toddskam said:
As for the refuelling of CF aircraft transiting Europe, well let's just say Paris isn't exactly a top destination for fuel.;)

Oh I see you used the "wink" emoticon. Now I get it, this means you are "in the know" and we all should just take your word for it all is that correct?
Maybe... just maybe... the aircraft wasn't configured for 100 persons? When was the last time you flew on a CF airbus, to throw your own question right back at you. It's possible the seats for the forward sections were in Trenton, with an office-type configuration set up in the front instead.. You know... since it was configured to fly the PM when it left Canada... The airbus I took home from Afghanistan in Feb was configured such that only the rear half of the aircraft actually had seats in it. It's possible.. Just possible... that the media pulled the number "100" out of it's ***, as it often does.

But maybe you're right. We should have left those 63 people behind until better means of transportation could have been arranged.

As for the refuelling of CF aircraft transiting Europe, well let's just say Paris isn't exactly a top destination for fuel.Wink
Heaven forbid the fact that GINge! just mentioned that he stopped in Paris to refuel on one of his CF flights home
Michael O'Leary said:
You seem pretty persistent for someone who's only even looked at three threads, and likes to describe himself as 'perhaps' cynical.

Jesus, I didn't realize I was being watched here? ;)
.....or maybe toddskam is just a troll, trying to stir the pot. Lot's of baseless accusations, but as Michael stated, no substance. Sounds like typical eurotrash rhetoric. Trolling is against the guidelines, time to change tact if he wants to hang around.
~RoKo~ could be dead on with his point about the aircraft configuration. As I stated earlier there can be up to 192 seats on the CC 150 (in a full pax config) but there are lots of different configs that are used. Indeed the PM's aircraft could very well have been configured quite differently than the full pax version. I don't remember the number of seats in this configuration though since I mainly deal with the combi or pax config, I have only dealt with the PM's aircraft once but didn't go inside it.
We were configured to carry passengers out of Kabul. There was only 130-150 of us IIRC, and we were crammed in worse than a Air Jazz puddlejumper. Configured as coach seats. Now if the PM's is configured with his secure suite and the press travels in business configuration, that may explain the lack of seating available. Possible?
recceguy said:
We were configured to carry passengers out of Kabul. There was only 130-150 of us IIRC, and we were crammed in worse than a Air Jazz puddlejumper. Configured as coach seats. Now if the PM's is configured with his secure suite and the press travels in business configuration, that may explain the lack of seating available. Possible?
Entirely possible, even probable.
I see nothing wrong here at all. I would also like to know what your point is.

Harper impresses me almost on a daily basis. He's doing good things which is what a leader should do. The reason everyone's tickled pink about what he's doing is because of the bull that we've had to put up with from past individuals in power. I'm very impressed.
The "VIP" Airbus has "first class" seating in the front, an office-type suite in the centre, and normal seating in the rear.  It can carry substantially less passengers than a normal passenger aircraft.  IIRC, about sixty people can be carried in the rear compartment.

I've flown on it a couple of times.
toddskam said:
Jesus, I didn't realize I was being watched here? ;)

Let's just say you have garnered our attention.......You are the Frankfurter in our Brot......You are on the radar......With your proximity to these relevant events, perhaps you could enlighten us as you prepare your morning coffee.  

We'll see you again after dinner.   ;D
Teddy Ruxpin said:
The "VIP" Airbus has "first class" seating in the front, an office-type suite in the centre, and normal seating in the rear.  It can carry substantially less passengers than a normal passenger aircraft.  IIRC, about sixty people can be carried in the rear compartment.

I've flown on it a couple of times.

I've flown on the Airbus configured that way too - your numbers seem about right, and there would have to be crew(s) security pers, etc. As part of a "skeleton crew" as well.

I think the media is just choked that they were dropped off (and thus out of the loop) to make room for evacuees.
GO!!! said:
I've flown on the Airbus configured that way too - your numbers seem about right, and there would have to be crew(s) security pers, etc. As part of a "skeleton crew" as well.

I think the media is just choked that they were dropped off (and thus out of the loop) to make room for evacuees.

+1 GO!! Like I said previously, spoiled brats left to spend their own dime, and no story to justify their time off the job.
Good Points Gramps, Recceguy, Go, Teddy.

    I guess our new poster Toddskam does not realize that the PM has to also lead and run the country from anywhere in the world thus the office PM configuration of the plane. Many of the crew have not been id as they are the silent guys who assist the PM in running the country. Toddskam shake your head and join the rest of us praising the PM for his show of leadership. Dump your ideas that this was for press or some other issue, just watch his arrival at the airport and he spent nil time with the press on the tarmac, he was short and sweet and did not bath in the lime light that was truely his if he wanted. He just went off after a few words to.......guess what....run the country.
Toddskam is a eurotrash troll. The sole purpose of being here is to disrupt threads and the site. It has been dealt with.............yet again.
The PM's 310 was config'd for him and his staff.  = x seating. IF he boots off some non-essentials (say..media) he can make room for some evacuees.  He would not boot off crew as they are the ones who know the emergency proceedures in case of any problems.  The 310 can take about 200+,  but the seats for that are back in Trenton.  As for refuelling in Paris...flight time from Paris to Cyprus + Cyprus passengers + new frieght/baggage = flight time to ??  Paris and not the UK.  The stand by crew may have been in Paris.  Crews can only fly for so long before they are grounded or MUST rest.  Maybe Larnaka does not have the proper Jet A fuel?  yadda..yadda...yadda.
+1 PM Harper for taking the intiative and picking up your countrymen. I think Toddskam should know a bit more about Air Ops before he spouts off about Air Ops.
Poop, and I didn't even vote for the guy.  :-\  He's starting to look like another term.  :salute: