Eye In The Sky said:- for every 500km of travel, you will require 1 day of paid leave (includes Wknd, Stat, Ann or Short if you were lucky and got some to travel; I have seen Short given before for this). If your Report Day was a Sunday, you'd likely have to use 2 Ann Days, with Sat and Sun being Wknd. You can travel 500km on your Report Day, provided your timing is the usual "1400/1600 hrs" which seems to be the norm. If your trip is 1845km one way, or 1545km one way, that still will require 4 days paid Lve.
Using the example of $450 max from the cost comparison, you will have $450 to pay for the trip there AND back. That includes food, fuel, hotels, etc. IIRC you sign a waiver stating you know all this and accept that you will take the hit for anything above/beyond the $450.
As you are probably talking about a CL B callout, you may find that CFSEME will not extend your contract to cover the travel (likely 6 more days of pay than if you flew) and your unit might not want to pay CL A days as well. If you are on a CL B that is greater than 60 days, you may have to use the Ann Lve you'd recieve for travel, if they would even approve it. If that was denied, the only other option might be LWOP (Leave Without Pay) and I can't comment on whether or not that is allowable for your situation.
* the times I've went to Borden or rtn, I've travelled thru the border at Niagra Falls, thru NY State, Mass, the 10 minute drive thru NHand thru Maine. Nice drive, alittle shorter and you can get some shopping done in Maine if you feel the need. The crossing in Holten puts you right at Woodstock. There is also Calais/St Stephen, but I like the drive on the I-95 to Holten better myself. Also, this route *might* put you under the 1500km mark from Moncton - Borden and save you 1 Ann Lve day each way; something worth looking into.
I've never been on contract other than the day prior and the day after the tasking, and I've been on POMV across the country. I get the tasking or course, request POMV, get the cost comparison rigamarole with the amount the CF'll cover, and carry on. No extension of my class B contract, no mention of leave days.
If its a course with no annual that I can take for the duration, it's tacked on after the contract. If its not, my annual gets taken during the contract.