How Stephen Harper can embrace a genuine consumer-friendly agenda
Scott Stinson
The scene: A sunny, autumn morning on Parliament Hill. A crowd gathers on the steps in front of the Peace Tower. Someone ascends the steps and prepares to speak. He’s wearing jeans and his jacket doesn’t quite fit right. Must be a journalist.
My fellow Canadian consumers, we live in extraordinary times. And we face an extraordinary opportunity. All across this great land of ours, we are burdened by so many modern millstones. Our politicians are loath to address them, wary of the vested interests that they protect. But we demand courage. We demand cheaper things!
Our Conservative government will this week, in this very building behind me, deliver a Speech from the Throne aimed, we are told, at putting “consumers first.” It will, reportedly, promise to make the cellular phone market more competitive, all in the name of increasing consumer choice. And it will curb excessive credit-card interest rates, even though consumers can avoid paying those by not charging things that they cannot afford.
That, friends, is fine. But is it really the best we can do? We live in an age where the transmission of information and goods is vastly more efficient than mankind has ever known. It is an age in which advances in technology have made us all citizens of a single global community.
And yet we Canadians pay punitively more than do our neighbours for milk. And cheese. Books and magazines. And automobiles — particularly the nice ones.
That, friends, is not all. Even when we aren’t subject to inflated prices for certain goods, Canadians are starved for choice. Television signals, the postal service, a bottle of wine: heavy regulation means the buyer either can’t get what he wants, or is stuck choosing between poor options.
Have we not outgrown such antiquities? If the Conservative government, nominally in support of free markets but, till now, demonstrably interested in something far different, is serious about a consumers’ agenda, it is time to send them this message: We will not accept half-measures!
If you want to truly put shoppers first, Mr. Prime Minister, there are some easy ways to do it — not by adding further regulations to businesses, but by ending our government’s very own attacks on consumer freedom.
Many years ago, our governments instituted a system called supply management. It has never been a source of much public consternation, probably because trying to explain it is complicated and anytime someone reads a sentence that includes the words “quota,” “tariff” and “supply management,” he just skips that article and heads straight for the celebrity gossip news.
[Pauses for laughter.]
Heh. Thank you. But what all this supply-management talk means is that the government artificially suppresses the supply of dairy and poultry products, which directly increases the costs to consumers, and restricts the importation of the same products, decreasing consumer choice.
The bizarre math of supply management is this: 35 million Canadians pay more for household staples like milk, cheese and eggs, to the benefit of fewer than 13,000 dairy
farms. Estimates vary on how much higher our prices are than those of other Western nations, but a conservative estimate is that Canadians pay an extra $75 annually
✓ Right! Supply management
on our grocery bills. Don’t even get me started on the inflated price of pizza. Bad though that is, the dairy tax — because that’s what it is — is even worse because it impacts
has to go; the sooner the better.
low-income families the most; the poorest among us can least afford the extra cost.
And what, precisely, is the point? To protect our pastoral image of the iconic family farm? There are perhaps 10% as many Canadian dairy farms today as there were 40 years ago. The world changed, and we adapted.
But wait, say this system’s defenders: Supply management ensures our food security. Yes, parents, are you so mad as to be willing to expose your children to non-Canadian eggs? And yet, we do just that all the time, buying imported produce, meat and grains every week. Let us not be fooled: Food security is the straw man of our times.
My fellow bargain-hunters, Canadians, simply pay far more every day than we ought to for a constellation of other products that do not come out of a cow or a chicken. This is due to the system of tariffs that Ottawa imposes on imports. These hidden taxes — because that’s what they are — are automatically applied at the border, and subsequently passed on to consumers in the form of higher retail prices. It’s one of the main reasons why, even as the Canadian dollar in recent years reached parity with the U.S. dollar, we were still stuck paying more than Americans for so many everyday items.
Here’s another way of looking at it: the federal treasury rakes in almost $4-billion each year (!!) from import tariffs. It’s such a golden goose for Ottawa that last year, even as the purportedly “free market” Tories were reducing tariffs on high-profile imports like hockey equipment and baby clothes, for an estimated $76-million in savings for consumers, the government was, in the very same budget, raising tariff rates on imports from 72 countries, which was expected to bring in an extra $330-million in duties.
Friends, math is not my strong suit, but I am certain that 76 is far less than 330.
How do these tariffs impact consumers? Cotton T-shirts and pants are subject to an 18% tariff in Canada, as are bed linens. Automobile parts, hair dryers, bicycles, lamps, mattresses, hats, shoes, suitcases, and on and on. If you bought something in Canada, you probably absorbed the cost of a tariff on it. Why do these things persist in a world where free trade is supposed to be the order of the day? In a submission to the Senate Finance Committee last year, the Retail Council of Canada argued that many tariffs remain in place simply because they have never been challenged by free-trade disputes. It’s almost philosophical. Why do these tariffs exist? Because they do.
And that’s not all. In a submission to that same finance committee, which was studying why Canadian retail prices remain stubbornly higher than in the United States, Canadian Tire said it examined 15,697 imported products and found that 78% of them had a higher tariff rate in Canada than they did in the United States. We call ourselves a free-trading nation? Our legislators should be ashamed to even utter that phrase.
In theory, tariffs are meant to protect domestic manufacturers, but that’s a theory that should hold much less sway today. Domestic manufacturers have in many cases
✓ Right, again! We need real free trade now!
already moved production overseas in order to remain competitive in a global market. Why impose tariffs on clothing, when domestic clothing-makers produce everything
Don't wait to negotiate it away, just do it.
in foreign countries? The world changed, and manufacturers adapted. Our government, tragically, has not.
The tariff situation is particularly egregious in the case of automobiles. The rate on vehicles imported from non-NAFTA countries is 6.1% in Canada, compared with 2.5% in the United States. And it is routinely true that vehicles that are manufactured in Canada can be purchased for less money in the U.S. than within our borders. As the Senate Finance Committee noted, someone could visit a dealership within walking distance of GM’s Camaro plant in Oshawa and face a list price of almost $5,000 higher than the list price of the same car — in Hawaii. To put a finer point on it, it could well be cheaper to ship a GM car across half the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to Seattle (an $1,100 expense) and drive it to Vancouver, than to buy the car in this country, where it is made (although you’ll still have to pay Canadian tariffs and taxes at the border).
There are so many other ways in which our government buries consumer interests beneath some other dubious policy goal. Sure, this government has cut the GST by two points, and that’s all to
the good. But gasoline prices, after all taxes are included, remain about 30% higher here than in the United States. Or consider air travel. Canadians have long been used to paying some of the
✘ Not so fast.
highest costs for flights in the world, even for short domestic trips. When the government finally decided to do something about the fact that someone in Toronto, once all the taxes and fees are
Governments need money.
included, is paying twice the costs of the equivalent flight out of Buffalo, did the government cut taxes and regulations to lower costs? No, it passed a “passenger bill of rights” that simply forced
Consumption taxes are better than income taxes
the airlines to include all the fees up front. Thanks for that, Ottawa. Now we really know how badly we are being screwed.
In Canada, when someone decides to subscribe to a cable or satellite television service, he is immediately subjected to choosing large bundles of channels, even if he would only like to
watch a few. Our government-sanctioned broadcast regulator is forever deciding what channels consumers will pay for. But shouldn’t the choice be the other way around? Can we not
✓ Yes, again!
have the basic freedom to choose which channels we want to pay for?
Also on the culture front, our governments charge us levies every time we buy blank digital media, such as recordable CDs and — if you’re still into that sort of thing — cassettes. At $0.30 per blank CD, the levy surpasses the cost of the actual product. The revenue collected is redirected to musical performers as supposed recompense for fans copying their music. As if anyone copies music using cassettes and CDs anymore.
And consider this little nugget, something called the de minimus threshold, which is the limit below which you can have something purchased and shipped to your country without paying duty and taxes. In Canada, it is a ridiculously low $20. In the U.S., it’s $200. So a Canadian who orders a $24.99 book from a U.S. seller will usually end up paying about twice the retail price once all the taxes and fees are added. Online shopping should be a staple of our modern economy, and yet that low threshold only serves to choke it off.
I could go on all day, friends, but I realize most of you have jobs you should be getting to. I would suggest ending by raising our glasses to a consumer-friendly future, but of course it’s too
early to buy a bottle of anything other than water around here. Our provinces regulate the sale of alcohol so tightly that it’s as though our leaders think the ability to buy a bottle of Burgundy
I agree, but it's a provincial matter, not federal
from a corner store at 10 p.m. will lead to total societal breakdown. Have Alberta, B.C., and Quebec, which have loosened restrictions on the sale of alcohol, been rendered wastelands?
Alcohol is also a tragic example of the trade barriers that persist between provinces. Most of our provinces are still stuck with Prohibition-era laws that restrict the flow of wine and other libations, even within our own borders. Ottawa has the power to force telecom companies to end four-year cellular phone contracts (something consumers could always avoid by, get this, not signing one); it can find a way to persuade our provinces to end the temperance-era tyranny on beer and wine. It succeeded with bringing (most) provinces to their senses with the HST, it can sure as heck do it with Chardonnay.
My friends, the path for our government is clear. Our “Conservative” government can stop right now with the token half-measures and populist, pandering crackdown on the practices of credit-card companies, telcos and airlines. It is time to embrace an authentically consumer-friendly agenda. Emancipate our cows and chickens. Tear down the tariff walls. Free our airwaves. Liberate our booze. And, in short, do all that can be done to encourage competition and truly free trade. This is what will really benefit the consumers you purport to care so much about — and with it, our economy. We have heard a lot, Mr. Harper, about your strong, stable, national majority government. Now do something useful with it.
With apologies to John F. Kennedy, we stand for freedom. And lower prices.
National Post
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