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Powers of arrest conflict??

Fawkes said:
Why would you want to be a Res MP ??? 

You do policing several long hours a week. Would you not want to do something totally different and learn new skills .... experience new things ???

Because I liked the army and wouldn't mind getting a bit more Army in while I can..as I now like law enforcement ..why not combine that with the army. It would be new to me as far as the CF goes and a perfect fit I thought with the PRes. Unfortunately it seems it isn't ! HA!
BUT...I realize there isn't a unit around me, but why wouldn't the PRes want another MP around to use at Vernon camps or go overseas sometime etc etc.. That's all. Especially when you consider I could just throw a uniform on and basically be ready to go. Very minor training.
Oh well looks like the PRes is out for me I am NOT going in as a combat arms trade...I saw enough of that in 18 years to know it sucks. (for me at least) Those of yo uthat enjoy it fine..don't get all bent out of shape I am not slamming you..it isn't for this guy that's all. 

Thanks for all the input here folks!!

If you want to do some summer camp stuff and have your foot in the military world, albeit not the full meal deal, why not join the CIC?  The CO for Vernon for the last several years has been a serving RCMP member out of the lower mainland and there have been a few other current and retired members who have been in various positions there over the last few years as well.  I'm not totally sure what the current situation is with the Cadet Corps in Revelstoke but last I heard they'd be very happy to have someone with your experience on board.  If you're interested, I'd be more than happy to PM you a name to contact.
Insp. Terry Koppan is was the CO of Vernon.He is the administrative assistan to the Commisioner of 'E' Div.
The RCMP has not changed its policy with respect to Regular Members being allowed to join the Reserves. It recently signed an MOU that would accommodate Civilian Members who wished to serve and volunteer for operational deployments. Regular Members are prohibited based on an old premise that in the event of a major incident that would affect the country on the domestic front, all members must be available to deploy in response to RCMP operations. There would be an obvious conflict say if in the event of another ice storm, flood or security issue similar to Oka, if a member was obligated to serve the RCMP and the CF at the same time. Having said that, RCMP members are allowed to work with cadet corps as part of the Cadet Instructor's List.
Yes RCMP members can be a commission officer in the Reserve as a CIC not the CIL.
Policy has changed regarding Regular members joining the PRes...Search the topic.
It most definitely has been changed! Either that or I may have been dreaming about being on pde yesterday in a green uniform!

S&S pm me if you want the rundown on the issue from the coalface so to speak.

I will gladly swallow a huge chunk of humble pie if you are telling me Force Policy has changed and I can get back into it. I'm going to venture a guess it is in AM, is it under a bulletin or green sheet?
S&S -PM sent.

If you want to read about the history of the issue, check it out on the RCMP in the PRes thread.

Noneck :cdn: