Assuming CFSEME won't extent Cl B dates to cover travel, Home Unit won't pay Cl A days, and LWOP isn't an option, the OP said if POMV approved, he would take 2 days to travel up, and 2 days to visit. In theory, he could provide the "place he is visiting" as his travel start point to Borden. Mbr would have to pay their own way to XXX, Ontario (place he was planning on visiting, provided it was within 500Km of Borden). This is when the question of "how badly do I REALLY want my car on this Cl B" should be asked.
- mbr would state "I will be on XXX, Ontario on *date before CL B begins*. It would have to be within 500kmm of Borden.
- on RFD/Cl B start date, mbr would then proceed to Borden.
- mbr would only receive kilometric rate for travel on CL B start date, TDA, and meals over actual travel time (not to exceed cost comparison $ amount).
The RTU trip, mbr should have Ann Lve days x 2 for every 30 days of CL B. Rte Letter could be extended to cover Ann Lve not used*, which would cover off the 3 days travel @ 500km/day rule from Borden - Moncton.
Its been awhile since I've had to deal with this kind of situation, but basically that is what happened when I ran into this once with a mbr proceeding on CL B to Borden and wanted their POMV (3 month callout).
*assuming employing unit doesn't have a "Cl B ann leave shall be used before contract end date" policy. IIRC, most units were getting away from the contract end date extension stuff and requiring all Ann Lve to be used before contract ended. In this case, mbr would have to go LWOP on the rtn trip or "visit" XXX, Ontario again and pay for return trip out of pocket.