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Political Correctness gone too far?

thanks Herd Im glad you can look past the spelling mistakes lol yes I forgot to do the spell check again.

This stuff just really gets me going. It's so retarded. Sometimes I wish I could just pick up and go live in the 50's.
Ah, the '50's......... the good old days........ the anti-Communist witch-hunts (in the US) ........ segregation/institutional racism still rampant (US and Canada).... Tommy Prince returns from Korea a war hero, only to have an uncaring country turn it's back because he was a Native, and allow him to sink into the abyss (link on Tommy Prince: http://www.vcn.bc.ca/~jeffrey1/prince2.htm.....

Be careful what you wish for, as the good old days weren't always so good. You must obviously be a member of the elite: white (European), male (straight presumably), english speaker. I don't think many women, Natives, french speakers, gays, etc would want to turn back the clock to the 50's.

Don't get me wrong, the PC shit has gone overboard (and yes, I am a member of the 'elite' that I described above), but you don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It's not going to kill anybody to refer to recently neutered dog by the new PC terms (which I can't remember a the moment, and too lazy to look). But I'm sure that people that belong to the formerly "oppressed" groups certainly enjoy the freedoms that they enjoy today compared to what it was like 50 years ago. And for those that don't appreciate it, maybe a little time travel might be in order.


Well said, most who would wish to return to the "old ways" are those who think they have lost something....
In the 50's people werent sissys, People trusted their governments and they actually acomplished things. People had respect for one another and their country. with a WW still fresh in the mind you apreciate that freedom. This was the Golden age of Rock and Roll and high time for the economy. Kids werent going to school and shooting people.

and yes I am of the Elite Race and I do think I have lost something.
of course feminists and Gays wouldnt want to live in the 50's because people wouldn't bloody listen to them then and this crap thats going on now where our country is turning into a big gay parade of feelings and crying on peoples shoulders wouldnt be tolerated.
it's the Feminists and the gay people who have caused all this BS that im talking about.

so yes i would like to live in the 50's thank you very much.
People were "sissys" they just weren't able to talk about it because they'd get beaten into a pulp; See the many works of Alfred Kinsey if you think being gay is a "new" thing.
People trusted their governments too much and the average man could do little; We have unprecedented access to the mainstream media through blogs and the internet, something they didn't have in the fifties.
People had respect for each other as long as they were white and male;
The Golden Age of Rock and Roll was the 60's and onward, make no mistake about it; The Beatles, Dylan, Hendrix, Clapton, etc.
The world economy was in tatters from those great wars and the collapse of empires.

You're 17 years old and you're nostalgiac for an era that you never lived in.
ChopperHead said:
In the 50's people werent sissys, People trusted their governments and they actually acomplished things. People had respect for one another and their country. with a WW still fresh in the mind you apreciate that freedom. This was the Golden age of Rock and Roll and high time for the economy. Kids werent going to school and shooting people.

and yes I am of the Elite Race and I do think I have lost something.
of course feminists and Gays wouldnt want to live in the 50's because people wouldn't bloody listen to them then and this crap thats going on now where our country is turning into a big gay parade of feelings and crying on peoples shoulders wouldnt be tolerated.
it's the Feminists and the gay people who have caused all this BS that im talking about.

so yes i would like to live in the 50's thank you very much.

{begin sarcasm}
awwwwww.......my virgin ears !!

Where is the PC police when you need it ?

{end sarcasm}
and yes I am of the Elite Race

I now hope those of you who were liking his rant now take a deep breath and exhale slowly......
Bruce Monkhouse said:
and yes I am of the Elite Race

I now hope those of you who were liking his rant now take a deep breath and exhale slowly......

Didnt mean to say i liked his rant........was just waiting for the PC lightning bolt to come down !!
Didn't mean you aesop, you posted while my fat slow fingers were still typing.....

...and Chopperhead, please explain the elite race thing, I'm really interested.

We have a saying at work that politely means "you have made your point, now shut up", that I think applies to you right now:

It's "italian-canadian sauce-bread" night at my house....anyone care to join me ?
"Altered" dogs can mean a variety of things, including cropped ears, removed dew claws, or surgical correction of a genetic fault (like hip or knee dysplasia).

So the term "altered" is both stupid and sissy-ish, and incorrect.

And bobbyoreo, why does Lord Ralph scare you?

The man is elected by a margin that would be considered a landslide in any other part of the country, immediately after he gets loaded, heads to a shelter and tells the bums to get a job!

His idea for solving homelessness in Edmonton a few years back was to buy them all one way bus tickets to BC!

The man is a legend, with common sense as his right hand man, and political correctness as an ashtray. You could only be so lucky as to have a man like him in charge. 
GO!!! said:
"Altered" dogs can mean a variety of things, including cropped ears, removed dew claws, or surgical correction of a genetic fault (like hip or knee dysplasia).

So the term "altered" is both stupid and sissy-ish, and incorrect.

And bobbyoreo, why does Lord Ralph scare you?

The man is elected by a margin that would be considered a landslide in any other part of the country, immediately after he gets loaded, heads to a shelter and tells the bums to get a job!

His idea for solving homelessness in Edmonton a few years back was to buy them all one way bus tickets to BC!

The man is a legend, with common sense as his right hand man, and political correctness as an ashtray. You could only be so lucky as to have a man like him in charge. 

Bruce....perhaps Herr Ubergruppenchopper is referring to the elite HUMAN race......ya know?

If he is, God forbid,  referring to some bizarre ubermensch idea then I say we introduce him to a friend of mine.........PL Sgt ( WW2 ) and CQMS (Korea) who would be glad to edumicate him about silly ideas...........

Course it would be hard for Chopper ( if he has been silly) to keep mobile afterwards with an aluminum walker rammed up his fifth point of contact.
GO!!! said:
The man is a legend, with common sense as his right hand man, and political correctness as an ashtray.

Outstanding, I might have to steal this...  ;D
what did I get a Warning for??

and the elite race thing was not my word I was just replying to someone who said that i obviously must be of the Elite.

And the 50's were the Golden age of rock. Elvis, Richie Valens, Buddy Holly, etc but whatever thats not the point.

and I just said that every now and then i wanted to step back into the 50's for awile to get away from all the PCness and sappyness that i was originally complaining about. Whats the problem with that? every era has it's pro's and cons.

If you have to ask.....
ok I still dont see what a got a warning for?? can you be alittle more specific as in tell me and not give the If you dont know im not telling you thing.
I guess they didn't like your referring to yourself by that term, it's just supposed to be an insult leveled at you which your not supposed to dare use to label yourself in a rhetorical construct. Welcome to the PC world were the rules are different depending on your race, sex and sexual orientation which is sad because it used to be about equality.
Actually DBA, you are quite wrong, as far as I'm concerned its this part here,
of course feminists and Gays wouldnt want to live in the 50's because people wouldn't bloody listen to them then and this crap thats going on now where our country is turning into a big gay parade of feelings and crying on peoples shoulders wouldnt be tolerated.
it's the Feminists and the gay people who have caused all this BS that im talking about

Why is it so hard for some to stop whining about equality, when all they really want is to be superior?